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Action by Kobono: All actions of this user

Title (dev): Foot-rest Male on bandage with futa [TS] [m4tf] [1 pic] (For Hentai)
Difficulty: Free (1)
Let her feet rest on your back Let her feet rest on your back

Let her feet rest on your back

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
Since you can't get yourself out of here yet, you decide to behave and let her rest her feet onto your back. She really seems to enjoy your obedience, strocking her cock while watching over you.

Bot dialog (english):
Please take a rest miss, let me be your table.



Description [POV Victim] (english):
He is being a good, obedient cutie by letting you rest your feet onto his back. The sight of his obedience make you confident and horny enough that you start stroking yourself while looking at him.

Scene 1: Bondage



Kinks (Reversed): Female domination | Bondage | Foot fetish


Type of action:

Last updated: January 31, 2023 09:10


- Cleaned up the text, corrected spelling errors, added spaces.

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