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Action by Alya: All actions of this user

Title (dev): Gag her with your panties [f4f] [1 pic] (For Classic)
Difficulty: Free (1)
Gag her with your panties Gag her with your panties

Gag her with your panties

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Description [POV Attack] (english):
You heard enough of her complaints! It’s time for her to shut up and have a little taste of your pussy, while you go down on her.

Bot dialog (english):
Shush! No more talk.



Description [POV Victim] (english):
She surprises you by shoving her own panties inside your mouth.

Scene 1: default



Kinks: Female domination


Type of action: | Undress self

Last updated: January 26, 2023 16:44


- Corrected the grammar of the attack text, corrected a typo (complains to complaints).

- Very slight change. As this can be done to transgender women, I changed “hers” to “her,” because as written it implies you’re going down on her pussy. This change allows the text to apply regardless.

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