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Title (dev): Let her Open pants [m4f] [1 pic] (For Interactive)
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Let her open your pants Let her open your pants

Let her open your pants

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
Normally she should be in position, giving you a hand, or rather a mouth. Too bad she can't right now and you have to do it yourself. But maybe this can be a good justification for future punishment.

Bot dialog (english):



Description [POV Victim] (english):
Being the good Slut your Master deserves, you want to give him a hand, or rather a mouth, and help him releasing his cock from its confines. For now this means kneeling down and doing some dry runs.


This action shouldn't appear when both characters are switches.



Type of action: | Undress self

Last updated: April 16, 2024 10:23


- Removed emoji

- changed to Dom/Sub Action only. Added new Switch version

- Don't quite understand this. Dry runs? So she can or cannot open the pants?

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