Feel free to set up the title of the match, I'll go inform everyone the match has started :D
Hah, already did the second half :D
If we're ready to roll, I'll start first~?
woooooo~! go Linlin~!
I burst in cheering
Yup. Still need a min, but I should be done by the time you start
Heya, and thanks~ (and that applies to all as I'm likely to miss out on people here again)
Great! Here we go!
The ring dims for a moment, before bursting back to full brightness as Mariya's new theme song blares across the arena.
(and as slight note, food slated for ~35mins from now, so will be a bit slower typer then)
Still bouncing from her first tournament victory, our heroine practically skips down the ramp, giggling and laughing as she waves at the crowd, stopping to sign some autographs before sliding under the ropes and into the ring. As she leaps to her feet and strikes a pose, a burst of pyrotechnics explode around the ring!
go halloween partner!!
(A carry over joke from my match with Haruka 😂)
As the flash and fanfare eventually stills down, a heavy drum intro of Lin's intro beats down, although looking at the entrance, she's nowhere to be seen. But just as the first words come, a familiar voice joins that in from middle of the stands, all lights darkening with only spotlight on Lin, ramping on the surrounding crowd to "COME ON!", keeping on the chant as she slowly descends to the ring to meet her opponent, shooting her a wink
Hope you two have a LOT of fun~
Hey, don't exclude yourself and rest of the crowd from fun :P
Spotting Linlin and her cheeky little entrance and wink, Mariya sticks her tongue out, before turning around and shook her ass in Linlin's direction, giving it a little spank for good measure.
Well I'll keep that in mind Linlin~
Thanks for being a good host tho
Lin can't help but lick up her lips at the sight, tossing the mic back to the techs and joining the other fighter in the middle, quick stretch limbering her up The crowd seems to be already quite electrified~ Can the same be said about you?~
To answer the question herself, the blonde 'stumbles' at the last moment and drops down on one knee, hand and head thrust forward, one wrapping around the wait for balance while the other reaches in to lick across the fit belly
Oooh, already on your knees for me?
Favouring Lin with a pleased little giggle as her tongue slides across her stomach, Mariya caresses her opponent's cheek lovingly, before turning around.
I know you can't wait to have this though...
Spanking her butt again, she twerks in Lin's face for good measure.
Love this move... xD
Oh you bet~
Lin chuckles as she leans back far enough to fall, but not before reaching between Mariya's legs for her hands, flipping her over herself and down on her back. No time is wasted to hop onto her chest either, a packing bulge starting to rub right between her tits But I hope the same can be said about this, right?~
A mock "O" of surprise frames Mariya's face, before she reverts to her cheeky persona, making a big show of looking down at the bulge and licking her lips. Mmm... I can't wait... but... a girl's gotta get her appetizers in first, right?
Not making an effort to free herself, she grins and lashes out instead, her hand darting forward and tugging at Lin's top, revealing her delicious tits~
Mm... looking good, darling..
Bit surprised nobody else has shown up yet
Americans only now waking up, to be fair
It is the afternoon on a Wednesday
europeans still finishing their work
and uh... significant number of lurkers... xD
Fair enough, I tend to wake up around this time
considering Mariya stays in the spot to go for Lin's clothing, the feisty wrassler decides to keep up the advantagous position, pushing her hands down on Mariya's shoulders and pressing in her crotch harder and harder into the other girl's body, starting to constrict her breathing Definitely not a bad thought, especially when I have decent enough appetitizers to show off~ But can you deal with the full meal though?~
And true, we do have 8 watchers at the moment
And heya Ame (and Ruck before that)
Hope everyone's doing well^^
Hehe... I might... so why don't you get it out for me?
She smiles lecherously, sticking her tongue out lewdly, little drops of saliva already dripping on the bulge.
hey all, have fun!
Hi hi, and aye aye
Before Lin could even frame a reply, Mariya throws her legs up and arching her back, unseats her lovely little meal off of her, before catching her and spreading her legs open for the audience!
Oooh, look at these... honk honk!
She laughs gleefully as she gives Lin's breasts a good squeeze
Lin snorts at the honking, the humorous moment distracting her from any pain that the stretching might have caused Honking, really?! If we're doing noises, I have a much better idea~
Now herself the one not to resist the bind, she reaches back blindly for the panties sticking a bit out of Mariya's shorts, giving them as hard a wedgie as she can with the awkward position, making sure to move it a bit back and forth to rub against Mariya's lower lips
Ow ow ow...!
Like a fish on a hook, Mariya is lifted slightly by the wedgie, turned on despite the pain, she decides that she's had enough of all wrestling for now, and pushed Lin on the shoulder, making her lie on the floor.
That wasn't very nice, Lin!
A mock-huff, before she couldn't keep it together and broke character, smiling again.
Now you have to kiss it better...
Straddling the blonde, Mariya sat on Lin's face, rubbing her ass against her face while her own head made its way between Lin's legs, licking at the fabric protecting that sweet bulge~
Oh alright, alright, I'm not a bully~
Lin giggles as Mariya plants herself on top of her, not just kissing the crotch, but groping her ass and lightly digging in fingers, fondling and massaging the cheeks as they get lightly mangled between them. At the same time, Lin's bulge stirs from the attention it receives, trying to break out of the tight confines, a few moans escaping from the aroused fightress
Mmm... yess.. just like that...
Mewling and moaning, Mariya rubs and grinds her rear against Linlin's tongue, her face pressed against Linlin's crotch, the lustful moans sends vibrations up the bulge she has been worshipping.
Sorry I'm late everyone. There was a massive queue at the hotdog stall.
Hey Emma. How's it going?
Ooooh, and hotdogs. Always a nice pick
Don't... stop...!
In this absurd position, Mariya looks like she's talking to Lin's bulge, the proximity to something so potent obviously driving her crazy with lust
Hey Draco. *waves
no hot doggos as hot as the ones in the stands, though
points at Amelia and invisible Feebie that surely is somewhere around
Don't worry, the queue was so long that I got extras to save myself going back. You can have one if you like.
Ladies, gentlemen, how are you?
Grabs a chair to sit on
Heh. Makes a change for me to give a boy sausage for once! 🤭
smiles and waves when Linlin points at me
Welcome to all newcomers :D
eventually though, it has to stop, although it's a question how quickly does Mariya realize that, because Lin's shorts never leave her face, only the fighter who had sneakily slipped out of them and rolled back to the opposite corner to rest and watch, keeping quiet until the fight comes back to her
Arrowing eyebrows Is that possible Draco?
(as you might understand, food arrived, so slower typing mode engage)
Ohhh Linlin... right theeeereee.... mmm, I need it now...
She reaches for the shorts, trying to pull it down, only to open her eyes and see that they're empty!
(Bonapetite, miss )
Heyyy, what the ffff
Not even bothering to finish, she gets on her feet, arms on her waist, and rounds on to Linlin in the corner.
nods head)
I mean... yeah Connor, it is
That was a dirty trick, missie!
Stomping towards her so that they're chest-to-chest, her angry expression turns lewd as a hand reaches up and cups Lin's bulge, barely hidden under the panties
So doing the opposite is also possible? Interesting...
Now no more games, give it to me~
Yeah, it really is a world full of surprises haha
You got that right :P
Lin tried to go for a fake gasp, but the aggressiveness of the crotchgrab makes her yell out more loudly, breaking her composure for a moment as she stirs in the spot. Not fully out of the fight though, she goes for the exactly same trick, Mariya's words getting parroted out in her own voice, a bit played up in mocking fashion Give it to me!~
as a hand swoops down right inside Mariya's undergarments, a finger slipping just between more fleshy folds, the hand then pulling up and wriggling to tease her up just as much
Mariya nearly jumps from the shock of Linlin's touch. Forcing herself to bite down on her lower lip, she looks Lin in the eyes in what she hoped to me a smouldering, seductive gaze. Mmm, you like this don't you? Go on, touch me like that... while I play with this delightful, hard... mmmh...*
Her words trail off as she starts stroking it through the fabric of Lin's panties, taunting her with little kissy faces. I can do this aaaaall day... can you? Better take those panties off before I make you blow inside them~
And..... that's precisely what Lin does, except not for the panties that Mariya probably intended. The hand inside them twists backwards and clutches onto them, while she plants the other hand against Mariya's chest, Lin thrusting all her weight to shove the other girl away from her and make her fall over, clothes staying in the hand that got them grasped Well thanks for the permission, Mariya~
a cheeky wink and wiggle comes from the feisty blonde, shaking the clothes in front of Mariya like it was a red flag for the bull, before tossing them out into the crowd Hope you don't mind some fan having those~
A fake offended gasp escaped Mariya's lips as she tries her best to cover her chest You're horrible! Are you trying to starve me out, hmm?
Rolling her body forward, she catapults up and smashes into Lin, forcing her into the corner. Showering kisses over anything she can get her lips on, she works her way down, before lifting Lin's leg up, one after the other, and takes off her shoes, throwing them into the crowd! This done, she turns back to Lin and gives sticks her tongue out at her.
Throws Lins shoes into the crowd, heedless of the danger and possible legal consequences
As long as you don't throw them at bushes
Lin instead of faking anything laughs out and stays merry and gleeful, cackling and squirming as Mariya goes all over her Really?~ A pair of sneakers counting as "even"? No no no no, we're not playing that farce... TIMEOUT!
saying that, Lin once again shoves Mariya all the way back to the other side of the ring, immediately after turning to the DJ stand Let's get this crowd wild!
Suddenly finds myself smacked by panties and shoes when they were thrown out of the ring
Guess that's another tournament competitor taken out 😂
As the DJ scrambles to play what was planned on occassions like that, Lin quickly shakes off her own panties, spinning them over her head as she starts singing a slightly corrupted version of the chorus that plays in
I'm falling in love with your favorite girl // I'm gonna fuck her all night long // I'm gonna bang with somebody // Bang with somebody // Bang, Bang, Bang~
the spinning panties eventually flinging out to double KO Amelia
Unable to keep her lust in check at the show and the implication of those lyrics in relation to her, Mariya just looks at Linlin, eyes resting on that liberated erection. Without thinking, she starts touching herself, licking her wet lips...
Come here... let me... mmh...
Kisses the wolfie's cheek to revive her
The wolfie cheeks blushes from that kiss as I slowly come to
Lin snickers, immediately pouncing onto Mariya as if compelled to by her words, giving her n chance to react before she's stripped off her upper clothes too, this time mercifully thrown into the other side of crowd away from the wolfgirl. And as the song still keeps on playing for now, Lin just keeps on repeating together with the band Bang (bang) // Bang (bang) // Bang (bang)...
as if trying to mesmerize her opponent further on
Rubs my head and mumbles a bit ...what...happened?
You got knocked out briefly
ahem... last I checked neither of us wore briefs
Blushes even more from hearing that as I look at Draco I got knocked out...ummm...by what?
giggles from hearing that
A soft red blush colours Mariya's face as she finds her perky breasts exposed to her opponent. As Lin continues to sing her lewd little song though, it allows Mariya to regain some of her composure, and she starts to play along with the bit.
And well... some shoes and panties
blushes even more as a sheepish look appears on my face
Spank! Bang...
Her wet finger sneaks its way into Lin's unguarded rear. Bang!
She fingers Lin forcefully, causing her to pitch over just enough for Mariya to take her breast into her mouth Bamfgff...!
Pats Amelia's head Cute
Smiles brightly as my tail wags happily from Draco's pat on my head Mhhhmm~
Bang (bang) // Bannnnnnnnghhhhhhh~
the song gets quickly interrupted as Lin once again stirs in the spot, groaning as the sudden shock of pleasure comes over her. Once that's shaken off though, Lin decides to fight on by bouncing backwards onto Mariya's body, sitting on her (and getting that finger stuck even deeper, right against her prostate, causing even louder moans and shakes), a hand shooting forward for a hole just as unprotected, a fingering war started in earnest as two fingers dig in search of any sensitive spots inside, wriggling and digging about just as aggressively and passionately
Ooooo interesting matchup
Despite giving as good as she's getting, Mariya had to restrain herself from rolling her eyes in pleasure, Lin's advantageous position giving her the edge. Changing tact once more, she pulls her finger out of Lin, spanking her a few times just to prove some kind of point, and then hauled Lin off of her. Panting and her arousal already leaking down her leg, Mariya wastes no time in drawing Lin up in a camel clutch, making sure her opponent's hands cannot reach her while she exploited Lin's prostate~
Hi Mariya. And good luck you two
I don't know either of you so I'm not going to pick sides.... Go team orgasms !
Kat! Root for Linlin
I rode in her backpack!
That's a huge backpack 🎒😄
It's hard to say if it's the pleasure, the pain, the fatigue, or what not - but Lin stays in the spot, flailing about ineffectually and moaning both from how pleasant, and how exhausting the position she's in right now
You know what ... Cause I'm feeling it...
Let's go LinLin!
Team orgasms is always a good team to shout for
but I'll thank for the shoutout too :P
And Ruckie did need a lot of carrying back then 🤭
Hehe, giving up? But I'm not done toying with you yet...
With another sharp slap across the flanks, Mariya gets up, walking towards her corner and sitting on the ropes, waiting for Lin to recover
I can say I know the feeling... I think I'm carrying USA on my back 😂
That's a very big back
Have I scored more points than you yet ruck ?
I've only played one ton match, I think
more foreign guys than girls. Especially since Savannah wandered away
It takes a few moments for Linlin to get back on her knees, grabbing onto her bra and fanning it up and down to relieve herself and rest, giving quite a sneakpeek for everyone, partner and crowd alike, before hiding her pillowy mounds, reminding Mariya that she still had something to remove Fuck, that was ghoooooood~ Why you runnin' though?~ I thought you were ~desperate~ for me~
But either way .. seems I'm carrying Rucki as well 😊
shrug you're welcome to test your strength whenever 😘
Heee~ Your cute butt was nice, but you know what I want...
Her gaze lingers down on Lin's bulge, before coming up again.
I'm sure at some point our paths will cross
Who knows maybe in my league 😁
But still... this
is a tournament match, so I guess I should
try to win?
which I fully intend to win ;)
Mariya, no pressure, just sub!
Get her LinLin !
Also first matches will drop Feb 1st ruck. So keep an eye open for a dm 😉
With a little smirk, she crouches down, hand reaching behind the base of the turnbuckle, and pulls out a strap on, dangling it on one finger. Putting it on, a sudden burst of speed closes the distance between them. Just as Lin seems about to catch her, she feints, goes around her opponent, and presses herself against Lin's already prepped ass...
You're gonna enjoy this, my darling~
as if I don't constantly have a window open
You got this mariya
Whoooo! Go Linlin!
Hey, where are y-----WHOOOOGH~
she does indeed enjoy this very much, leaning back to nuzzle against Mariya as she gets skewered from behind, riding on herself and not retreating from the position she got put in. At the same time, though, she makes sure that Mariya doesn't get too much in control, one hand reaching for her mouth and shutting her up with nearly all fingers sliding in and thrusting hard in to lay the black-haired girl on the mat, while the other hand skewers the same amount of fingers right under the strapped dildo, the tournament-legal strapons having fighters' genitals still fully exposed You.... you as well, hon~
she manages to sputter out, her body going harder and harder on the dildo at the same time to try and pin the smaller girl down by her crotch as well as her mouth
Mmfff... mmffphhh!!!
Mariya kicks her legs out into the air, achieving nothing but a clippable 5 second meme. Eventually just giving up, she let's Lin have her fun, content and even a little smug as she gets a front-row seat to Lin losing herself on her strappy
And thanks Vanessa, finally, someone believes.. xD
You can do it... Make her a mess lol
Mariya must have gone too distracted or relaxed by the show, because Lin does still have the fight fully in her, hopping up a bit grabbing Mariya's hands with now thoroughly wet fingers, twisting her around to face the mat, one hand twisted around her back while the other is woven down under to reach all the way for her own pussy You know, it's unfair that I'm all soppingly wet now from thrusting all over and in you, and you meanwhile don't get the same jerking me. How about we fix that?~
saying that, Lin slips her hand up a bit to clutch Mariya's fingers all bunched up, thrusting them in her own wetted hole to please herself
Hey lookie there, my signature :P
gotta pick it :)
The thing I played once asides from the game in all its existence :D
from the game now*
Ooohhh...! Aaah...
Moaning into the mat, Mariya for the moment has no witty response... until something comes to her. Something... heheheheheh
Gritting her teeth, she twists and turns, before finally succeeding in her silly plan, the plastic cock slingshotting and slapping Lin's thigh with a loud POP!
Oh look, it's your friend... how about we go and... take a ride together?
Pinching Lin's nipples and pulling them up so that Lin's body rises, she cheekily aligns her strappy under her before letting her fall back down where she belongs...
and once again, Lin rides on willingly, seemingly more buttslutty than usual as she gives the show to everyone in the crowd, her tits and girldick shaking vividly with each bounce. Then again, the hops up and slams down do be quite forceful, threatening to once again pin Mariya down, strapon's base rubbing right against her clit on a few better aimed bounces
Mmm... yeah... keep bouncing like that for me, sweetheart...
Mariya is in bliss. Lying down as Linlin rides her cock, she licks her lips and makes all kinds of perverted faces as she starts touching herself, groping her tits as she moaned lustfully, feasting on the sight of Linlin's body, just waiting to be conquered...
just looks at those pairs of panties and shoes
Mmm... you're mine..
See something you like? 😂
ears jolt upwards as a blushing forms on my cheeks...thinking for a bit Mhhhhhm, yes!
Lin giggles and twists about to face Mariya, continuing to ride her energetically, now giving the same show to her opponent. The show is only amplified by her bra acting unruly, sliding up and down her bosom, giving constant flashes and teases. It truly would look like Mariya's words were true, if not for a sultry questioning look from the blonde Oh am I?~
and yet, she bides her time, letting Mariya worry just what would come
😏well, they're yours..
smiles brightly as my tail wags playfully thanks~ 😊
Hmmm.... you know... a minitournament for who wins stripped clothes could be a thing in future~ 🤭
Mmm... yesss...!
With a lustful little moan, Mariya's hands clap on to either side of Linlin's waist, and forces her all the way down to the base of the strappy. Hauling herself up, Mariya soon upends the current order, toppling Lin and pinning her down, fucking that tight ass vigorously
Woo o/ Sounds great! 😍
Mine mine mine mine mine...!
its of amelia i was staring at the same thing lol
is resisting cumming (25% chance of cum) => Resisted!
As she's pinned down, Lin seemingly gives in to the fucking completely, reaching over to start jerking herself - but it's all a trick to only edge herself, using a few tricks she knows of her own body over numerous masturbation sessions to stop herself short from orgasm, legs eventually twisting down to kick off her fucker Okay okay, you had your go, hon~
Mariya scrambled up into a sitting position, huffing.
Excuse me! I was fucking a cutie's butt! Now lie back down and let me continue!
However, said cutie was already on her feet and charging the other cutie down, grabbing her by the pits and dragging into the corner to give her a bit of comeuppance by all, fucking her face and making her choke on the cock she so desperately seemed to want at the early stages of the fight, towering over her proudly Nuh uh uh~ Only fair is my go right now, no?~
Looking at Linlin with a furious expression, it slowly goes slack and softens into a more amicable look, nodding meekly as she realises she's being fed the main course at long last
Moaning sluttily, she palms her pussy, as if getting high on her supply of cock
all part of the plan mariya
you get that load girl lol
Hey, what do you think you're doing?~
Lin grabs onto that rubbing hand and makes it swat over her own pussy before moving away If there's anything filling your pussy -
she starts her pouting by twisting Mariya around once again, shoving her face against the mat while her ass is pushed up - it's a thick and hard girldick~
Lin giggles slightly before cooing out as she wastes no time to slip in and start thrusting in with little mercy, going hard and fast from the very first second, mounting on top of Mariya in a more stable pose, so that Lin could grab onto the other girl's mouth and stretch it wide open, letting her watch the crowd's reaction at such dominant doggying
Utterly cock-drunk, Mariya looks at the audience and lets her tongue out, drooling on to the mat as she's pounded silly. Her desperate attempts to clench around Linlin's cock and milk it constantly frustrated by the furious pace of her thrusts
Don't... stop...!
😋hope everyone's enjoying the show
Yes, so much fun~
Stop?!~ Phah, as if~
Lin looks even a bit wounded by such statement, flipping Mariya over to make her face the blonde pounding her, especially as she somehow manages to squirm two fingers in right between her cock and clit, stimulating it from the inside as Lin keeps her furious thrusting, getting Mariya real close to her edge Besides, I'm sure you can beg for more than that~
Mhhh.. yesss... ohhhh...! *Throwing her head back in ecstacy, she simply submits to Linlin's fingers and girlcock, loving this far too much to force it to end. Her hands - her pervy little hands - however, decides that it's time, and swipes up, snatching and snapping Lin's bra before....
Mariya's moans turn to laughter as she gives Lin's breasts a good groping
Unlike last time, it doesn't seem to cause the same reaction from Linlin. On one hand, she seems to be so focused on fucking her partner that she seems to have completely zoned out and turned into a fuckmachine for a moment, still having the stamina to go on with the same ferocity and passion, far beyond what most wrestlers are capable of. But also, Mariya might have not realized how close to the edge of the ring they were fucking, and Lin did spot a fan who was stretching their arms and waiting for the right moment to give Mariya a HONK HONK of her own, timing it up at the same time
is resisting cumming (100% chance of cum) => Came!
(Feel free to RP in that honk honk :P )
(whoever's first get their honkins~)
Mmhh... yesss... give it to me lover... fuck me... fuck me harddd....
drooling and making all sorts of faces, you'd think that it would be this relentless fucking that breaks her, but it was some unseen stranger's hands on her breasts and a loud mocking "HONK HONK" in her ear that sets off her humiliation-fueled orgasm, th squirt so intense and powerful that even Lin had to take a few steps back as Mariya does her best impression of the great deluge
I just love honks so much guys :')
Seeing Mariya so vulnerably exposed at the edge of the ring, I hear those melons call to me like a Siren's song. Before I even realize I'm moving, they're very well within my grasp and I reach out... grasp at the softness and squeeze down twice HONK HONK
i left my room for a minute and i missed the orgasm... sucks to be me i guess i will wait for the next one
don't worry, I think my second will come soon.. xD
thats what i like to hear
Even after getting forced back by that orgasm, Lin needs a moment to actually get out of her 'mood', panting heavily as her body finally warns her about all the strain she put herself under in that frenzied fucking, making her stumble and sway heavily as she stands up, resting against the ropes just as much as Mariya is recovering herself N...not too much?~
she finds in herself to ask a little bit apologetically, trying to keep this friendly even if it is a competitive bout
Pulls my hands back, brushes them off like I've done something of great significance and walks back to my seat.
I sit down for a bit and curl myself up within the floof of my tail to rest a bit, sighing happily at my own warmth.
Several slow, deep breaths later, a shaky hand rises up, and gives a thumb's up
Scritches behind the ear of the floor wolfie girl as she curls up
It's ok mariya I still believe in you
The other hand however, is looking for revenge... scrabbling blindly, he manages to grab the darned honker's arm!
Gtg but I'll believe in you in Spirit
I haul myself up, hand a vice around Amelia's arm. I look at her intensely
snickers as Mariya grabs the wrong person
Oh wait, it's... Isa? STILL VERY NAUGHTY!
Whaaattt Amelia is pure!
just stares back, confused
Then a lewd little kiss follows, before she shoves Isa away and gets to her feet, facing Linlin again
What are you looking at? Get back here and FUCK ME!
Falls onto Amelia, acting like it hurt more than it did to get some affection. Owww
As Mariya faces Lin, she might get a bit startled as she faces her much, much closer than seen before - practically in kissing distance as Lin only needs to nudge herself slightly to smooch her opponent back into the fight, giving another deja vu as her hand shoots in exactly the same manner as it did before, while the girls still had their panties on, thrusting in and searching for spots still needing more pleasuring Give it to me~ Mariya can once again her own voice echoed at her once Lin pulls back from the kiss
*Tilts head, before cutely squealing from Isa falling onto me....hearing her grunts as I latch onto her in a hug....nuzzling close to her...giving a kiss on her forehead...before a bit of curious side of me kicks in...
(...once again hear* her own voice...)
*Deja vu plays in Mariya's head. Pouting a little, she slaps Lin's hand away from her. No! I want that cock!
As my hands wondered onto her chest as I had a playful look on my face as I gave them an adorable squeeze.* HONK HONK
A massive blush was on my cheeks.
Stomping her feet comically, she backs away from Lin, straps her plastic cock back on, and gets a good running start on, tackling Linlin in a blur of motion
You're a bad, bad girl for not giving me what I want...
Kissing Linlin, she thrusts forward, taking Lin's ass. If she wasn't going to get fucked... then she'll do the fucking instead!
is resisting cumming (57% chance of cum) => Resisted!
Honk nation represent 😎
And deja vu keeps playing in Mariya's head, as while Lin looks yet again to have been lost to lust as she gets strapped, a quick play with her dick and fingers makes sure to stop any naughty intentions that Mariya might have had, all ending up in yet another kick off Not learning the lessons, are we?~
Is initially quite pleased by the results of my display, smiling from ear to ear from the kiss to my forehead. Then I feel the creeping grasp of her hands, knowing what's about happen and adopting an expression of shock. Then it happens. The honking. I let out an exaggerated gasp and subtly press my breasts into the honkening hands, looking her with my mock outrage.
I can't believe you've done this u.u
*Then giggles and simply nuzzles up to the Wolfie girl again
it doesn't seem like Lin's moving much out of position this time though.... maybe still tired from the hardcore fucking she gave just moments ago... or maybe still lost to that lust
Daaammnnn she rly do b resisting.
Huff You're... a big bully...!
Slapping Linlin's tits, Mariya flips her over, fucking her hard and fast, raining slaps across that generous rear!
Stay still and let me have my fun..!
it is Linlin after all 😋
Notices that rather pleased expression with that ear to ear smile of hers in the aftermath of that sweet wolfie kiss I just gave to Isa's forehead. A rather curious look was on my face when I witness that expression of shock appearing on her face...my floofy ears perking up from the exaggerated gasp that she lets out before I feel her breasts pressing closer to my hands when I witness that look of mock outrage...As I had an even more massive blush on my face as she says.
My ears perk up from hearing those lovely giggles as I smiled and gave another three kisses to her forehead before nuzzling up to her along with her
Lin looks back at Mariya, smiling wide from cheek to cheek, almost like a Cheshire Cat I can give you
Something seems to snap in Lin at that as she stops moaning and reacting to the buttfucking she's receiving, bending down real low to reach over for Mariya's legs - and pull them even harder than the other time she did this, flipping the smaller girl over yet again, only to give her a rough piledriving as she's much more open this time That's what you wanted, no?!~
Ohhhh..! Y-yessss...! G-give it... aaaah...
Moaning, practically kissing the mat with every thrust, a silly smile blooms across Mariya's face
Yess... more.. more.. I want it all... that cock... yesss..!
Blushes again as ears perked up from hearing that
Eventually the pair crash back down on the mat, Lin twisting herself to scissor in between Mariya's legs for maximum penetration, holding onto one leg for balance to go for the deepest thrusts that she could, wondering if she could reach all the way back Your wish..... my desire~
a pantsy voice responds, Lin seemingly having less steam than last time, even if it's only by voice that one can tell for now
This looks like a 2-0 🤭
You're... goddamn... right... my desire... mine... my thick girlcock... mine to fuck.. mine mine mine...!
A shock of pleasure courses through Mariya's body, and bracing for the orgasm... realises that it wasn't coming. Guess something was lacking... perhaps... a honk?
Huff Blowing some hair off of her face, she reluctantly kicked out, forcing Linlin back before slapping her face a little*
I guess I should
try to resist...
After this begruding statement... she pounces on top of Linlin, sticking her strappy back where it belongs!
I love this tournament!
Is there some kind of reason for that? 😆
Well, if Mariya has to resist, Linlin has.... not to? However that bit of logic seems to work, it does actually 'work', Linlin buckling down and taking the strap, now much more apparent that her body has been strained too much and is in need of some rest, her muscles burning from overexertion, only making the strapping from behind that more intense D...don't..... s.stop~
You would expect that to have been echoed, but it's Lin's own voice, the moment too good to resist indeed
Super sexy ladies doing super sexy moves and making me horny. Although Jodie just took me to my horny limit in a match
She sticks her tongue in Lin's ear, wiggling her hips so that the strap stirs inside her opponent
Your wish... my desire...
With that, she yanks her head up by the hair and gives her a lewd kiss, hips slamming down into Lin with short, firm thrusts
goooooo team horny!
Whooooo Team horny!
and team hoooooooonks!
Lin keeps muttering more than moaning by now, her mind twisted between kissing and begging and expressing her arousal. A few sharper minds might notice that there are glances shot about to weigh in options, some part of Lin's mind still working a plan on how to escape this, but either the moment is not there, or Lin's not feeling that worried yet, giving Mariya full reign of her body for now
Turning Lin around, she breaks the kiss and starts kissing down Lin's body, sucking on those breasts, running her tongue between the cleavage, to the belly, to her... ohh... that hard, throbbing girlcock...lavishing it with kisses, she can't help but touch herself as she pleasures her
blushes once again
redrew a set of actions
Lin huffs out, too pantsy to chuckle proper, as Mariya seems to be just as lost for passion right now, the fight looking more like two lovers enjoying themselves than one forcing down the other.... then again, some fighters in the tournament would say that is exactly the strategy to go for, and Lin is certainly showing that off with how much she has taken and given in, it seemingly both fueling her and making her endure more than many girls could
sees the update and blushes even more
Had to add that in~ 🤭
After what feels like the 69th lewd kiss to Linlin's tip, Mariya huffs, pouts, and slaps the meaty shaft of Lin's girlcock
giggles a bit as well while my ears fluttered in response
What's going on here? Why won't you cum for my...
her face goes slack again as her eyes fixes on the girlcock, and she starts worshipping again
kiss hot...
kiss lips...
kiss mwah... aah...
Then, as if a bolt of lighning strikes Mariya's brain, she slaps herself across the face
Agh! You're cumming, I don't care what I have to do!
Wrapping her legs around Lin, she draws her up into a figure-four headlock!
I'm not-----haaaaghckha-kha-khaaaaaagh!!!
Lin sputters as she struggles to get out of the position, the lock seemingly impervious as she gets choked up. And yet, a lightbulb flashes over Lin's head at that moment.... a strapon dildo fashioned lightbulb, as Mariya's strap rubs against Lin's hair. Well, if you can't fuck her directly, a toy will do, she figures, and soon enough her head twists just enough to make an opening for the pussy grinding into her head, twisting off the dildo from the harness and using it against Mariya, blindly thrusting it about right by her own head, hoping that soon enough her legs will spread no matter what Mariya actually wants
is resisting cumming (94% chance of cum) => Came!
Wooot! Good match Linlin!
H-hey, that's not... nooo... get out... I only want... your... cooock...!
Moaning as a different sensation invades my pussy, I clench around it and cum hard on my own strappy!
Sticking her tongue out, and releasing Linlin, she rubs her clit, drawing out the orgasm as she drenches the mat in her juices
And honk honk honkins~
going out in style
As Lin gets freed and drenched, she smirks back at Mariya, thrusting the dildo a bit more to make sure there's no chance of retaliating, before giving a worthy finisher of a tournament match, hopping up and stepping on the dildo, shoving it in as deep as it can go with her foot and grinding on it with her heel Think you'll need another time for that, Mariya~ Maybe one less heavy on stakes~
saying that, she runs up to one of the turnbuckles and hopping it up, showing off before everyone and bowing, cheering her victory with the crowd
Indeed Ruck, indeed
Note to self...need to learn how to make games in 3 hours so then it's more manageable for my partner^^'
Too lost in bliss, Mariya reaches for the dildo and idly thrusts it in and out of her needy pussy, heedless of what has transpired
thanks for coming out to watch us, folks :D
Thanks for the great time^^
(Hope you had fun x) )
A big cheer for Mariya too for being such a great lover to enjoy~
(And thanks for the game :D)
(Hope you did so much more, even if it didnt go your way :P )
(Was certainly lovely time, even despite the good fortune)
Wooooo! Great match^^
(Oh, I don't care about the outcome, I had a blast 😁)
(Hopefully not too harsh on the ending there :P )
tail wagging wildly
(No, it was perfect 😗)
(Lin does seem to be scoring a bit of heel reputation lately, so thought why not step it up :P )
(Anyway, is it okay if I let you post the log? I need to go deal with something x) )
(literal heel xD)
alright gang, I have to go, so see y'all :D
(And I wonder what that 'something' is~ 🤭)
(Hopefully certain horny feelings needing working off)
Going to bow out too to create the log in first place. Thanks all for coming~