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Titre (dev): Pause and watch friend fuck her [m4f] [1 pic] (For Classic)
Difficulté: Gratuit (1)
Take a break while your friend deals with her Take a break while your friend deals with her

Take a break while your friend deals with her

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Description [PDV Attaque] (anglais):
You're desperately in need of a break, but luckily for you, you've got a friend who's willing to help. You lie back and rest while he fucks her to keep her occupied.

Bot dialog (anglais):
Take good care of my friend, will you?



Description [PDV Victime] (anglais):
Your opponent is tired and you both know it. Now would be the time to strike! But he's got a friend, keeping you in place on his cock while your opponent just lies back to rest.

Scène 1: default



Kinks: Domination masculine | Threesome/Participation de l'audience


Type of action: | Fucking | Fuck girl top

Dernière mise à jour : vendredi 30 août 2024 14h43


- Surely this action shouldn't appear as an option for me when I don't have the "audience participation (giving)" kink activated? I don't like actions with multiple guys in.

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