
Luna VS Shakh "the Disavowed" : Historique listée publiquement (1 tours) (Mode Roleplay (jeu de rôle) activé...)

Norwich City

A new day in the city that Shakh and Luna now call their home. Viewer chat being used for RP - Do not flood it ![er](

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RP will start soon
I woke up just as slowly as any other time, taking a moment to look around the room from my head's spot on the pillow. I lightly ran my hand along your back for a moment as I the sleepy fog cleared from my head before planting a kiss on your forehead and sitting up in the bed. I yawned, stretching out my arms and shifting my legs out from under the covers to firmly plant myself on the floor and stand up. I took another look back at you before slipping on my pants and my boots, then latching the belt I wear around my waist. "Mornin', love."
*Luna rolled over in the bedsheets, nuzzling her head against your chest while slowly opening her eyes and yawning* Good morning my love! *She slowly sat up on the bed and watched you getting dressed, holding the sheets on her chest while rubbing one eye with the other hand.* Today's gonna be a busy day... *She mumbled, still unwilling to get out of bed. You've learnt to know her and you know how lazy she can be when it comes to get out of the bed.*
I chuckled before walking back to the bed and sliding my hand under your back, using my other to slowly pull the covers away from you before pushing you up into a sitting position. "Then you've gotta get up an' ready, dear. I wish we could stay in an' cuddle all the time, but you said today's gonna be busy yourself." I wrapped my arm around your back fully now, sliding you over to the edge of the bed and gently raising you out of it to stand beside it. I gave you another kiss on the head before stepping away to let you get dressed in full.
*Luna sighed and nuzzled her head into your neck, leaving a little kiss on your skin before standing up thanks to your help* I know, I know... I just would love to have more time to cuddle with you. *She murmured while slowly picking up the clothes scattered on the floor last night. She slides her shirt on along with the pants and the boots, picking up her corset and turning around, waiting for you to tie it up* So where we're going first? I'd love to have breakfast but I think we might lose Gladys if we don't hurry up...
I shook my head before flipping open my satchel on my belt and pulling out something wrapped in some kind of parchment or cloth. I unwrapped it and handed you a chunk of jerky meat before taking another piece for myself and snagging a bite out of it with my teeth. "It's salty and it ain't much, but it'll get you fed for now." I gulped down the first piece I bit off before hurriedly shoving the rest of it into my mouth and taking your hand in mine to begin exiting our room and heading for the inn's entrance to leave onto the streets. "If you need more food, tell me. I've got a couple more scraps here in my satchel."
*Luna took the chunk of jerky meat and quickly made it disappear in her mouth, before following you down the stairs, waving her hand to greet the innkeeper, who smiled at her and waved back, wishing you both a good day.* Alright, let's head to the adventurer's guild first! *She smiled and began walking next to you among the streets, holding your hand; the city was lively as usual. After walking for a while you reached up to the adventurer's guild building, walking next to the orphanage yard that today was almost empty if not for a couple early birds that were already playing there. Once inside the building, you see Gladys coming out of her office*
*Gladys walked out of her office and waved at you both, a bit of a concerned expression on her face.* Uh... oh, hey. *She approached the both of you with a couple long steps, before bringing you to a more reserved area.* I don't want people to stick their nose in this, but there's something I would need your help with. There's this weird guy at the church... he came overnight and... his weird behaviour is making the clerics freak out, but they can't surely kick him out of the church. Could you guys go and check for me? I'm incredibly busy with the last things before I depart, so it would mean the world to me if you went there and made sure that he's just a regular creep.
I cocked a brow and looked down at you before looking back up at Gladys and scratching at my chin for a moment. "...Must be a real character if he was able to weird out the clerics. Maybe we oughta take a look, yeah." I looked back down at you, rubbing my hand on your back before moving it back down to your own hand. "You weren't kiddin' about today shapin' out to be busy, already got ourselves a job." I tried to lighten the mood for a bit before looking back at Gladys and nodding at her. "We got it covered. We wish you well with yer proceedin's before ya head out." I shook her hand with the one of mine that wasn't wrapped around yours before turning us to leave the building and head down the street towards the church.
*Luna nodded her head, a bit concerned about what Gladys just told you, automatically bringing one hand in her cleavage to pull out her pendant and hold it in two fingers.* We'll go check, thank you Gladys. Please don't overwork yourself while we're away. *She gave her a gentle smile before turning back and heading out with you. The church wasn't that far away from the adventurer's guild, but Luna hurried over there with fast paced steps, still fidgeting with her pendant, without looking at you or uttering a word*
*As soon as you walk inside the church, the hall is empty, despite for this person kneeled before the altar, his hands united in prayer. Luna felt immediately bad at the sight, her heart pounding inside her chest and her arm wrapping around yours*
I kept my hands clasped together and my eyes shut tight, continuing to mutter out the prayers and words of truth I had come here to spread. Little more than a ten-hour stretch had passed when I begun, causing the clerics to be a bit shaken at the sight. But they would soon know that I am not of any threat to them, my brothers in holy divinity. I heard the doors of the church open and with it came in an unmistakable presence, that of a figure held so dearly to us who truly see the light that Selune had to offer. I opened my eyes and stood up, spinning to face the two that had entered. I stood there for a moment, before grinning and throwing my hands up into the air. "And at last, our prayers have been answered! The avatar herself has arrived, come to assist in the dark plague that has made its way to this land! Does Selune not lead the wayward to salvation, brothers?" I looked over at the clerics, grinning similarly at them as a sense of glee filled me from the presence of someone of such importance.
*Luna stared at the man praying intensely, showing her his back and when he stood up she took a step back, the pendant still in between her fingers. As he turned around, shock and disgust on Luna's face couldn't be hidden. His look was... something horrific. A large scar ran across his face, his dazed eyes laid on her made shivers run along her spine, giving her goosebumps. She closed her eyes fro a second, collecting her thoughts. Selune had sent yet another trial to her, and she maybe was the answer the man was so eagerly looking for.* Brother of the moon... *She spoke, her soft voice echoing through the walls of the church* What brings you here in this city? *She took a step closer, the sunlight coming from outside being a sort of spotlight behind her, making her image even more mystical at the man's eyes* Were you looking for... me? *She asked, a bit scared to know the answer to that question*
"I have come in search for the problem -and- the solution, Oracle of the Moon." I took a knee, bowing my head down before the lady. "And I have found the solution. You. All that is left is to purge the problem from these lands, and be rid of their rot once and for all." I raised my head and pointed at the orc standing closely beside her. "You have had a run in with one of their... serpents. On the same night that the moon disappeared from the sky, plunging us into that cursed darkness. And you let it live." I stood back up, staring at the orc for a moment before shaking my head. "To no fault of your own. You were simply uneducated about the situation, ignorant to the horrid truth of its nature." I turned back to the lady, sticking forward my scarred hands. "You must come with us, come to rid them of any placement they have here. You are the -key-, dear Oracle."
*Luna began to walk closer to the man, taking his horribly scarred hands in her soft and pale ones. She stared deep into his eyes, seeing the same light of a night lit up by the brightest moon. Her thumbs started caressing his hands as she gave him a gentle smile.* So you've come to help, Selune has guided you into the right place. Please, be my guest, be my brother of the moon in this endless night fighting against the darkness of Shar. *She leaned down to him, her words now just a whisper* I felt like no one would've believed me when I realized that a Nightfell ritual was being performed that night, but now... we must put an end to this. *She gave the man a confident look, helping him up* There is no need to call me Oracle, I am no longer one, Silver lady will do sufficiently. And about my companion... he had fought against those horrific creatures alongside with me. He saved me, even. You can trust him. But now please, let's get to a more private place... *She whispered to him, gesturing to Shakh to follow along as she made her way to the private rooms of the church.*
I kept a close eye on the man regardless of his seemingly good intentions. I followed behind you as you guided the man along to the private rooms off from the main hall of the church, taking infrequent glances over my shoulder and around the areas we walked through just for some extra bit of safety. My axe was slung over my shoulder onto my back and I kept a hand at the ready in case I needed to pull it from its spot, should the man decide to do something stupid or lash out for some odd reasoning. I was confused by his presence, even more so at how comfortable you had gotten when you had been put off by him being there just moments before.
*Luna made the both of them sit in front of her in the room, on a large bench before the small altar. Two blue eyes painted on it, surrounded by stars, the symbol of Selune. Luna kneeled in front of the altar and mumbled a short prayer before turning back to them and sitting in front of them.* In these hard times we must collect all of our strength to fight against the darkness. If Selune had made you perceive that a dissacred ritual was being performed, she must've sent you here to help us. Tell me, brother of the moon, what do you know about this dark plague you were talking about earlier? And what can I do to help? Have Shar's cultists made their way into the city? *She began looking at the man before her in search of answers, in search of a way to follow, more determined than ever to bring the light of Selune upon the city.*
I stared off into nothing for but a moment before turning to face you again. "They are... close. Closer than you may have already known. Their influence fogs my mind..." I rubbed a hand over my head for a moment before snapping back in as if I had just realized something. "These people... those who you trust to rule this place, those you call your leaders? They are rotten all the same, corrupted by the festering filth that these serpents spread." I gestured around at the walls of the church before pointing my hands back at you. "This place... it is all that we have left here for certain. Everyone else is a risk, a potential threat of being a husk of their creation. Filled with their rotting essence, made to corrupt those of us who may fight against their plans."
*Luna's concern grew more and more as he went on, her certainties beginning to crumble. She took a look around and then her eyes went back on him* How... how do you know? *She held the pendant hoping that Selune would've showed them both the way to fight in this religious war without too much bloodshed.* Please, please you have to tell me. It is Gladys? Is she corrupted? What did the moon whisper to you? *She mumbled, starting to torture the fabric of her skirt, waiting patiently for him to clear her doubts.*
"How do I know?" I threw my hands up, gazing directly upwards toward the ceiling. "How wouldn't I know? Is it not obvious? They have began to sink their fetid roots into this land, spreading their darkness. Can you not sense this?" I continued to look upwards as I spouted on. "Gladys is of no concern. Those concerns lie out in the forest, further apart from where the killings commenced that night. A sect resides there, lying in wait as they build their cursed strength." I turned back to you, holding my arms out towards you again. "We mustn't linger here too long. With every waking moment we spend waiting, we let them spread."
*Luna nodded her head, taking a deep breath. She closed her eyes and focused on the pendant and she felt like she could breathe into the darkness, that was slowly beginning to spread around them. Soon she felt overwhelmed by all of that, falling in a sort of trance. Her pendant began glowing while her eyes turned white, her head hanging on the side while she believed she was having visions. Visions of the rituals, the dark cloaks, all around the city, menacing the cult of Selune, meancing the poor people's quiet lives. She saw that moonless night, Shar descending upon her and threatening to bring away her light. A cold shiver ran though her and she jumped on her seat screaming* NO! *She looked frightened, curling up with her knees at her chest, looking around herself like she didn't know where she was* S-Shar... we must... stop her... she's... she's here...
I rushed to you immediately after you cried out, bringing you into my arms well and tight. I brushed some hair out of your face and tried to hold your head steady, looking into your eyes. "Woah- woah, easy love. What's goin' on?" I looked back at the strange man, watching him for a moment as he seemed to be sensing something as well. I quickly turned back to you and continued to hold you close, trying to keep you still. "Hey, I'm right here. You gotta steady yourself, love. Easy, now..." I turned back to the man, waving him off to go grab the clerics for some kind of assistance.
*She held on your shoulders continuing to panic, her heart skipping a beat as she looked over the stanger man and extended one arm towards him* No! D-don't leave. Selune sent you... it's... *She looked up at you and gulped loudly, shaking her head, her heartbeat not wanting to pace down.* It's gonna be fine... I... I need to... I need to find them. Somebody did something really awful. And they must be enlightened. This cannot keep going! *She reached your hand and held it tightly, you could feel her fear, her anger, her despair* Tell me where to go, brother of the moon. Tell me where, and I'll be bringing Selune's light upon them.
"Across the river. I will guide you both." I motioned for the both of you to stand and follow along as I started to walk back the way we came through the church. I looked over the clerics as we made our way through the main hall before getting to the doors and pushing them open to head out onto the streets. I caught odd glances and intent stares from many passerby on the street, returning them with double the intensity as we strolled along. As we approached the gates of the city, I put two fingers up to my mouth and let out a loud whistle. A horse came running from out of the nearby forests, joining up next to the two other horses positioned by the gates.
*Luna ran after him, raising the worried looks of the clerics as she followed along, walking at a fast pace through the streets, not even looking back to be sure you were following, this was too much important. She had to put an end to that dark cult that was cursing the whole city. For a single moment when your eyes met, her look seemed the same dazed and frantic one of the man you were following. Without saying a word she hopped on her horse and kicked her heels onto its sides, beginning to gallop at a fast pace, leaving the city behind herself*
I rode along in front of the other two, silently guiding them through the forests that they had ventured into not too long ago. We even passed by the ruins of one of the orc villages, abandoned and decrepit from the damage and lack of upkeep. We kept forging forward at breakneck speeds through the forests until we reached a small river, at which I dismounted from my horse and motioned for you two to do the same. "Not much farther. Just past this stream, and we shall find them soon enough."
*Luna hopped off her horse and followed the man across the river, walking through the dark forest, the trees becoming so deep that the leaves would obscure almost every ray of sun coming down. She felt the pendant pulsating, whispering to her, but only she would've been able to hear its voice. She kept following, silently, listening to this reassuring voice that everything would've been fine, that she would've been able to bring the light into the darkest of the nights. The sun was beginning to set after all that riding, she was feeling unusually tired, her strength abandoning her. But that was no time to give up. She could hear that, the howling of the werewolves, the mortal enemies of Selune. She stopped the man putting one hand on his shoulder* We're close... I can feel them.
I sniffed the air as we crossed along the river and got closer to the rotten beings, their stench becoming more and more potent with the ground we covered. I got lower, hiding my form as much as I could as I slipped a blade out while we walked. I dragged the sharp edge across my palm and swiped my blood over my eyes, creating a long streak across my face similar to some kind of warpaint. I slipped the blade away and glanced around, gaining new insight with each drop of my blood that fell down over my eyes. I pointed out into the trees, towards a very faint blazing light that was somewhat apparent through the treeline. "There. I can see."
*Luna walked behind the man, her hands on her chest as she held her breath trying to be as silent as possible. But, somehow, they knew. One hooded figure made its way through the forest, its grin the only thing visible under the hood. Luna took a step back and realized soon that you were surrounded. As the sun disappeared behind the horizon, leaving you to sink into the darkness, a voice began howling. Then two, then three, then more and more, in a hellish chorus. Under those last rays of sun you saw the men circling around you. They were huge, and this hooded figure was somehow guiding them. Then, as if the sun got eaten, everything became dark. A single scream in that early night casted upon you, Luna's scream.*
(And scene!)
** Shakh "the Disavowed" left the game (definitively). **

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