... anyone wanna RP?
I am more into the seductive art of sexfighting with a good bit of RP.
I love to try to convince you to do as I tell you by getting to your weak spots... if that does not work, you may have found mine instead...
As you can tell, i find both giving and receiving very hot...more recently I even got into pure domming, but thats not for every day!
Oh and I love audience participation... so please cum along!
It seems my kinks are changing these days... if you hit one, i will let you know and skip.
When picking actions I like to go along with the flow instead of using the most competitive one, I would hope the same from you, please...
I love dice rules! Please tell me if you want to use some, some examples and ideas are listed here. Just added rules in general are quite hot.. it could be mutulal or one-sided. I´m up for both but prefer loopsided rules, to be honest...:
and last but not least if i find time, im up for IRL action with people i know already!. I like to use Keiths set of rules... im not good but i will try!
I love a good RP, ideas for future use, all characters m/f/d:
Teacher teaching me to wrestle, using handicaps
Office scenarios: me vs competition
Me vs boss
Me powering out myself early against a more athletic enemy, leaving me no choice but to tap
Veteran sexfighter vs fan that knows all weaknesses of his/her idol
We meet at a work event and have a breakout session... (can be used to shorten RP)
one of us gets themself an escort, wanting to do some playfighting...which escalates
.... tbc
By now I discovered some things I DONT like...
Mostly toilet play, pet play, incest RP, and receiving anal (happy to give, though 😉) as well as one line low effort chat. Please talk to me.
Oh and! please only Light trash talk, i dort like being called whore or cumslut....(although I like cum, but anyway), harder stuff is reserved for people I know well 😘
On my journey through EF i met some special people who i pounce on any opportunity i might get... in no particular order:
Jenna!: i played against you only once but my god, our RP through DMs is the hottest, my neck is yours, pull on that rope, i cannot hide my subby side from you, even if i try~
Katha made me cum IRL by teasing me too hard...damn that was embarassing! Now i have to accept that she really is the german Queen! I can only recommend fighting against her, its a ton of fun!
REI!: Oh my god, she is so cute when she begs... she introduced me to the JOI mode... and let me tell you she is an eager little cute sexy kinky girl... I love watching her squirm and love knowing that she loves it. If you want a good sub, i can recommend
Scar: sometimes it feels like we are soulmates... i know how to turn her on and she knows how to turn me on. Its the best! And if want a hot fight, message her!
If you think you should be on this list, fight me!
It seems i got a praise kink... i will collect random quotes from chat i received over time and share with you all !
What you can expect when i domme you:
"that was honestly the best mindfuck I have had...Ah usually I'm game for another round but that took so much out of me ahaha..Thank yooou for all your time tonight!! It was so so special!!"_
What you can expect in DMs:
(Soooo hot!!! 🥵🥵🥵❤️💋)
Just general praise:
Your definitely an A+ Game partner here