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Action by Tony (Dessy's Husband): All actions of this user

Title (dev): Dungeon Master: Encounter: Yuki Onna [a4a] [4 pics] (For Dungeon Adventures)
Difficulty: Easy (2)
Encounter: Yuki Onna Encounter: Yuki Onna
Encounter: Yuki Onna Encounter: Yuki Onna
Encounter: Yuki Onna Encounter: Yuki Onna
Encounter: Yuki Onna Encounter: Yuki Onna

Encounter: Yuki Onna

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
As you spy on the adventurer walking in a light snowfall, you get an idea to use one of the local snow women. So you begin to make the snowfall heavier to get the snow women to come out and play.

Bot dialog (english):
The air is getting colder around you...



Description [POV Victim] (english):
As you continue to walk through the snowfall that is becoming heavier and heavier, you see a person coming closer and closer. As the person is only a few meters away, you notice that it is a tall, beautiful woman in a kimono.





Type of action:

Last updated: September 03, 2023 18:53


- Lowercases one occasion of snow.

- Added commas.

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