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Action by Holy Knight Jericho Jordan: All actions of this user

Title (dev): RippingWedgie [m4f] [1 pic] (For The Wrestling Ring)
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Give her a ripping wedgie Give her a ripping wedgie

Give her a ripping wedgie

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
You bend her over and grab her panties, ripping them up and off.

Bot dialog (english):
You know what losers get? WEDGIES!



Description [POV Victim] (english):
You're bent in two and they take your panties, pulling them up so fiercely that they come tearing off!

Scene 1: round 1



Kinks: Pro Wrestling | Pain | Humiliation


Type of action: | Undress opponent

Last updated: March 11, 2023 18:45


- Added punctuation.

- Tweaked some wording and added clothing, still needs statting

- Added stats - looks good!

- added remove pants to fix reported bug

- no enhancement to be made, but I think theres a bug. when this action happens, I've noticed in bot fights as well as vs players that the actions seem to get stuck. and you get the same 3-4 actions for what seems like the rest of the game.

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