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Action by Alya: All actions of this user

Title (dev): Kiss an push [f4f] [1 pic] (For Lesbian Wrestling Ring (LWR))
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Kiss and push Kiss and push
Kiss and push Kiss and push

Kiss and push

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
After taking control with a teasing kiss, you feel her strength disappear and use this moment to push her down to the mat.

Bot dialog (english):
Uh oh, down you go~



Description [POV Victim] (english):
You're so lost in her kiss that you forget you're fighting. She makes sure to give you a reminder, following up with a harsh shove that ends with your back on the mat.





Type of action: | Teasing

Last updated: January 06, 2024 23:51


- Gif + slight rewording to fit more types of 'kiss and push' instead of just the 'long' idea of the original, to allow for further similar gifs to be added

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