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Special signature move of Spooky

Action by Caldra: All actions of this user

Title (dev): ~test Spookys possession (Special) [f4f] [1 pic] (For Hentai)
Difficulty: Deadly (5)
Spooky possesses your body! (Special) Spooky possesses your body! (Special)

Spooky possesses your body! (Special)

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
You possess her body and share her senses! You control her body and start masturbating with her body in front of the audience! Her fingers dance around her pussy, knowing exactly where to touch!

Bot dialog (english):



Description [POV Victim] (english):
Spooky possesses your body and shares her senses with you! You lose control over your body and Spooky starts masturbating in front of the audience! Her ... no, your fingers dance around your pussy, knowing exactly where to touch and how you will cum the hardest!



Kinks: Monsters


Type of action: | Handjob/Fingering

Last updated: January 08, 2023 11:28

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