Art... is a form of using human creativity and imagination to take a snapshot of our world in a way that evokes emotion. It is a way for an artist to convey his feelings, his worldview, his ideas, and his reality to anyone who will witness them. Art... art is the essence of Jackson's life and his dedication - no, obsession! - with showing beauty to the world is evident through his painting. And for Jackson, nothing is more beautiful than a woman.
His art debut took the art world by storm as some critics called his methods "crude," "obscene," and even "dirty." Yet others found it "poetic," "profound," and "absolutely delightful." You may wonder why... well, Jackson Pullout's paintbrush is his 7 inch cock and the canvas that he strokes and sprays are the very women he worships. His fans affectionately call him Vincent van Cock, Pablo Dickasso, and Leonardo da Kinky because of his determination and passion to fight for his ideals and methodology to be accepted by the world. You may see him putting on public paint sessions... but if you have interest in being a model for this painter, feel free to reach out!
Hi everyone! This is just a character I made for fun and the sake of making a couple of jokes surrounding a few victory actions centered around a pretty obvious concept lol. In general, I'm a switch-leaning whatever my mood is for that day and pretty open-minded. Feel free to just chat about anything!
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