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Title (dev): => Steal clothes [a4f] [1 pic] (For Classic)
Difficulty: Deadly (5)
Steal her clothes Steal her clothes

Steal her clothes

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
She shouldn't have done that! When deciding to put her clothes back on after her shower, they realize they left their clothes completely unguarded, and you took advantage of that. You grabbed them and hide them elsewhere. What a surprise, now she's done showering!

Bot dialog (english):



Description [POV Victim] (english):
You shouldn't have done that! You took a quick shower to cool down and it seems your opponent has taken advantage of the fact that you left your clothes unguarded, because you can't find them anywhere and they even took all of the proper towels, you've got nothing to cover yourself with!

Scene 1: default





Type of action: | Undress opponent

Last updated: September 01, 2023 07:06


- Slight edit to stats to make it inline with other full undress action

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