5天 之前
两条好消息同时到来!首先,我知道这个网站的Patreons几乎总是出于爱和支持我的工作而参与,我真的很感激并感谢你们!但这并不意味着他们不应该获得与他们贡献相称的奖励,我觉得Patreon用户与提出行动和增强功能的人相比被低估了。实际上,他们通过财务参与获得的硬币并不多,而如果你想要一些硬币,只需用GIF填充游戏要容易得多。别误会,我爱所有维护网站的人,并且永远无法足够感谢他们,但让我们现实一点,网站也需要资金来运作,Patreon的收入随着时间的推移在减少,如果我们想应对不断增加的流量,我们需要更多资金🙃 当实际支付网站费用的人甚至无法购买动作包,而添加动作的人却可以轻松购买所有动作包时,这感觉有点不对!
所以是的,我将每月给予Patreons的硬币翻了一倍🎉🎉 这不仅对未来有效,还具有追溯效力,硬币已经分发给你们🤑🎉
顺便说一句,我还想提醒你们,如果你们需要硬币但以其他方式给网站提供了支持(Paypal、Ko-fi或购买了Lovense玩具),请不要犹豫给我发消息,我可以将其转给你😉 这也意味着我调整了动作包的价格,并稍微增强了页面功能,让你可以更轻松地为你所有的角色激活包;但别担心,如果你过去已经购买过这些包,这些价格变动不适用,所以这只是给你的额外奖励 😉
第二条消息要感谢Busty Milf的精彩翻译工作,她将EroFights翻译成了西班牙语,还有Andre开始翻译动作!EroFights现在确实可以使用这种语言了,尽管我们的成千上万的动作要全部翻译成这种美丽的语言还有很长的路要走❤️ 所以不要犹豫,帮助他们并自己翻译动作!
8天 之前
嘘!我在Lovense的朋友告诉我,他们今天发布了新版本的Solace,“Pro”,价格和之前的一样!也许是时候买一个这样的好东西来玩EF了,看看我对Solace的评价以及它与EF搭配的效果 😉
15天 之前
There have been some questions regarding the status of the EroPets tournament so we would like to clarify the matter and regretfully confirm that EroPets is definitely cancelled despite a last-minute flurry of interest.
It was a difficult decision to make but the low interest-level meant that it would be unlikely that the the tournament would run smoothly, even once we had reached the minimum number of teams. We would like to give a huge, heartfelt thank you to those who have supported this event in the past or signed up for it this year. If you liked some of the ideas of the tournament and would like to use them in your games, then the blog post can be found here. But in the meantime, it is time to coil those whips and unbuckle those collars and ready ourselves for the next tournament.
16天 之前
I must regretfully declare that EroPets is hereby cancelled, due to a lack of interest. As such, we will also drop it from the tournament calendar.
If you liked the various forfeits for EroPets, feel free to use them in your private games.
We thank all those who showed interest and participated in this tournament this year and for all the years it has been a fixture.
21天 之前
Thank you for waiting
21天 之前
Hello all.
Classic maintainer team has just released a new pack called "Dominant saliva" centered on spit play.
This pack is free so just go to the action pack page to activate it.
It only has a few actions in for now so don't hesitate to contribute more for those sweets coins.
25天 之前
EF 上有人被黑了。虽然可能只是通过他的电脑或密码被破解,我对此非常重视,并希望通知您这一事实。以防万一,最好更改您的 EF 密码。我会注意其他任何安全漏洞的迹象,如果您发现任何异常情况,请尽快私信我。黑客只是修改了资料,用一张嘲弄受害者的娘娘腔照片,且很快就被制止了。
EF 上的一些页面上有非常长的表单,有时滚动到顶部或底部进行验证很麻烦。您现在可以使用快捷键“Ctrl + Enter”从任何地方验证表单。
我修复了一个 Bug,当人们使用中文浏览时,无法为操作提出改进建议。
过去,只要您通过带有语言参数的链接,您的 EF 就会切换到该语言,直到您将其切换回来。从现在起,如果您通过菜单点击一个国旗,这将强制您的语言保持在您选择的语言。如果您在 URL 中更改,您仍然会获得您请求的版本,但当您稍后返回 EF 时,您将回到您的常用版本。
30天 之前
6 teams have already signed up for this year's action and are ready to go! Want to join in the fun? Registration will remain open until we have 8 teams and then for 3 days afterwards so make sure you sign up today!
This is a special team-based tournament with IRL and in-game forfeits for defeated players. You need a partner to participate so start asking around if you haven't got one yet.
Everything that you need for registration can be found here.
大约1个月 之前
2 3 teams have been successfully signed up for the EroPets Tournament, with more still in the process of being approved. It's not too late to join in the fun!
This will be a special tournament with IRL and in-game forfeits if you lose. To register, you need to have a partner, so if you haven't found one, now is the time to start looking!
All information required to register for this tournament can be found here.
大约1个月 之前
The EroPets Tournament signups have begun! This will be a special tournament with IRL and in-game forfeits if you lose. To register, you need to have a partner, so if you haven't found one, now is the time to start looking!
All information required to register for this tournament can be found here.
大约1个月 之前
I updated the way the game load images. It might reduce lag for some people in game (tell me if it helps!)
That created a bug when pausing or skipping in game. This is fixed.
Bots 2.0! It's now possible to update the bot you are currently having a game with <3 Give them a new name, avatar and description, and have fun!
And that's not it, if you set into settings "follow preferences" (patreon feature), they will also pick more often the actions you starred instead of picking randomly!
I also fixed a few minor bugs and tried to make the website quicker to load on all devices. Hope it helps <3
The mute sound button in game should now work again (and stay mute after refresh)!
Have fun!
大约1个月 之前
In this blog post, written by our newest tournament staff member 4th Dimension.
Anyone who attempts to sign up for the EroPets tournament before the stated date in the blog post will not be allowed to register for the tournament when signups do begin.
大约1个月 之前
Secret link feature got broken a while ago, I just solved it and it should work as expected again (you can block people from accessing your link except those with the secret link)
大约1个月 之前
If you have problems with the sounds of DMs, you can now opt-in for browser notifications system instead. On top of your messages page, it's the little alarm clock. It works similarly to the sound icon, but instead of the EF sound playing, you'll get a browser notifications. I recommend only activating one or the other of those features, the one that works best for you. If this, or the sound system, doesn't work, don't forget to check your browser permissions for EF, you may have denied EF the use of these features.
大约1个月 之前
Here's some concrete information about the upcoming EroPets Tournament, written by our newest Tournament Staff member, 4th Dimension.
Click here to start reading.
大约1个月 之前
With the Classic Tournament finally concluded, we can now move on to the next event of the year - EroPets! It's a very different format than the other tournaments, so here's a blog post explaining it all...
大约1个月 之前
大约2个月 之前
You can now check the box "Only accept message from people I am attracted by (considering sexuality)." in your character settings. The option should be self explanatory :)
It works a bit like the option "Only accept messages from people I have contacted first, or starred.", meaning if you star or contact someone you're not attracted by, they'll now be able to write to you.
This option was made necessary because some people didn't respect boundaries of others, mainly guys contacting lesbians, but I want to always encourage you the pacifist solution of leaving your DMs open but be explicit in your profile about your DM preferences, to leave the door open in case someone wants to contact you for a legit reason other than trying to flirt :)
Game maintainers and moderators are again excluded from that restriction, as they need the capacity to DM you for actions you may have proposed, or moderation purpose.
大约2个月 之前
大约2个月 之前
We're still preparing for the EroPets Tournament, and Winston has added 1 more (probably last) addition to the punishment and penalty list. You can find the updated list in this thread. Feel free to come in and discuss it and provide feedback!
A blog post will be coming soon outlining the Tournament, so keep your eyes out for that!
2个月 之前
2个月 之前
We're continuing discussions on the upcoming Eropets tournament, tinkering with rules and punishments and penalties and all of that fun stuff... and you can join the conversation! Based on feedback received during the kink discussions in the Forum, Winston has come up with 5 penalties and 5 punishments added 2 new penalty and punishment for potential EroPets losers to pick up during the tournament. Don't worry - there will be more in due course. You can find the updated list in this thread.
We're would also like to hear more about your favorite kinks!, so come on down and tell us about it! We are currently discussing cumplay!
Just click on the hyperlinks and answer our questions, or join us on Discord if you want to discuss the matter more in depth!
2个月 之前
2个月 之前
We're continuing discussions on the upcoming Eropets tournament, tinkering with rules and punishments and penalties and all of that fun stuff... and you can join the conversation! Based on feedback received during the kink discussions in the Forum, Winston has come up with 5 penalties and 5 punishments added 1 new penalty and punishment for potential EroPets losers to pick up during the tournament. Don't worry - there will be more in due course. You can find the updated list in this thread.
We're would also like to hear more about your favorite kinks!, so come on down and tell us about it! We are currently discussing cumplay!
Just click on the hyperlinks and answer our questions, or join us on Discord if you want to discuss the matter more in depth!
2个月 之前
2个月 之前
We're continuing discussions on the upcoming Eropets tournament, tinkering with rules and punishments and penalties and all of that fun stuff... and you can join the conversation! Winston has come up with 5 penalties and 5 punishments for potential EroPets losers to pick up during the tournament. Don't worry - there will be more, these are just a taster you can find them in this thread.
We're would also like to hear more about your favorite kinks!, so come on down and tell us about it! A new question about bondage just dropped!
Just click on the hyperlinks and answer our questions, or join us on Discord if you want to discuss the matter more in depth!
3个月 之前
We have the first team reaching the semifinals! Want to know who they are?
(it's not a scam i swear)
3个月 之前
Eropets tournament is being discussed to give it a renewed and engaging format, but still keeping its core concepts.
To do so, we're asking you all to share with us their opinion about some new ideas about the rules and your favorite kinks!
Just click on the hyperlinks and answer our questions, or join us on Discord if you want to discuss the matter more in depth!
3个月 之前