Heavily sub-leaning switch. Enjoys/loves starting with equal power, only to lose it all.
I am a Genderfluid person, if you want to play with me as a girl [I'm usually a transgender either way] then my links here: Mai
I'm open to bets [Not any RL bets] as long as they are reasonable.
DM me, I hope to see you :).
Limits: Scat, Gore, Urine, Blood
Giggling: If I know if your weakness, I'm going to giggle about it, especially when i use it on you. This is a sign that I'm highly confident that I'm going to win.
Hypnosis: If I am hypnotized three times in a row without breaking free, I'm severely influenced by commands and will most likely be unable to break free. Therefore, surrendering mentally to you. To break free of this weakness, I must roll 1 of 2 numbers on a 6 sided die. If I fail, then my turn keeps going while still influenced after hypnosis. If I succeed, I break free of the hypnosis and the hypnosis counter resets to 0. [The original use of the action had become nonexistent, therefore I must use dice rules.
Pet Play: If you begin treating me like a kitty, I may just meow. If I do, I'm signaling my slight submission; however, this is only going to work if you've leashed or collared me. Inevitable, using this over and over will cause me to obey.
WIP Profile
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