For both Maggie and Destiny, this day had been long overdue. After being engaged for a number of months, it was finally time for the two lovebirds to tie the knot officially. While they were more than overcome with emotions from the ceremony to the celebratory dinner afterwards, they both know how this night was going to end. The two wonderful and caring ladies, alone together in the nicest room they can afford, to consummate the marriage the best way they know how...
Casey Reyes v.s. Monica Saunders - T.W.A.T. Match @ The Empress Club
**Match Rules**
- One Cum Match - We play as normal but the person who climaxes first effectively loses the match... to be dominated or to play out the finish in a sexy story. CT cannot be used unless the victim has over 10 in CO (cum overdrive)
"Lesbian Wrestling Ring (LWR)" 风格游戏,
2天 之前,
第 65 回合.
Valerie and Rexxie met a little while ago as a chance encounter. Yet from the off the two could hardly keep away from each other. In short order, what was clear and mutual attraction blossomed into something so much more. Within weeks it was obvious that beneath the lust and desire that often soared when they were around each other, there was something much stronger, more intimate and far more important at play. **Love.**
Now, a couple of months have passed and the two lovers find themselves on the brink of exchanging gifts to ensure that the love of the other is an ever present reminder. This is not about winning or losing. But about two kindred souls finding what they need in the other and of loving and being loved in turn.
Thanks to all who attended or sent well wishes to Aleda & Miki during their wedding ( ) The rockstar and the fire witch of punk rock get back together to discuss their upcoming honeymoon...
Beatrice gets inhaliated last second and forced to cum~
What seemed to be a close win for Beatrice turned around last second, completely melting her brains as she was forced to cum hard IRL in the very end! Completely shattering her~~