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Action by Green Velcro 💚: All actions of this user

Title (dev): ~game over Slutty FTvFT Princess (Game Over) [f4f] [1 pic] (For Classic)
Difficulty: Free (1)
The Princess chooses her bachelorette The Princess chooses her bachelorette

The Princess chooses her bachelorette

Game over!

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
You made her cum, and you are victorious. Emotionally, physically, and psychologically... Everything is perfect. As you see your partner pant and moan, you realize you love her. Out of all the other potential bachelorettes in the room, you decide she is among the loveliest you have played with. Everyone is watching, and waiting for their turn to play. You tell them all to leave and that the only bachelorette that you desire is with you right now. The room has a sinking feeling... All except for the princess and the bachelorette. True love and a true fairy tale ending!

Bot dialog (english):
Yes, sexy! I have waited so long to find you. You are my perfect bachelorette, and we will rule my kingdom together. First, let's get rid of everyone in the crowd, shall we?



Description [POV Victim] (english):
You can't help but orgasm for the princess. The sweet and soothing sensations of bliss course through your body as everyone is watching. So many eyes are on us, as I lose the romantic battle to please the Princess. I am surprised when the princess tells everyone else in the room to leave. I... think I love her, despite my inability to last for long durations. You never thought this moment would happen; a moment with a princess, and both falling in love. A fairy tale ending in more ways than one.

Kinks: Threesome/Audience participation


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Last updated: December 13, 2023 11:11

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