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Action by Nagusa: All actions of this user

Title (dev): Stretch legs [f4a] [6 pics] (For Hentai)
Difficulty: Medium (3)
Stretch your Legs
Stretch your Legs Stretch your Legs
Stretch your Legs
Stretch your Legs Stretch your Legs
Stretch your Legs Stretch your Legs
Stretch your Legs Stretch your Legs

Stretch your Legs

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
You stretch your legs wide behind you, showing them just how flexible you are.

Bot dialog (english):
Never miss leg day!



Description [POV Victim] (english):
Wow! She's so flexible! You can't wait to see how you can use all that flexibility to your advantage...





Type of action: | Teasing

Last updated: December 02, 2023 01:00


- Image added

- Very similar to "Spread your legs", but that one seems to be front facing while this is more stretching out behind without being able to look at pussy, so i separated it. happy to use the gifs purely as enhancement if it's too similar.

- Added a period.

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