Jet (Niveau 7) mail warning

I’m alive and pretty horny ngl

Hétéro / Soumis(e)

(Cross gender profile)

-Useless Slut Punishment-
This means that if I can’t make my opponent cum once they can add more then one rule or bet or a request (IRL request is on the table) to my profile by how much clothes they still have on.

Hey there I’m Jet, this is my official EF discord account so message me @Cthejet#0913 if you wanna play a match

Also if you want to use me please message me so we can schedule a game

Rey Changed me into this form for a while. Looks like I’m her anal slut for now.

While locked in a cage Alex found me and quickly disposed of me, I couldn’t make her cum once.

A match against Jolly B made me realize how weak I am. I broke out of my cage but she retaliated by fucking my ass repeatedly, it was a humiliating defeat.

Being fucked in my ass.
Being ignored when I say stop (idk it’s really hot)
Bondage, I love being restrained and helpless. It just really gets me going
i have trigger words. Can you find them out?

Anytime an opponent preforms anal on me, I must need to skip my turn and say how much I love having my ass filled (8/10 wins)

every time I have to skip for bondage or hypno I also need to redraw actions if possible (10/10 games)

Every time a cum test comes in I have to edge. If I lose to a bot I have to win 5 more games. (5/5 games won)

I have to roll a 5 or 6 to get out of bondage (Permanent)

When ever someone makes me go down on them, I have to skip your next turn and just keep eating them out. (3/5 games won)

for every anal cum test I have to fail them then skip my next turn (3/5 games won)

Whenever someone spanks me I have to beg for more and skip my turn (3/5 games)

I must start in bondage when I play. (1/5 wins)

I must immediately use any actions related to sucking or licking cock on your turn if any of those options appear (1/5 games won)

you add +1 to your rolls when trying to get out of being hypnotised, meaning a 4+ gets me out (10/10 games lost)

After a lost with the AI called CASSIE, “ You begin your next match in a cage, and can't escape until you roll an 8 on an 8-sided dice. Your opponent can do anything they want to you through the bars but you can only perform actions involving yourself until you escape” (free)

Jolly B locked me away in Chasity now I can’t do any dick moves till I roll a 6. (2/5 games)

I must edge 5 times after I lose a match (1/5 wins)

wc Est hétéro
autorenew Est soumis(e)
access_time Dernière fois actif : Il y a environ un mois, Créé il y a plus de 3 ans
access_time Heure locale : 16:14
star A 3 étoiles
send Stats
vpn_lock Parties privées
timelapse Effets permanents
check Fantasmes OK : Domination féminine, Domination masculine, Hardcore BDSM, Anal, Feminisation, Chasteté, Douleur, Torture de pénis (CBT), Cocu, Pet Play, Humiliation, Moquerie, Bondage, Fetishisme des pieds, Aisselles, Chatouilles, Lick Ass, Threesome/Participation de l'audience, Exhib/Extérieur, Jeux de sperme, Hypnose, Adoration des bites, Pussy Worship (Donner), Contrôle d'orgasme, Latex, Medical, Monstres
shopping_cart Jouets : Gag, Plug Anal, Gode, Dildo à ventouse, Vibro gode, Vibro baguette, Vibro, Pinces pour tétons, Fleshlight, Anneau de pénis, Masseur de prostate, E-Stim, Collier, Laisse, Menottes, Corde, Cage/Ceinture de chasteté, Elastique, Lacets, Ecraseur de pénis, Cravache, Paddle pour fessée, Cire, Grand mirroir


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