Alori (Stufe 5) mail warning

Bi / Sub

Hai there! Welcome to my unnecessarily inflated profile. I'm still new to EroFights (Somewhat) but have engaged in RP/ERP many times previously. Happy to have little or zero RP games/chats also, depending on my mood that evening.

Just because your idea or kink isn't present here doesn't mean i won't like to hear or talk about it! :) I cannot stress enough that YOUR imagination and ideas are extremely welcome and hearing what others minds can come up with is what i enjoy most about talking with others.

If you've a cool idea you think would fit my profile, please drop me a message and let me know! This can range from simple formatting suggestions to additions and variations to my current punishments!


Scenario 1

Free Use Post

You approach a wooden post, an elf, stripped naked, bound by her wrists and legs rests helplessly against it. She swings her head side to side, clearly worried. The blindfold wrapped tightly around her head leaves nothing but the mind to imagine what comes next...

Beside her stands a small stone pedestal, an unassuming marker pen and ledger sits atop it. The text "Donations" can be read on it's weathered but sturdy cover. Opening the ledger you find endless pages of empty rows and columns, each labelled "Action" and "location". Confused, you flick through the ledger and stumble upon a crude description scrawled into one of it's pages.

"This slut needs to learn her place, i've left her here as a little gift for any passing adventurers. Please cum on her as you see fit, and use that pen to leave your mark"

You close the ledger and pick up the marker, glancing over at the tied up elf. Arousal builds from within you.... what will you do?

Send me a message to let me know you've cum either on or in me and it will be added to a counter displayed on my profile, also your profile can be tagged in the ledger if you wish.


Times came on: - 6
The Archfiend - 2
Artig - 4
Times came in: - 10
The Archfiend - 3
Artig - 3
Rich - 1
Draco The Breeder - 2
JustJoe - 1
Current body writing marks and their location:
Rich "Obedient Slut" On my forehead.
Artig "Artig's Cumbucket" Above my pussy.
Draco The Breeder "Breedable Beauty" On my right ass cheek.
The Archfiend "Arch was here" on my neck, with an arrow to show where his cock reached down my throat.
JustJoe "JustJoe Property" on my breast.


Devout and unwavering in her cause, the elf's current predicament is nothing but a small roadblock to her plans. She has no doubt her bindings will fail soon and will then be free to continue her journey. "These pesky low-lives will pay for trapping me here, ugh so uncivilized" The elf remains calm and composed, planning out the rest of her trip, ready for when she escapes.


Description and integrity will slowly change based on what actions are taken against me


TRAIT INFORMATION (Think Darkest Dungeon):

Traits are effects, such as buffs or de-buffs that you can place on my character after i have been defeated. These can be whatever your imagination can think of (Provided it follows the rules) These could include lowering my resistance to certain monster types, making me less accurate or do less damage. They can make me weak to certain element types e.g. lightning/fire. Traits can also follow the lines of "Orc lover" or "Weak Willed" Where attacks from orcs do more desire and pleasure damage, or the incubus's hypnosis attacks are harder to resist. Using "Weak Willed" as an example... the incubus has various hypnosis attacks, when prompted you may choose to willingly obey or begrudgingly obey. These being the "naughty" option and the "resist" option. When given the Weak Willed trait... instead of picking the resist option, i must perform a dice throw to decide weather i am allowed to pick resist, if i fail the throw the "trait" wins and i MUST pick the naughty option. Traits can stack to give little hope of fending off certain attacks.

EQUIPMENT INFORMATION (Wearables with fun side effects):

Equipment items are objects that attach to my character... such as a collar or handcuffs. These, just like traits, come with their own challenges. To give examples in a similar vein to traits, items such as an "Armbinder" or "Ankle Weights" could be attached to my character. These could provide negative effects such as being unable to use heavy attacks or two handed actions, or being forced to skip every 5th turn while weighed down by the ankle weights. Equipment restricting the same body part/action can be stacked, such as an armbinder AND handcuffs, however it will not reduce my chances by double, i will simply need to roll to escape twice removing 1 piece each success. Items being attached to the same body part must logically make sense (No double collars duh)

Image Title

Image Title

Image Title

-Must be (loosely) relevant to our battle (Things done to me/how i lost/discussed) (Flexible)

-No more than 3 Traits/Equipment combined (Will be 1/2/3 based on severity of defeat) Will not just press continue so you can lock 3 more on instantly... we will have a fresh match. No we can't play 10 games in a row to make my character unplayable.

-Duplicates are allowed e.g. multiple magic tattoos (Effects stack but not to 100% fail rate. e.g. cannot lower hypnosis resist chance to 0%) (Experimenting with debuffs being able to evolve if afflicted with them repeatedly, "Weak Willed" could evolve into "fully hypnotized", forcing me to pick the most obedient option each time. Whereas effects such as magical/arousal boosting tattoo's could evolve into "uncontrollable lust" forcing me to pick the option which raises pleasure the most ect. ect.)

-No childish requests like "You cannot play with anyone but me" We're all here to have fun, that includes me.

-I will remove traits/equipment as i see fit, this could be due to conflicting items or effects, or unreasonable stacking of downsides (After a little fun like that of course...)

-I will add the trait/equipment name and details of it's effect to my profile, and also add the name of the person who forced it on me if they desire. (For the duration it's applied)

-Severe or long term effects... while exciting, can also become too much very quickly. If the stars align in mood and scenario then i'm willing to discuss it, just don't expect it. Yes i know i can just "delete them whenever i want" but i'm trying to be semi serious at least.

-Traits and Equipment can be beneficial or come with both an upside and downside (Why would somebody be nice?) Or the more likely option... purely negatives. Perhaps a metal corset lowers my energy regeneration but also increases physical damage resist. Not obliged to pick anything good or bad, entirely up to the winner.


-- Alexandria, Succubus Queen Mommy's seduction of my mind through her intricate and arousing descriptions was too much for me to handle, and i unknowingly succumb to her whim. She weaved a careful spell into my mind as we spoke, me being oblivious to her actions.

Succubus's fantasy -- When my partner's RP message goes beyond 3 lines, they may choose my next action. When exceeding 6 lines, they may choose the next 2 actions, and when in excess of 8 lines, they may pick my next 3 actions.

-- Dandy had his mindflayer imprint an irreversible pattern into my mind. Anytime a hypnosis attack is performed i must repeat my phrase "PLEASURE, BREEDING, SUBMISSIVE, SLAVE." and perform a dice roll, 5-6 to act, 1-4 to pass turn.

-- Dandy Fixed a collar tightly around my neck, it's tendrils quickly spread across my body, spreading down my arms, over my chest, towards my legs and also upwards to the top of my head. The roots tangled themselves around my hair, reshaping it into a slutty twin ponytail style. They coalesced around my writs, breasts and either side of my pussy, forming magical cuffs around my wrists and over my stomach and grasping tightly around my ass cheeks. The roots around my breasts and pussy pricked into me sharply, injecting a strange fluid increasing the sensitivity of those areas. (On a Cum Test, rolling a 4/5/6 is an automatic fail. I must roll a dice on breast related actions, 5-6 forces me to skip.) (Removable upon victory against Dandy )

-- Dandy forced me in front of his mimic, it's tentacles constricted my legs, locking me in place. The mimic presented me with 3 cursed items, making me pick one or else i'd be inflicted with them all, after begrudgingly deciding... a glowing thong materialized around my crotch, tightening itself in place before expanding 2 large appendages inwards. One entering my pussy and the other my ass. With it's magical effect preventing my own hands from touching the underwear. The appendages vanish when an item enters me and returns once they're done. (When my pussy is penetrated i must roll a 2/4/5 to keep my turn, when my ass is penetrated i must roll is 1/3/6 to keep my turn)

-- After insulting Dandy 's Mimic and kicking the dormant chest, it decided to return the favour in kind. Tentacles spread outwards from every crack, quickly engulfing my body before lifting me up into the air. The vines made their way into every opening they could find, including my nose and ears, releasing aphrodisiac pheromones directly into my head. Heightening my sensitivity and causing me to instantly give in to lust. I stroked and sucked as many tentacles as i could, completely blank-minded and unaware of my actions. During this a smaller tendril with a glowing rectangle shaped head slowly crept outward from the mimic, making it's way between my legs and pressing firm against my stomach, the head of the tendril started to glow and soon after my stomach had inherited a similar hue. Upon receding the mimic had been sure to leave it's mark for my earlier attitude, branding me with a permanent womb tattoo cursed with terrible effects. (Anytime cum enters my body (Through any means) the tattoo glows and forces me to submit, allowing my opponent to decide my next 3 actions)

((Well if you've made it down here then hai, i hope you like my concepts for playing. I've not had much time to test it out yet... i've no doubt adjustments need to be made. I suppose i'll share a little about myself, though i value my privacy so don't get pushy. MtF - 29, bottom surgery done a few years back. If you don't agree with it then don't talk to me and we'll all go about our business. I've a few mental health issues so if i randomly put out sentences that look ass backwards then sorry in advance. No i don't want a picture of your dick.))

wc Ist Bi
autorenew Ist ein Sub
access_time Zuletzt aktiv: Vor 10 tagen, Erstellt Vor etwa einem Jahr
access_time Ortszeit: 01:03
send Stats
vpn_lock Private Spiele
timelapse Dauerhafte Effekte
check Fetische: Weibliche Dominanz, Männliche Dominanz, Hardcore-BDSM, Anal (erhalten (Passiv)), Keuschheitsgürtel/Käfige, Schmerzen (erhalten (Passiv)), Pet Play (erhalten (Passiv)), Erniedrigung, Verhöhnen, Knechtschaft (erhalten (Passiv)), Kitzeln (erhalten (Passiv)), Dreier/Publikumsbeteiligung, Ausstellung/Outdoor (erhalten (Passiv)), Spermaspiele (erhalten (Passiv)), Hypnose, Orgasm Control, Breeding (erhalten (Passiv)), Latex (erhalten (Passiv)), Medizinisch (erhalten (Passiv)), Monster (erhalten (Passiv))
shopping_cart Spielzeuge: Knebel, Analplug, Dildo, Saugdildo, Dildo-Vibrator, Zauberstab-Vibrator, Vibrator, Nippelklemmen, Fleshlight/Masturbator, E-Stim, Kragen/Halsband, Leine, Handschellen, Seil, Keuschheitsgürtel/Käfig, Schnürsenkel, Peitsche, Paddel, Wachs


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