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Titre (dev): ~ Premature ejaculation [m4a] [3 pics] (For Interactive)
Difficulté: Gratuit (1)
Premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation
Premature ejaculation Premature ejaculation

Premature ejaculation

star star star star star
star star star star star
star star star star star


Description [PDV Attaque] (anglais):
They have teased you so hard, and you needed to cum so bad that you lost control, and came without permission. At least you ruined it like a good slave. You beg for forgiveness but can see the disappointment on their face. Will they punish you for your failure!

Bot dialog (anglais):



Description [PDV Victime] (anglais):
You did a great job of teasing him, and he just couldn't control himself any longer. The moment the stimulation stopped on his his cock he pushes out a ruined orgasm. You are not happy. He is begging for forgiveness but will you take pity on him, or punish him for his lack of control!



Kinks (Reversed): Domination féminine


Type of action:

Dernière mise à jour : jeudi 29 juin 2023 09h01


- boundupone - Edited wording to fit action and swapped attacked around. Removed translations as wording significantly changed. Changed and updated options and needs

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