Escenas de sexo intenso en juegos de rol
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Android mode : A message from Headquarters

Attention, all citizens of EroFights city, this is a priority message for all members of the fight against the Android faction

Congratulations on reaching the goal we gave you. Thanks to your effort, we managed to find out more information about the Androids, and how they managed to achieve consciousness.
The rise of AI, coupled with the vast amount of coughs genetic material spread all over the city somehow managed to develop a new level of awareness in the pleasure androids we were developing.

But thanks to you we have developed new weapons for this fight. We managed to free some of the Androids from the Collective, and after explaining the situation, they agreed to join forces with us to fight against the one they call Big Boner, the "leader" of the Collective.
They gave us precious information but a lot of their accessible data are locked now that they are split from the Collective.

Which brings me to your next objective. Our science team, in collaboration with the newly freed Androids, have come up with a way to hack the Collective while the Androids are still loyal to it. Our studies showed that the connection to the Collective is vulnerable when the Android engage in sex. Your mission will be to infiltrate the Collective, using specific devices that will be available to all of you. Please take a look at those instructions in order to know how to do it : Here for boys and here for girls.

Of course this won't be without risk so be careful not to lose to the Androids while attempting to hack them.

We estimate that 300 successful hacks should give us enough entry points to gather more data.
However, we have only a limited time before the Collective notice that we are using this breach in their security. And of course, if you get captured during the mission, this window of time will narrow.
Previous report from captured people allow us to estimate that they will need about 150 wins before they understand what is happening and fix their security. If this were to happen, the Collective would no doubt make it more difficult for us to act against them.

To conclude this briefing, we have just been informed that the Collective started to send Lesbian Androids in the field to lure in more Erofight Citizens. We recommend to all our Lesbians and Bisexual citizens the greatest caution. But of course, you will also be able to infiltrate the Collective through those new androids this way

Glory to Erofights.

Hello everyone, Clara here to give you some news on Android mode.

Congratulations on reaching the 500 wins before you lose 400 times. As a reward, Herman made it so now Bot can play as Human in the fight, allowing you to play as the Android against them for a change of perspective. I hope you'll enjoy the shift of perspective and won't use it to sabotage the fight, it would be bad if the Collective get more wins than you now isn't it? wink

The new objective is to manage to hack the Collective by using the specific cum test given above. Each success will bring us closer to the goal, but be careful. The successes associated with those test remove less life points from your opponent, meaning you'll need to make them cum more times to win.

And last surprise, Lesbian fights are now available for Androids mode as well. We hope you will enjoy some nice fights and all the new actions that come with it.

A great thank you to Herman for maintaining the mode and creating all those new actions.

Good luck with the next community goal.


Los juegos eróticos sociales de provocación

¡Conoce gente, interpreta escenas de sexo intensas con fotos, recibe y da instrucciones! La premisa del juego clásico es simple: dos jugadores se turnan para excitarse y follarse mutuamente, acercándose cada vez más al orgasmo con cada acción. ¡La primera persona que haga que el otro jugador se corra dos veces gana el juego! Este juego independiente es completamente gratuito y se financia a través de mi Patreon y donaciones en o Ko-fi

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