I think it should be known that I love this site and will always come back, but finding opponents can be so time draining, especially when I have a life off here. So I will be on here consistently when I can, but I need some people to continue to play with or I just feel like it’s pointless to continue waiting in Matchmaking. I JUST took another LONG break of 3 months. Whether I match up with old or new women, I always am down to play!
I do prefer the Wrestling Ring the most as that's what I'm really here for. I got attracted by the wrestling that this game offers. So I want competitive matches if that's not obvious. I only play other game modes from time to time as there's not enough women to wrestle.
160 wins-54 losses in the Wrestling ring. Not bad for a beginner.😉(I match the record with stats. The game isn't registering all my wins, and some losses are added because of quitting too early)
I defeated the last champion to take the title on March 29, 2024! Then on my first title defense, I lost the belt on March 31, 2024. On December 18, 2024 which is my birthday, I have regained the belt again, but then the same person came back and took their belt back from me making us even
I decided to keep the record going ever since I noticed how well I've been playing as I get back in the ring over and over again. Don't underestimate me!
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