Looking for players to play with no matter if its detailed roleplays or just quick games
Open to pretty much all gamemodes but mostly Hentai LWR and Bad End
Advanced Hypno Rules (optional)
- Hypno-Level-Rules:
- You start the game with Level 0
- Every Hypno action adds 1 Level until you get free.
- Everytime you roll a 1 on a dice roll, you gain 1 Level. (for example: Level 2 --> Level 3)
- After hitting a 5 or 6 (depending on your Hypno Level) you completely break free! (back to Level 0)
Level 1: You have to hit a 5-6 to be free, opponent can choose your actions or make you skip until you get free or your fully hypnotized.
Level 2: For the next two turns, you can't roll to escape, and your opponent chooses your action.
Level 3: The opponent chooses a rule for just this game.
Level 4: If you roll a 2, you can't roll to escape during the next turn, and your opponent chooses your action.
Level 5: The opponent can choose all your actions (max 1 redraw per turn), and you can only escape with a 6 now.
Level Max: You've been fully hypnotized! Your opponent chooses what you have to do (be full sub or dom), and you can no longer role to escape. At the end of the game your opponent may give you a special rule, separate from any bets!
(Order of operations: hypno rolls --> rolls for rules set by hypno level 3 or personal rules)
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