Maxime (Snugglebunny ♥) (Stufe 6) mail warning

I didn't find my bunny yet but surely a person as close as her♥ Luv ya <3

Bi / Switch

Crossgendering Character here! Male playing Female!
If we accidentally got matched and something doesnt fit dont bother to say something instead of just leaving!
NOT interested in irl play or atleast only with people i trust :3
Playing rarely games right now
I dont know why but recently not that much into rp u.u

Waiting intensifies till my firework girl returns from her journey uwu. I just want to see her for an explosive time <3

I miss Ellis >.< Very ... very much >w< And with each passing day a bit more >~<

Fulltime Bunny UwU. Mostly doing shenanigans in public lobbies. Sometimes i think i attract chaos or make it myself ><. I am sorry in advance.

A bit more in a lurkin mood right now. But bunny is always watching~. And maybe you get to see a glance of her body sometimes ^_^

Hello i am Maxime (or short Maxi is fine aswell). I have come to Erofights after a long travel and i am ready to beat some asses and make you cum! ... or maybe getting my ass beaten up and cumming all over again and again. Who knows that at all *giggles*. Anyway i am down to brawl with roleplaying or just full fucking until someone surrenders. Its up to you.

A small description of my body to all you sweet reading people!:
As you know i am called Maxime, i am 164cm tall and have a lovely body equipped with some deadly cum making tools. I have a cute maybe innocent face, blue long hair and having blue eyes. But i will most likely wear contact lenses so you can expect other eye colours aswell ;P. Always equipped with a cute choker i have a fit but not muscular body, a sweet 70D cup for all my breast lovers, a cute tattoo on my left shoulder featuring a rose scrap that w.w, my skin is clean and smooth and not polluted other than your cum on it later ;P and skillfull hands which will definetly get dirty from time to time *smirking*. Far below are my cute feet with some purple socks, so all my foot lovers are getting excited and dont cum just by reading (Just kidding *giggles*) followed by my delicious legs and finally my cum draining tool, my sweet pussy to milk you all. A quick sidenote: Dont you dare touching my ears >.<. I will then .... try to resist my own body and the hot rising flames within it and make you submit to me >:D. Also wearing my cute bunny sneakers which give me an increased mobility. Bunnies are fast dont forget that 🤭

Bunny shoes

Don't hesitate to message me! I will probably answer every message (few exception might be if i dont know you and you just write, that you will fuck me and stretch my ass -.-. Also i am more willed to play a game with someone i know or saw in some lobbies). I dont bite but i will probably shit talk a bit or tease you :3.
In a fight i like back and forth's, even though i might tend to end on the lower side >.<. But not without proving that you are worthy for me and if you are not worthy you will definetly be drained after our fight, remembering that you couldn't please a woman well enough :p.


A few of my interest are bets. I love bets! Whats a good game without a punishment for the looser after defeating him/her. I am so addicted to these even if we didnt bet in the beginning of the game i will always ask my opponent to give me one ... if i lost and we all know i wont! (Always up for veto for Bets. We both dont want to have painful or unpleasing rules or other things to follow at all)

Restraining my opponent by using rope i just randomly found to restrain him/her. HELL YES! Its a fight after all and all items are allowed. I would never back off not using Bondage rules. (Standard rules: /dice 5+ to escape, no turn limit tho i tend to be very unlucky >.<. And for Hentai for now just playing the "try to escape" move. Maybe will update that rule ^^)

Hypnotizing my opponent and make them my little bitch. Always up for! I have a little weakness to Hypno at all ... but you still wont make me to be your good subby girl! Despite that if i was under Hypno for succesfully consecutive 5 turns i will get addicted and start to get always to my subby mood, trying to please you at my best and wont be bratty anymore as all of my thoughts are about pleasing you. I cant get you off my head anymore :3. But i will never be hypnotized for so long so that wont happen at all. *laughing*.
(Additionally notes for hypno: In the first turn of being hypnotized if you have a "hypnosis counter" card you can play it regardless of the dice roll and hypnotize the enemy. It will do nothing otherwise. If you have a hypnosis break card you can play it regardless of your dice roll and stop being hypnotized regardless how long you are being hypnotized. Also if i am under my own rule to be submissive it can be canceled by playing a "hypno counter"- or "hypno break" card ).

As its a battle after all we might have to use force at our opponent. As i am not the strongest and not training 24/7 i would suggest that you dont overdo it with it >.< So some spanks are appreciated and welcome but nothing more brutal please >.> I dont want to bleed for my life. But you can be a bit rough if you successfully managed to keep me down ;P. But be aware that this kitty here might fight back rawr. >:3 (To be safe: Please dont hurt me too much. A bit is fine aslong as you describe it well and for one scene (even pussy slaps or choking and stuff). But i really dont want to be choked all game >.<)

Following are some kinks i really like (either receiving or giving them):

- Loving actions (I will still beat your ass ... but maybe not that harsh anymore >.>)
- P-pats (D-dont get me wrong about that *blushes*)
- Teasing (Muuuch teasing~. I want you to cum the second i touch you *winks*)
- Hypno (I love the feeling when my pets, victims and toys obey me~ H-h-hey wait where are my clothes? *embarrassed covering my body* )
- Bondage (Rope + bunny = ? I think you get it *winks*. But dont think that i wont make my knots tight! Sometimes i love seeing boys and girls helplessly squirming around~)
- Lovely names (or harder one as the match spices up ... but still prefer lovely w.w)
- Feet (unfortunately they are mostly female on female so all of you trans girls and guys will keep to worship my precious feet and suffer to cum on them. But i wouldnt mind licking them aswell u.u)
- Tiddies (Who doesnt like them? o.o)
- Humiliation (The place where you will end the match ... UNDER ME! ;P)
- Exibitionism (b-but only a bit ... and not totally public for everyone *face flushes fully red*)
- Any art of fucking (You know it >.<. I will make you cum with every part of my body ... atleast my holes and in every position UwU)
- A bit of pain (As mentioned above <.<)

Kinks i don't like (Exceptions can be made):
- Hardcore pain (No blood, no wounds from slapping, anything related to that. Just nothing totally brutal. I really dont want to hurt people truly at all. But for the right person i would enable Cbt for ball kicking ^^)
- Never involve anything family related (No not even step- anything ... just no!)
- IRL (For most person ... feels strange doing that with a crossgendering character okay. But you still play with yourself ;P. I just wont)
- Actually giving birth or something (You can still breed me ... but i wont get pregnant or something. Using contraception pills *winks*)
- Not stopping when someone says stop and means it (Doesnt matter if its private or public. Thats just inappropriate)
- No scat, piss, excrement at all (There exist a toilet for that kind of things and that wont be me)
(If you are not sure about something just ask ^^)

English is not my first language. So dont be upset if i take a bit longer to answer, dont write so long sentences or so many of them or it doesnt fit your style. Sometimes i am missing the words and need to google them. 😋 If something bothers you about my writing, just say it and i try to be better or we stop playing! I wont be mad if you are not be pleased enough from me. 😁😂
Hope if we fight each other, that we will have a beautiful time at all and everyone is pleased at the end of a match.
Also i am too shy to do public games >.<. I am fine to publish the log but i will mostly play private. This will maybe change if i feel more comfortable in my writing skills. I would mostly play Hentai games but maybe i will be down for either classic or wrestling.

See ya on stage!

My rules for losing (i take them with pride):

  1. Disabled for now: After having an intense match against Ceres so she finally managed to hypnotizing me and making me a little toy and slut. I love her so much that i will call her mommy from now on as she destroyed my mind so hard. Also if am getting hypnotized i will always skip my first turn (until i win against mommy Ceres)

  2. My dearest Kitten showed me my place and having bondage skills like no other even came close, resulting that i love bondage even more. From now on i can only escape bondage with a 6 (indefinitely for my kitten♥, but for everyone else 5/5 wins. Not available in Hentai for now. Need to rethink this)

  3. Everytime my opponent is forcing me to taste them (any body part) I get a bit addicted from its taste -> I will skip my turn as I cant resist and want to taste my opponent even more (3/5 wins)

  4. Since i got trained on a ship by my captain i learned how to behave as a good pet -> from now on the first time somebody calls me "good girl" or "pet" i will instantly remember my training and will skip a turn as i am not allowed to do something without instruction (1/10 games)

Completed Rules:

After getting stuck in ropes for a long period i learned to love the feeling of it and start to get wet if they are used on me -> I will always skip my first turn in bondage (10/10 games)
Everytime my throat is gonna fucked (not just sucking!) i need to roll a dice -> if its 1 or 2 i skip my turn (10/10 wins).
Once per match if my opponent calls me a "good girl" i will skip my turn (3/3 games)

Memorable Matches and persons (and maybe Diary of Maxime):

(Last update on 25.06.2024. Yes i stole this from many other profiles :P)

After fighting the great unlucky knight Noah for cum and glory and also taunting him that he wouldn't protect his princess he managed to prove me wrong, took the lead and fucked me completly senseless and dominated me in the very end. As a result i know live as a servant in his castle and getting trained how to act like a true princess should, getting fucked and serve Noah if he wants and needs my attention. :3
After a long travel from my dear knight he finally returned to his castle as i was still waiting there for his return. His maiden already teached me a trick or two and i finally got my treatment how to act like a true princess. I can now serve him even better as before and trying to pleasure all of his desire while also suppressing my own desire, well atleast i am trying to do so but sometimes i just cant stop >.< Act 1

After meeting a beautiful unknown kitten and having an awesome match where she completly showed me who is in charge and making me cumming so many times, she used her kittyness to show me my place underneath her and making me to her slutty personal kitten, allowing me only to change pictures showing kittens and used her kitten magic on me. As a result i now have a kitten form and even larger sensitive breast full of milk ready to serve nyaa~♥ I love this kitten so much and love to be her pet kitty♥

After meeting Cassy in a public lobby it all escalated a bit and after some time i was very hungry for a snack. Cassy "voluntarily" gave me the snack i wanted and for that i rewarded her for cumming inside me and breeding me~ ^w^

I lived on a island full of kittens and relaxed now and then there. It was a very peaceful island when suddenly a strange human came to our island. It grabbed my hand and start pulling me to her ship, saying something about being a part of her crew. I didnt really know what she meant but by the rules of our island i challenged her to give in to her will if she could beat me. Well after i fought dirty at the beginning she called her "friend" tentacle, bringing me under hypnosis and melted my mind. Now i can say i am a true member of her crew, travelling around the seven seas as a kitten pet maxime for my lovely Captain Liz~~♥ Hopefully serving and pleasing the Crew well ;3

I don't even know how to begin with this. I met a cute new player her name was Ellis. She is really kind, sweet and absolutely adorable. At first i gave her some advises about the game (even if i don't know it so well too :3). She learned them quite fast and smacked bots like no one else before~. But it seemed a bit like her confidence grew bigger than i ever could imagine. She teased me that i have never played a public game before. I was afraid at first, losing in front of an audience could be so humiliating >.<. But finally i challenged her to a game, hoping to win as her kinda sensei and letting her know that she still has to learn and train. To spice things even more up we betted something. Well we more of betted our bodies to Saikou as he already craved for them. We entered my secret bedroom to enjoy ourselfs while we are fighting. I have to admit that she really knows my weakspots and melted my mind~. Also she didn't use any dirty tricks against me. I feel kinda bad for doing dirty tricks to her >.>. Well in the end i think we both won as we made orgasm each other ;3. She is really skilled with that tongue of her (even if mine was still better ). Hoping that she learned her lesson. I am still very happy to know this cutie~. And anyone who treat her bad has a problem with me then aswell! *giggles*. I really could cuddle her all day <3. She even gifted me a rose UwU.
And now ... we kinda ... had very strong feelings for each other .... and ... confessed it sometime. I love this cutest cutie deeply from my heart UwU *blushes* ♥. (And if i ever gonna marry her i will look like this and after our wedding will have some lewd time like this <3(More hot shots *coughs**coughs2.0* ))

Its been a long time since i added someone here but the next two persons have a very special business they are running. It's a lewd bar which i enter from now on every now and then. They are known as Eden and Violet. Violet is a cute girl but always lewd while working it seems and Eden a caresome gentlemen and brilliant cook~. Together they give everything to maintain their guests and even take care of their needs. After Eden prepared Violet for the evening and for the guests to play with her, he took care of my needs as i got horny, seeing her moan and enjoying herself. We had a lovely evening despite he didnt cum back then. A true gentleman and we will surely have some fun in the future~ *winks*. They are such a wondeful couple ^-^. I might have bought this new dress just for him 💙💙💙💙💙(never will forget him).

Just a small text for my lovely succubus who really deserves a place here~. She loves to tease as much as i do and knows how to play and charm with her full body. Just as expected from a succubus *giggles*. As much as i fall for that body its also a weakspot of hers. And her moans and begs are so cute when you play with that tail of hers. Her soft voice from her trembling lips when she begs you "please m-mistress ><"... so lovely *smirks and looks with lovely eyes*. And we shouldn't forget how much she loves it when she can lick my feet. The passion and affection when she does it *shivers*. N-not that i ever submitted to her >.<. Such a truly lovely succubus :3

One day i stumbled after my daily work as an entertaining bunny across a girl named Haruka. Both of had a rather stressful day and just wanted to relax in a Onsen. With both of our bare hot bodies only one thing could truely happen in the town of EF. We got to known each other better in more than one way and i can surely say that Haruka is a very good friend of mine~. We really enjoyed reliefing ourself back at that Onsen with hot and mind-shattering orgasm and were even so exhausted afterwards that we rest even longer in it~ That was such a wonderful time under night sky with shining stars :3 Definitely something to remember here *kisses*

For the one special person that melts hearts like no one ever can. A person that shines, sparkle and emit the light... a person i will always protect... i will always love... with every inch on my body... as long as i stand... as long as i breath. A person with a heart greater than the universe itself. If she ever feels bad, having a broken heart, feeling down, negative... i am sure to do my best to bring this girl her smiling face back.... cause no one else deserve it as much as she does... green wonderful dove Eevee. As our prove and swear to eternity i will always wear the necklace she gifted to me. It's value can't be even measured... i love it... and i love her 💙💚. And i am very happily proud to be her firefly that shines even in the darkest night to give her comfort and love, guidance and wisdom, careness and compassion~ If i could i would peck her face, her body the whole day, just laying in her arms is calming the very inner soul and letting everyone forget every single trouble in the world~
Firefly necklace

Next up is an explosive, hot, stunning person. We, or rather i, am talking about no one else than the best firework craftman Yoimi. Not only is she a very good gamer girl, proving to me that she can yield the wonderful white haired kitty but she is also a very... wonderful partner for other things in the night. It has to be said that this night was truly amazing and that i didnt have so much fun for a fast few months. Nor did i ever came so much for a girl like that~ She is amazing and her teasing capabilities are more than enough to let anyone lose their mind to her <3 Well and they way her tongue is licking someone... her amazing fingers... or her naughty playtoys are surely something i would enjoy again and again like our spent time together in that night ^^. Even if i didnt say it to her before but i really really really like her and i am more than happy to have met her in her awesome shop. All of you should definitely pay her a visit someday ♥♥. But be aware... she might use cheap magic tricks to keep you stuck ;P
PS: Love you Yoimi 💖💗
It might or not might happen that a certain cutie here affected a certain bunny over here more than she wants to admit. Well... maybe she admits it a bit too much sometimes. But how could i resist her anyways~. She is way too sweet and adorable for that. And also she might have collared and tamed the wild bunny Anyways... as another proof to her i will show you an exclusive outfit just for her :3. It may have a specific attachement aswell and was a gift from her after all. I hope she enjoys my gift as much as i do with hers ^-^

Our next lovely cutiepie is no one else than the coldest old ice mage on here... well or atleast she was that kind of person ^^ Now she is rather a person hiding in her cottage, reading books, enjoying her life outside of the city and barely interacting with anyone. Although you can still say that she likes interaction very much. She is a smol cutie, adorable and she always calls me miss bunny~ And i enjoy it very much when the little floofball calls me that UwU. Ofcourse we are speaking of the one and only cutiepie Sophie.... well there are many cutiepes to be fair but she is special i promise ^~^. And you know.. you can always count on the bunny promises~. Anyways this lewdster is not only being slightly lewd and naughty no she is a very big lewdster. It somehow feels like all kitty's are being infected by the hentai aura... maybe there is a connection between them? Well i still like her the way she is.. she is cute... she is adorable... she melts quickly under the touch of the bunny.... and she is bunnys miss... wait what? Must have been imagining things. Well i really enjoyed one night with her were we had a blasting experience and not only once but multiple times and she really enjoyed her time with me. When i first met her she was being a bit sad and unhappy in her life, always did choose the wrong decision, was a bit clumsy and overall had some... bad experience but i think that changed and now she is a happy person who enjoys her stay here on ef way more :3. There is not much to say than she is adorable tehee and she is a wonderful subby girl *sniggers and sticks tongue out*

Next up we have an amazing, strong warrior, packaged with many muscles, a sword and mostly known for his title of being a demon hunter, Zachary :3 Although he may look strong and scary he is a very handsome guy ... and even more a wonderful opponent and friend to fuck with~ We already had our little spares in the past, back when our dear magic friend Claire pushed both of us on the wondeful stage to have our fun~ Back then our little sparing fight ended with me being on top, proofing that he still needs to learn a lot if he ever gonna chase those evil demons when unable to beat a small innocent bunny *winks*.
Well... to my suprise... he did really learn a lot in those past year~ He became a strong warrior, his attitude changed a lot from being this small fragile boy to a man knowing what he wants and god damn... he has quite his charm of his own~ He still likes getting seduced and teased from this bunny here but also i have to admit that i am a part of his harem after the last activities where we had multiple rounds of fun~ The boy really grew up a lot and certainly knows how the world works~ But i will still seduce him some time and make him fall for me *giggle*


Some other cute Outfits i possibly wear UwU (Carefully. Just pictures "cuming" down here. And we dont want an early accident happening *winks*):
Pfp currently
New Jersey cute
Ellis picture/memory for me
Casino bunny
Bunny bum dressed

And for all the people who want to see more of my body *winks*

Perhaps something else got your attention~
Bum + foot

Did i see you staring at my feet? *giggles* Don't worry. You may serve them as much as you like once you submitted to me. Am i not kind and gracious mistress?~ *winks* ;P

Bunny bum naked
Just in case you forgot what will drain you~

Ganyu (bunny), cute :3, tiddies
And here are my precious tiddies. How good it would feel to have them drenched in your juice dont you think? They are perfect for long and intense titjobs and they feel so incredible if you suck and play with them ;3

Bunny, succubus mark
And maybe at the end i will look like this >.>

And if you somehow manage to make me submit to you (That will never happen!!) then maybe ... i would ... accept a ... cute collar and leash. Dont look at me like that! >w<

Ako (Bunny) collared

To go even further .... i-i-if you even manage to get me that far i would serve you as y--your *gulp* t-t-toy >////< S-so .... m-much ... c-c-cum *drools*
Bunny cum all over body

And yes i officially have a Discord account now. Only those who scrolled all the way down here are allowed to see it: Maxime3503
(I dont own the rights of the pictures)

wc Ist Bi
autorenew Ist ein Switch
access_time Zuletzt aktiv: Vor etwa eine stunde, Erstellt Vor mehr als 2 Jahre
access_time Ortszeit: 01:05
star Hat 46 Sterne
send Stats
vpn_lock Private Spiele
timelapse Dauerhafte Effekte
radio_button_unchecked Mit Halsband versehen von Yoimi
check Fetische: Weibliche Dominanz, Männliche Dominanz, Anal, Feminisierung, Keuschheitsgürtel/Käfige, Schmerzen, Cuckold, Pet Play, Erniedrigung, Verhöhnen, Knechtschaft, Fußfetisch, Kitzeln, Arsch lecken, Dreier/Publikumsbeteiligung, Ausstellung/Outdoor, Spermaspiele, Hypnose, Schwanzanbetung, Pussy Worship, Orgasm Control, Latex, Medizinisch, Monster
shopping_cart Spielzeuge:


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Ihre Nachrichten zusammen

She wants a change of fucking and so do you. You move behind her, holding and carrying your sweet girl by her thighs and lifting her up from the ground. She wiggle a bit with her body while she can't move on her own anymore and soon you push your hard cock into her wet pussy. You both moan and she clearly seems to enjoy this change of pace. Carry and fuck her from behind You press your tits against her back and reach around with one hand, slowly starting to rub and finger her clit and pussy, enjoying as you watch her blush. Reach around and finger her You feel excited but also want to begin slowly with her. You decide to poke her tiddies, warming her up for whats coming up next and get a good view on them as they bounce up and down. Poke her boobs You want to do something really sweet for them. You get naked, write some naughty seducing words with chocolate on your skin and start to tie your hands and feet in some lovely ribbon. How could they ever say no to you like that! Offer yourself as a suprise Fuck from below After cumming so much, he is way too exhausted and an easy target for your collar. Why not show him who is his new boss? Collar your new toy The fight is over. Your sex competition ends here and now with both of your exhausted and sweating. The last orgasm still trembling your partner but you surely enjoyed every sweet second of it. Well it was surely a hot time based on the amount of hickeys on her neck~. You cuddle her up, snuggling her tightly and making her feel all comfy ♡ Snuggles and hickey Take her to the bandit hideout! You lay there defenceless, shaking your hips for your opponent, whispering to him that you love this position. He immediately goes for you and this sweet gift you offered him. At first, you think you can outfuck him, but soon you realize that the longer he pushes his entire length inside you, the more you lose your mind to the pleasure. You love every inch of his cock inside of you! Bunny girl baiting You collar yourself, attach a leash to it and then start to beg to be their pet. You really want it and won't accept a NO! Collar yourself and beg

Show all actions
