Hacky (Niveau 7) mail warning

Inserting a payload in the pussywall ...

Hétéro / Dominant(e) et soumis(e)

For the blackmail to work, i will made up the info.

Not in Jail anymore — Escaped from Jail using the mail service.

This picture was taken during my Trial in Court. Forget about that. I managed to delete it for good.

Hacky is diabetic. It mean than if my stamina go to zero during an hardcore action, i need to skip turns (based on a dice).

Body Hacking by Remote Mind Hacking

If i manage to make you cum one time, after that orgasm, i've hack your mind and can mostly control your body. That mean than you need to roll every turn. And i can choose your action in certains conditions explain below.

You need to have been collared or tailplug by me

Collar 23456 to play. Else, i choose your action.
Tailplug 3456 to play. Else, i choose your action.
Collar + Tailplug 456 to play. Else i choose your action.

The tailplug is remove for any anal action.



I will made up the info in RP and will use then during the game. We will use a d100.

We test if Blackmail work or backfire :

If d100 ⩾ 90% : Blackmail work and you skip.
If d100 ⩾ 70% : Blackmail mostly work and i choose your action. You are force to play it.
If d100 > 55% : We are struggling. You choose your action but not the one i've decide.
If d100 ⩾ 45% : Nothing happen.
If d100 > 30% : Blackmail backfire as we are struggling. Next turn, you choose my action for me and i can't play it. I need to play something else.
If d100 > 10% : Blackmail mostly backfire. Next turn, you choose my action and i'm force to play it.
If d100 > 0% : Blackmail backfire totally and i skip.

The other way to do it.. we both play a D100. The one who is higher win the blackmail.

To make this rp working, i need you to send me in dm sensitive rp informations than nobody knows. So, who are not written in your profile. To use them against you.

What i do on Ero-Net

I hack people. I hack you. I hack your neighbourg. I know everything about you. What's your favorite dishes, what's the name of your cat. Everything. It's just a safety net, to be able to use those information against you. To know you even before we met. But my main goal is to hack your body, your mind. And i will try over and over again until i manage to force you to submit. Because i'm a hacker and i never give up. Beat me if you can, it doesn't matter, the day when i will vainquish you, you will crawl like a little cutie obedient to everyone of my command.

Personnal features & tools against girls and vocabulary :

Backdoor bruteforce - Ass fucking
Honey Pot - Pussy
Thigh Firewall - ThighJob
Trojan - Dildo

Mind hacked

Hackerman got mindhacked by Ellika when she took his collar and put it around his neck. She made him cum really early letting her plenty of time to play with him as she could mostly control his mind half the time until the end. And. Use it to make him cum and submit to her. Then, she make sure than he got cuffed while she used his body as a plaything for the night.

First time meeting her. First time someone use his tools against him. The irony is sweet knowing than she finally manage to get revenge by mindhacking him after getting bodyhacked by him a couple of days ago.

Then, the second time with Kate, she convince me to cuff me three time. We both got collared. Then, after a couple of blackmail, she finally made me cum with the help of Lena, my girlfriend. I got mindhacked again since i was the one beated at the end ...

Jenna, the lovely girl who can't live without me. It took me 8 orgasms on her to finally manage to retrieve my collar and finally mindhack her. Always defeat, she keep coming back to me over and over again. I think i've a crush.

Kendra got mind hacked by me in Jail rigged on a collar and a tail plug. Submitting in front of a mirror. I've command her to give a blowbang to the audience.

Kinky Sarah got mind hacked by me in Jail. Cuffed, i managed to reverse the balance of power and forcing her to follow my commands. She finished by squirming and cumming for me. Update She came back and got beaten again.

Mindhacked Slut Sarah got all of it. She have a weak mind easy to control. I've hacked her easily. And totally melt her brain. I need to cross her path again to play with my little sub slave.

They survived the mind-hacking

Daliah, the Bunny Queen. Didn't manage to collar her. Only tailplug. I was so close but she beated me.

Guily, the girl who beated me hard with her sexfights skills. No collar, no tailplug. She really used than i was cuffed to grow the gap of pleasure between use. Couldn't do shit.

if we rematch and if i mindhacked you in the past. You need to roll 6 to break free from hypno. Same for me, if you beated me. At the difference than you will be more resistant to hypno. So. 456 to break free on your side.

Beated many times but didn't be able to plug them

Some girls are just lucky. I mean, i've beated them, beated them hard. But, couldn't find any Tailplug or any collar. This is a list of those girls who submit to me without using mindhacking.

Mikaela (x1) , Areia (x1) , Lana (x1) , Emile Roseberry (x2)

Bodies hacked

Imna resisted her vibe at full pace for 8 minutes and 25 seconds before cumming like a little naughty girl.

Ellika resisted her vibe for 14 minutes and 20 seconds like a good little obedient cumming girl who loose a fight against the Little one and accepted my task.

If i've hacked your body in the past and we have a match together. You need to roll 6 to break free from my bondage.


When i hack someone, i let my signature somewhere. If you see this signature below on a profile, it's because i went into someone system.

Sudo apt-get install Erofights.exe

69% in progress

Install dependencies :
Lewd.exe .... Successfull
Backdoor.exe ... Successfull
Horny.exe ... Successfull
Oral.exe ... Successfull
Moan.exe ... Successfull

Install complete.

wc Est hétéro
autorenew Est dominant(e) et soumis(e)
access_time Dernière fois actif : Il y a 9 jours, Créé il y a plus de 2 ans
access_time Heure locale : 22:19
star A 8 étoiles
send Stats
public Parties publiques
timelapse Effets permanents
check Fantasmes OK : Domination féminine, Domination masculine, Hardcore BDSM, Pro Wrestling, Anal (Donner), Douleur, Humiliation, Moquerie, Bondage, Lick Ass (Donner), Threesome/Participation de l'audience, Exhib/Extérieur, Jeux de sperme, Hypnose, Adoration des bites, Contrôle d'orgasme, Medical, Monstres, Alcool
shopping_cart Jouets :


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