Scene 1: default
1389 previous actions and 1176 next actions.
Scene 1: default
1133 previous actions and 990 next actions.
693 previous actions and 591 next actions.
Scene 1: default
14 previous actions and 991 next actions.
Scene 1: default
1146 previous actions and 983 next actions.
Scene 1: default
1144 previous actions and 946 next actions.
Scene 1: * -> round 1
1375 previous actions and 1306 next actions.
Scene 1: default
2261 previous actions and 1980 next actions.
Scene 1: default
1389 previous actions and 1176 next actions.
Scene 1: default
2261 previous actions and 1980 next actions.
693 previous actions and 586 next actions.
702 previous actions and 590 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1
1361 previous actions and 1291 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1
575 previous actions and 543 next actions.
693 previous actions and 586 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1 -> round 2
1384 previous actions and 1314 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1 -> round 2
1375 previous actions and 1306 next actions.
576 previous actions and 5 next actions.
Scene 1: default
2033 previous actions and 1752 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1
839 previous actions and 800 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1
839 previous actions and 800 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1
575 previous actions and 543 next actions.
Scene 1: round 1
575 previous actions and 543 next actions.
Scene 1: default
1 previous actions and 1771 next actions.