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Action by lllusion: All actions of this user

Title (dev): 50 Medium Strokes [f4m] [6 pics] (For Femdom with Caprice)
Difficulty: Free (1)
50 Medium Strokes 50 Medium Strokes
50 Medium Strokes 50 Medium Strokes
50 Medium Strokes 50 Medium Strokes
50 Medium Strokes 50 Medium Strokes
50 Medium Strokes 50 Medium Strokes
50 Medium Strokes 50 Medium Strokes

50 Medium Strokes

star star star star star
star star star star star
star star star star star


Description [POV Attack] (english):
A little bit faster now! Fifty strokes for your body, your booty and your breasts. You are the object of his desire, something he will fantasize about but never, ever fuck.

Bot dialog (english):

/beat 25 500



Description [POV Victim] (english):
Do you like my ass? Good. Cause you're never gonna touch it.

Scene 1: caprice




Type of action:

Last updated: March 28, 2024 02:19


- Differentiating the FWC attack & victim text. Added a reference to the song "Shout" by The Isley Brothers.

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