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Title (dev): 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes [f4m] [8 pics] (For Femdom with Caprice)
Difficulty: Free (1)
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes
50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes 50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes

50 Slow Death-Grip Strokes

star star star star star
star star star star star
star star star star star


Description [POV Attack] (english):
He wants to see more of your body, your beautiful breasts and erect nipples, but does he deserve it? You demand he proves his worthiness with 50 death-grip strokes, but will that be enough?

Bot dialog (english):

/beat 50 1000



Description [POV Victim] (english):
How bad do you want to see my nipples? Mmmh no, I'm not gonna show you

Scene 1: caprice




Type of action:

Last updated: March 28, 2024 02:17


- Differentiating the FWC attack & victim text.

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