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Action by lllusion: All actions of this user

Title (dev): Remove heels [f4a] [5 pics] (For Classic)
Difficulty: Free (1)
Take off your heels Take off your heels
Take off your heels Take off your heels
Take off your heels Take off your heels
Take off your heels Take off your heels
Take off your heels Take off your heels

Take off your heels

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
You step out of your heels, making sure to emphasize your feet to your partner as you do so.

Bot dialog (english):
See something you like? I was only getting more comfortable.



Description [POV Victim] (english):
She steps out of her heels, giving you a great view of her pretty feet!

Scene 1: default



Kinks: Foot fetish


Type of action: | Undress self

Last updated: February 17, 2024 07:23


- Added bot text, playing off “Oh hell yeah!”

- The final one of these that I could find. I am surprised by how difficult these were to find. I hope you liked them ^^

- Another image that could be added. ^^

- Another image that could be added to this action ^^

- Action split into

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