Old updates

Note that most old news are lost and have been deleted, you won't find here everything ever, but can find that on the discord if you are interested.

2 days ago

New interview : Alice Rose

After a long absence, we're back with another interview, featuring the lovely Alice Rose.
You can read it here

3 days ago



On that day, a thread on the forum will be open, and you might post your character there to register into the tournament. See you in a few days! And if you missed out the rules, CLICK HERE!

10 days ago

Seeking Game Maintainers!

Dear EroFights fans,

In the past months you have been enjoying the arrival of new modes and a steady increase in new actions and features in different game modes.
These do not come by themselves, but need constant work and help from those we call Maintainers.

If you care about a specific mode and have suggested new game actions or improvements to them in the past, please consider becoming a maintainer student so that you can manage the modes of EroFights in the future.
If you are interested please contact a moderator and join our Discord. https://discord.gg/y7nH7pkg

13 days ago

Android mode : A message from Headquarters

Attention, all citizens of EroFights city, this is a priority message for all members of the fight against the Android faction

Congratulations on reaching the goal we gave you. Thanks to your effort, we managed to find out more information about the Androids, and how they managed to achieve consciousness.
The rise of AI, coupled with the vast amount of coughs genetic material spread all over the city somehow managed to develop a new level of awareness in the pleasure androids we were developing.

But thanks to you we have developed new weapons for this fight. We managed to free some of the Androids from the Collective, and after explaining the situation, they agreed to join forces with us to fight against the one they call Big Boner, the "leader" of the Collective.
They gave us precious information but a lot of their accessible data are locked now that they are split from the Collective.

Which brings me to your next objective. Our science team, in collaboration with the newly freed Androids, have come up with a way to hack the Collective while the Androids are still loyal to it. Our studies showed that the connection to the Collective is vulnerable when the Android engage in sex. Your mission will be to infiltrate the Collective, using specific devices that will be available to all of you. Please take a look at those instructions in order to know how to do it : Here for boys and here for girls.

Of course this won't be without risk so be careful not to lose to the Androids while attempting to hack them.

We estimate that 300 successful hacks should give us enough entry points to gather more data.
However, we have only a limited time before the Collective notice that we are using this breach in their security. And of course, if you get captured during the mission, this window of time will narrow.
Previous report from captured people allow us to estimate that they will need about 150 wins before they understand what is happening and fix their security. If this were to happen, the Collective would no doubt make it more difficult for us to act against them.

To conclude this briefing, we have just been informed that the Collective started to send Lesbian Androids in the field to lure in more Erofight Citizens. We recommend to all our Lesbians and Bisexual citizens the greatest caution. But of course, you will also be able to infiltrate the Collective through those new androids this way

Glory to Erofights.

Hello everyone, Clara here to give you some news on Android mode.

Congratulations on reaching the 500 wins before you lose 400 times. As a reward, Herman made it so now Bot can play as Human in the fight, allowing you to play as the Android against them for a change of perspective. I hope you'll enjoy the shift of perspective and won't use it to sabotage the fight, it would be bad if the Collective get more wins than you now isn't it? wink

The new objective is to manage to hack the Collective by using the specific cum test given above. Each success will bring us closer to the goal, but be careful. The successes associated with those test remove less life points from your opponent, meaning you'll need to make them cum more times to win.

And last surprise, Lesbian fights are now available for Androids mode as well. We hope you will enjoy some nice fights and all the new actions that come with it.

A great thank you to Herman for maintaining the mode and creating all those new actions.

Good luck with the next community goal.

28 days ago

Important message

Hello everyone.

Unfortunately we need to talk about an issue that is continuing to be present on EF, ban evasion.

We, the moderators, do our best to ensure that the rules are applied and that those who don't follow the rules are warned accordingly. Sometimes, those warnings aren't heeded and become a ban, for a set duration or in some cases, permanently depending on the severity of the issue.

Some of those that have been banned, may well have been people that you have gotten along with, people that you wouldn't have expected to break the rules of the site.

And some of these individuals will then return to the site and attempt to contact you again.

I know that it is never easy to report someone if you feel that they haven't acted in a way which breaks the rules when interacting with you and that you don't want to be seen to be snitching, but those that we ban have acted against the rules of EF several times, and despite warnings about their conduct, have elected to continue to act in a way which is not appropriate.

Please keep in mind that although you may have had pleasant interactions with some of these individuals, that is not the case for some of your fellow community members who have been treated horribly by these same people. In hiding those who are evading bans it allows them to do more harm to others within the community.

So I ask you, please report those individuals that you know to have been banned if they make contact with you.

It may not be a pleasant thing to do, but ultimately you'll be protecting the wider community by doing so.

about 1 year ago

Bot Update

The AI bot is still quite shaky, it was broken again during the last hours. I'm trying to fix it, and it should work already better, you can retry now.

about 1 year ago

EroFights - A new bot

The AI bot that was available for Patreon since a few months was broken because of lack of maintenance. So I repaired it, and made it more robust in time.

But the good news is... I also opened the bot for everyone! Starting now, the old bot will no longer exist, everyone has the new version of the AI bot, meaning you can now all have nearly meaningful conversations with your bots!

Still the same warning though: The bot can be quite dark, and can go quickly into uncharted territory, if not directly into illegal stuff. If you play a public game speaking with a bot, you'll be held responsible if you voluntarily and repeatedly push it across boundaries of our Code of Conduct.

I also changed the model used by the bot, and it will now continuously evolve over time, so don't hesitate to try it again if you haven't in a few months.

Note for questions about privacy: The bot answers are not generated by the EF server, but by the AI Horde. I think it's pretty safe, and they are not actively reading your conversations, but I cannot guarantee their full privacy. If you speak with the bot, use some common sense: don't tell it secrets, card numbers, etc...

about 1 year ago

Toys: Some updates on commands

I've been playing around a bit with the Solace, and something was bothering me : Not being able to have short loops (you know, 3 strokes, a pause, and go again 😏). Obviously we could play with /lovense pattern but... Felt really too complicated. So I introduced a better way to do it, and the good news is: You can also do it with other toys and functions 🥳 Introducing... The loop!

When you do /lovense in game you will see a slight change in the documentation:
- /lovense <vibrate|rotate|pump|fingering> <value/20> <duration> [victim | attacker | both] [<loopRunningSec>] [<loopPauseSec>]
- /lovense <thrusting> <speed/20> <depth/20> <duration> [victim | attacker | both] [<loopRunningSec>] [<loopPauseSec>]

You can notice two news things:
- Two new argument at the end of the line: loopRunningSec and loopPauseSec. For example, with 3 and 1, it will apply your rhythm for 3 second, then pause for 1, then repeat. That's for all toys.
- A separate line for thrusting. Indeed, thrusting needed to be able to handle depth at the same time.

Some example of interesting commands:
- /lovense thrusting 1 20 15 both 2 1 => Interesting because it allows you to make the Solace run even slower than normal. Indeed, the slowest long stroke is 2s long, so here, we do one stroke, pause for one second, and repeat. (1 = slow speed, 20 = full depth, 15 = 15s in total, both = for everyone with the toy, 2 = 2s running between each pause, 1 = 1s pause)
- /lovense thrusting 20 20 15 both 2 2 => 6 strokes, pause, repeat
- /lovense thrusting 8 20 15 both 2 1 => 3 strokes, pause, repeat

You got the idea, combinations are infinite...

I'll try to build a better interface than commands, at some point, but it's already better for those of you who needed that ☺️

For those of you who haven't got their toys yet, the review of the Solace is in the blog, and they have some good reductions for the Black Friday 😉

about 1 year ago

A new Lovense toy!

I'm glad to announce the release of a new toy in town, the Solace! The Lovense team has been kind to send me one, so I can adapt the game code to its functions, so here is my review ;)

about 1 year ago

Contributor of the month

118 actions over the last two months, a new shower scene for classic and from the inside news I have, she has more things cooking. Thank you Frikka for your amazing work on Classic mode and congratulations for this well earned Contributor of the month award o7

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament - Roleplay Award!

It took a bit of deliberation, but our judges Foxy and Romantic have jointly decided the winner of the Hentai Halloween Tournaments Best Roleplay Award goes to...


Demon Goddess Eva and Lysa !

Here is the award-winning match log: https://www.erofights.com/en/game_histories/1938786/read_logs?secret=snziuk

Roleplaying should be a lot of things. It should be sexy, it should be captivating, but most of all - at least for me - EroFights was never about the game, but more about its people, and how two people playing a match together can lift each other up and bring the best out of each other.

And as such, I am happy to announce that these two excellent roleplayers have won 150 EF Coins, and a Best Roleplayer Award!

The decision did not come easy, as many matches were played to a high standard. And thus, the judges and I have agreed to give an honorable mention to [Amelia](https://www.erofights.com/en/characters/1657873/profile, and a consolation prize of 100 EF Coins!

Congratulations to all winners 🥳

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament - CONCLUSION!

And so ends our first ever Hentai Halloween Tournament, a competition of many firsts! Let's begin by hailing the first champions of the new format, Ruck and Iona!

They each win 300 EF Coins, a free signature move for Hentai mode, and a special First Hentai Halloween Champ badge 😄

To our gallant runners-up, The Romantic of the Opera and Vampire Jodie - well played and well sexfought, as our duo pushed their opponents all the way to a final tiebreaker. They each take home 200 EF Coins!

For those who missed the final match, the log can be seen here!

Image Title

This is the first tournament in EF history that didn't require a replacement or an extension of the round deadline, and for that I must thank all involved in the competition, from the players, reserves, organizing staff, and Moderators - especially Linlin, who has been faithfully updating the tournament news on the homepage. Do give yourselves a congratulatory pat on the back for making this tournament the smoothest ever 😎

And unless I have badly miscounted or misremembered, this is also the first time a Halloween tournament winner has also won the best Halloween costume award! Iona will now have 150 more shiny EF Coins as well as a "Best Halloween Costume 2023" badge for her feat - well done!

With the tournament finished, I will also now invite our judges Romantic and Evilthorn (Foxy) to peruse the tournament logs and determine the first winner of EF's Best Roleplay Award. Please get back to me on that as soon as possible. All of them can be found here after a bit of scrolling

I also recently mooted a 5 v 5 exhibition match between the top 5 players of the tournament and the 5 reserve players who didn't get a run out this time. As Dessy has not responded and Jodie has told me that she's busy, it will be a 4 v 4 battle instead. I will furnish you all with details of that tomorrow. For now, let's bask in a tournament well played and congratulate the winners 🥳


over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Finals, the last update before the finish



Ruck (stick) vs The Romantic of the Opera (carrot, crossgendering) - Wednesday, October 25, 2PM EST/6PM UTC/8PM CEST

^ In this case "All the halloween candy" stands for the winning team's members each gaining 300 EF Coins AND a free signature move, as well as a badge to remind them of their accomplishment, while the runner-ups will have to be happy with a consolation prize of 200 EF Coins each.


As a reminder, we still have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread).

The voting will last until the tournament is over, so it is Wednesday Evening!

Image Title


Ruck vs Vampire Jodie - Match log here

Iona vs The Romantic of the Opera - Match log here

Meanwhile - the match logs of Rounds 1 & 2 can be found here after a bit of scrolling

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Finals, sunday update


Congratulations to Ruck, clinching the win against Vampire Jodie and still keeping the chance for the ultimate victory alive for him and Iona!

Ruck vs Vampire Jodie - Match log here

As a reminder, here's The Romantic's of the Opera win the day before:

Iona vs The Romantic of the Opera - Match log here



Ruck (stick) vs The Romantic of the Opera (carrot, crossgendering) - Wednesday, October 25, 2PM EST/6PM UTC/8PM CEST

^ In this case "All the halloween candy" stands for the winning team's members each gaining 300 EF Coins AND a free signature move, as well as a badge to remind them of their accomplishment, while the runner-ups will have to be happy with a consolation prize of 200 EF Coins each.


As a reminder, we still have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread).

The voting will last until the tournament is over, so it is Wednesday Evening!

Image Title

And finally - the match logs of Rounds 1 & 2 can be found here after a bit of scrolling

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Finals, saturday update


Congratulations to The Romantic of the Opera, bringing the lead to his team after besting Iona in a really heated match!

Iona vs The Romantic of the Opera - Match log here


Will Vampire Jodie overwhelm Ruck and make the finals be a clean sweep for her team, or will Ruck once again clinch it for one final, ultimate Trick or Treat Tiebreak?!

Ruck vs Vampire Jodie - Saturday, October 21, 8:30AM EST/12:30PM UTC/2:30PM CEST


As a reminder, we still have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread). The voting will last until the tournament is over, so it might be this Saturday!

Image Title

And finally - the match logs of Rounds 1 & 2 can be found here after a bit of scrolling

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Finals, thursday update


We now have times for both matches: THIS FRIDAY AND SATURDAY!!!

(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup, once announced)

Iona vs The Romantic of the Opera - Friday, October 20, 3PM EST/ 7PM UTC/9PM CEST
Ruck vs Vampire Jodie - Saturday, October 21, 8:30AM EST/12:30PM UTC/2:30PM CEST


As a reminder, we still have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread). The voting will last until the tournament is over, so it might be this Saturday!

Image Title

And finally - the match logs of Rounds 1 & 2 can be found here after a bit of scrolling

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

The final is ON!


With a bit of surprise and hustle, we just had a Carrot or Stick Tiebreak, and congratulations to Ruck (carrot) for winning the match against Simon (crossgendered as Sara, stick), pushing his team through onto the finals! If you want to see all the hot action, you can do so here!


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup, once announced)

Ruck vs Vampire Jodie
Iona vs The Romantic of the Opera

Finals Deadline (preliminary, need confirmation): Wednesday the 1st!

Image Title

Reserve List:

The Merchant

Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

Full listing for Round 2 games

(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Match log here
Iona vs Simon - Match log here

Tiebreak: Carrot and Stick match, Ruck (carrot) vs Simon (crossgendered as Sara, stick) - Match log here

Move on to finals: Ruck and Iona

The Romantic of the Opera vs Mika the Kitsune - Match log here
Vampire Jodie vs Morky - Match log here

Move on to finals: The Romantic of the Opera and Vampire Jodie

And finally - the match logs of Round 1 can be found here after a bit of scrolling; and we have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread)

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Round 2, tuesday update


Congratulations to Ruck for winning yesterday against Demon Goddess Eva, making it still possible for him and Iona to qualify for the final, as the two teams are now headed into a Trick or Treat Tiebreak! If you want to see all the hot action, you can do so here!


Ruck/Iona and Simon/Eva tiebreak - waiting for update from them


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Match log here
Iona vs Simon - Match log here

Tiebreak needed, details to be announced!

The Romantic of the Opera vs Mika the Kitsune - Match log here
Vampire Jodie vs Morky - Match log here

Move on to finals: The Romantic of the Opera and Vampire Jodie

Round 2 Deadline: Thursday the 26th!

Image Title

Reserve List:

The Merchant

Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

And finally - the match logs of Round 1 can be found here after a bit of scrolling; and we have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread)

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Round 2, monday update


Congratulations to the Romantic of the Opera for winning yesterday against Mika the Kitsune, making him and Vampire Jodie the first finalist pair to qualify! If you want to see all the hot action, you can do so here!


(note: yes, this is less than three hours from this update's publishing)
Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Monday, October 16, 8AM EST/12PM UTC/2PM CEST
If Eva wins today, she and Simon will be the other finalists to duke it out with Romantic and Jodie. But if Ruck can clinch it, we will have a Trick or Treat Tiebreak on our hands!


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Monday, October 16, 8AM EST/12PM UTC/2PM CEST
Iona vs Simon - Match log here

The Romantic of the Opera vs Mika the Kitsune - Match log here
Vampire Jodie vs Morky - Match log here

Move on to finals: The Romantic of the Opera and Vampire Jodie

Round 2 Deadline: Thursday the 26th!

Image Title

Reserve List:

The Merchant

Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

And finally - the match logs of Round 1 can be found here after a bit of scrolling; and we have Halloween Costume Contest voting ongoing, which you can find here (link leads to voting rules, for contestants, go to first post of the thread)

over 1 year ago

Halloween Costume Contest - The Voting Begins

Deadline: Until the tournament ends

Alright everyone, voting for the Halloween Costume Contest begins now! Few basic ground rules:

You can only vote ONCE!
Make sure to bold the name of the person you're voting for.

You can see all the contestants (and then cast your vote in the same forum thread) here!

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Round 2, saturday update + interview


The Hentai Halloween has just finished playing game 2 of 4 of the semifinals right now, and we've barely had time to get interviews out 😮

But hey, at least we got one in - enjoy this little chat Morky and Mika the Kitsune had with our bunny reporter Elena 😄


Two great matches happened, and congratulations are to Jodie and Simon for winning their games against Morky and Iona respectively. If their teammates Romantic and Eva can win in the next two days, we will be already all set for finals! But if not, more Trick or Treat Tiebreak shenanigans might occur! If you want to see the two game logs, you can do so through links below:
Jodie vs Morky
Simon vs Iona


Romantic vs Mika - Sunday, October 15, 3PM EST/7PM UTC/9PM CEST


The registration has CLOSED, and all the contestants can be seen here. We will begin the voting process in the coming days, so watch this space!


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Monday, October 16, 8AM EST/12PM UTC/2PM CEST
Iona vs Simon - Match log here

The Romantic of the Opera vs Mika the Kitsune - Sunday, October 15, 3PM EST/7PM UTC/9PM CEST
Vampire Jodie vs Morky - Match log here

Round 2 Deadline: Thursday the 26th!

Image Title

Reserve List:

The Merchant

Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

And finally - the match logs of Round 1 can be found here after a bit of scrolling

over 1 year ago

A quick update on tournament schedule

Saturday actually has two matches up, just was unannounced. So tomorrow's schedule:

Jodie vs Morky - Saturday, October 14, 6AM EST/10AM UTC/12PM CEST

Iona vs Simon - Saturday, October 14, 11AM EST/3PM UTC/5PM CEST

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Round 2, friday update


We now how have most of the schedule for Round 2 filled in, with these being the times to watch out, starting with this Saturday:

Jodie vs Morky - Saturday, October 14, 6AM EST/10AM UTC/12PM CEST
Iona vs Simon - Saturday, October 14, 11AM EST/3PM UTC/5PM CEST

Romantic vs Mika - Sunday, October 15, 3PM EST/7PM UTC/9PM CEST

Ruck vs Eva - Monday, October 16, 8AM EST/12PM UTC/2PM CEST

Halloween Costume Contest

Also, as additional note: The registration for this is still OPEN until Friday the 13th (THAT'S TODAY!!!), happening here - you still have a few hours to get in. There's also a vote in #polls of EF Discord about whether to extend the Best Roleplay contest to non-tournament participants too. If you're there, why not express your opinion on it?


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Monday, October 16, 8AM EST/12PM UTC/2PM CEST
Iona vs Simon - Saturday, October 14, 11AM EST/3PM UTC/5PM CEST

The Romantic of the Opera vs Mika the Kitsune - Sunday, October 15, 3PM EST/7PM UTC/9PM CEST
Vampire Jodie vs Morky - Saturday, October 14, 6AM EST/10AM UTC/12PM CEST

Round 2 Deadline: Thursday the 26th!

Image Title

Reserve List:

The Merchant

Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

And finally - the match logs of Round 1 can be found here

over 1 year ago

Classic mode : Shower scene expansion

Ladies and gentlemen, folks of Erofights

A short while ago we informed all of you about the new shower scene in classic mode.
Hetero and lesbian play was supported at the launch of this little foamy addition already.
Now we are proud to announce that our dear Linlin took a lot of time and effort to also include our fellow trans players. She added all actions for the player combinations female vs trans, male vs trans and trans vs trans in one go, so now our trans friends can also drag their oppoents into the shower for some steamy lovemaking.
Thanks Linlin for the great work.

over 1 year ago

Hentai Halloween Tournament

Round 2!!!


Congratulations to Romantic in the Opera winning against Amelia and pushing his team to qualify with 2-0 score, Vampire Jodie winning her match earlier in the week! If you want to see Romantic's victory in full detail, you can watch it here.

This also means that we have our other semifinalist assembled - Romantic and Jodie vs Mika and Morky!


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Ruck vs Demon Goddess Eva - Monday, October 16, 8AM ET/12PM UTC/2PM CEST
Iona vs Simon

The Romantic of the Opera vs Mika the Kitsune
Vampire Jodie vs Morky

Round 2 Deadline: Thursday the 26th!

Image Title

Reserve List:

The Merchant

Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

Also, as additional note: The registration for Halloween Costume Contest is still OPEN for registration until Friday the 13th, happening here. There's also a vote in #polls of EF Discord about whether to extend the Best Roleplay contest to non-tournament participants too. If you're there, why not express your opinion on it?

And finally - the match logs of Round 1 for one last time:

Luci, on the sofa vs Demon Goddess Eva - Match log here
Haruka vs Simon - Match log here

Moves on to next round: Demon Goddess Eva and Simon

Ruck vs Lily - Match log here
Iona vs Honorable Samurai CR - Match log here

Moves on to next round: Ruck and Iona

The Romantic of the Opera vs Amelia - Match log here
Vampire Jodie vs Aether - Match log here

Moves on to next round: The Romantic of the Opera and Vampire Jodie

Ghostface Fikri vs Mika the Kitsune - Match log here
Devil Princess Jackey Jane vs Morky - Match log here

Tiebreak: Ghostface Fikri (crossgendered, stick) vs Morky (carrot); Carrot and Stick Tiebreak
Match log here

Moves on to next round: Morky and Mika the Kitsune

over 1 year ago

New blog post

EF Novella Chapter 15

This chapter is far from finished, but given that it's Evilthorn's/Foxy's birthday, and the chapter does involve him a good bit, Winston thought it would be nice if he released part of the chapter for all to enjoy 😄

Happy birthday and happy reading!

over 1 year ago

New blog post

Classic mode has a mini-expansion

Some of you may have noticed that Classic's shower actions have been expanded a little - here's Frikka to talk about that in more detail. Note: currently only for hetero and cis lesbian, transgender support coming soonTM

Shower scene explained

over 1 year ago

The Hentai Halloween Tournament has BEGUN!

Round 1 deadline: Friday the 13th!!!

It is finally time to announce the participants and pairings of 2023 Hentai Halloween Tournament!

But first, after running the sign up lottery, we have the names of the ones who will not join the tournament from the beginning, but will be eligible to substitute missing/forfeiting players:


The Merchant


Phoebe Sunrise
Claire Dimui (Chain Chompie)

The priority order will be the from top to bottom of the appropriate gender list. No need to be sad tho! If a substitute player ends up not partecipating in the tournament, they will be granted a wild card for their next tournament lottery, giving them a secure spot in the next tournament they will join.


Image Title


(Note: the links on times lead to a countdown clock for given matchup)

Luci, on the sofa vs Demon Goddess Eva
Haruka vs Simon

Ruck vs Lily - Saturday, Oct 7, 8AM EST/12PM UTC/2PM CEST
Iona vs Honorable Samurai CR

The Romantic of the Opera vs Amelia
Vampire Jodie vs Aether

Ghostface Fikri vs Mika the Kitsune
Devil Princess Jackey Jane vs Morky - Monday, October 2, 4PM EST/8PM UTC/10PM CEST

Also, as additional note: The registration for Halloween Costume Contest (and the Best Roleplay contest accordingly) is still OPEN for registration until the end of round 1, happening here

over 1 year ago

The registration for Hentai Halloween Tournament is CLOSED!

Just a quick notice that the registration for the tournament is closed. Lucky competitors and their drafted up teams, as well as first round's match-ups will be posted later today.

The registration for Halloween Costume Contest, meanwhile, is still OPEN until the end of round 1, happening here

over 1 year ago

Halloween tournament

Last day of registration

Attention! Today is the last day to register for the Halloween tournament in the following thread

Please note that registrations for the Halloween Costume Contest will be open until the end of Round 1, in their own thread