Lord Aquarius (Stufe 6) mail warning

Challengers beware~

Hetero / Dom

Female version: https://www.erofights.com/en/characters/2116958/profile

Hello one and all! I am Lord Aquarius and I am many things. Lord, Battler, Lover~

I am the prestigious owner of the Tower of Trials, once you enter. You may not leave~ so be prepared for whatever may come your way. For in the end; you may end up being a pet of mine~

Hall Of Fame (Beta Tower Version)

Kaylie, Driz, and Gaiba (A.K.A The Cutie Squad) - Victory

{Note: They managed to get past all the challenges and defeat me, managing to wrestle away control from my throne away from me for a bit~)

Leader of the Orcs: Duma


Bio: An orc of many strengths, he is a determined breeder and a good leader. Outside of that, very friendly despite his intimidating appearance. Likes drinking with people even if they were a challenger.

Leader of the Bandits: Richter


Bio: Warrior, fighter, and a leader to his men. Outside of that? Big old teddy bear who cuddles anyone that ends up in his tent. Generally pretty relaxed with his men and is one if the boys basically.

Tower Incubus: Gremory


Bio: He's flirty and a tease to a challenger, always doing his best to make them fall. When he isn't working, very quiet and keeps to himself. Nice regardless.

Tower Slime Queen: Jemrex

Slime Queen

Bio: A beautiful woman who will gladly tease you in and out of the Tower. Of course, if you end up being her pet she'll dote on you like no other

Tower Mindflayer: Lovecraft


Bio: A classy man outside of the Tower, he teaches those he considers worthy and is rather fatherly towards those he teaches. In the Tower, every challenger only gets a cold and calculating mage who will take your mind and make it fall. By any means necessary.

Demon of the Tower: Verrine


Bio: A sexual mischevious being against those the challenge the Tower. Outside of it is a fairly chill person who doesn't mind having fun.

The Tower Mimic: Mimi


Bio: A very energetic bright girl, generally hangs out within Treasure Chests when Challengers come through. Never seen before then... until it's too late~. Outside of the Tower, very sweet to be around.

More info about the Tower

Hello! The Tower Of Trials is meant to be a fun roleplay experience, where you as the Challenger have a number of ways of winning and losing. There are plenty of things in this Tower, so feel free to try them. Do well enough and you'll find Titles. They are optional but secret. You'll know if you've got them after losing. In the end; have fun and enjoy the Tower. All that matters. If you have questions about the Tower. Feel free to contact me.

wc Ist hetero
autorenew Ist ein Dom
access_time Zuletzt aktiv: Vor etwa eine stunde, Erstellt Vor etwa 2 Jahren
access_time Ortszeit: 12:11
star Hat 14 Sterne
send Stats
public Öffentliche Spiele
timelapse Dauerhafte Effekte
radio_button_unchecked Ist Halsbandeigner von: Rathia Eilenas, white dragon , Venuri
mode_edit Hat momentan markiert: Andromeda , Zero, Aquarius' Kunoichi Wife , Sarah , Nova
check Fetische: Weibliche Dominanz, Männliche Dominanz, Hardcore-BDSM, Anal, Feminisierung, Keuschheitsgürtel/Käfige (geben (Aktiv)), Erniedrigung (geben (Aktiv)), Knechtschaft, Fußfetisch, Arsch lecken, Dreier/Publikumsbeteiligung, Ausstellung/Outdoor, Spermaspiele, Hypnose, Schwanzanbetung, Orgasm Control (geben (Aktiv)), Breeding (geben (Aktiv)), Latex, Medizinisch, Monster, Alkohol
shopping_cart Spielzeuge:


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