Motto: Always treat others the way you would like to be treated.
Kindess first and you might just get the kindess back. (Shani Robbins)
Hi, I'm Jessica, or Jessy, to most people. I'm a nerdy slut or slutty nerd... (you decide) ...based in Germany. As a former Volleyball player now long distance runner and cyclist I tend to say I'm pretty fit and keep working on it.
I have settled into this lewd city and met a lot of friendly people and incredible players (both in- and off-game).
I am a sub leaning switch, but I have a very, very competitive inner brat, that when let loose, wreaks havoc! But it is of course not my constant state of mind 24/7. If you decide to challenge me, don't expect me to be exclusively sub. I can and will fight back! ;) Most of the time.
Age: 24
Height: 5'5 / 1,67m
Weight: 115lbs / 52kg
Cupsize: 34D / 75D
Hair: brown
Eyes: brown
Realtionshipstatus: taken - Jada, Mein Engel, you took my heart by storm and took it with you when you left. May it be a shining beacon for you in the darkest hour.
Limits/Dislikes - Piss, scat, gore/heavy violence, death matches, underage, fisting. might be edited
DJ extraordinaire at The Empress Club - for bookings please contact via The Express Club or Alyss Jameson
Sexwrestler under contract of agent/promoter Ashley Graham
I moved to EF city some time ago due to a new job. I found a nice little apartment on the outskirts of the city and soon met a few neighbors who introduced me to the customs of the city.
After a few playful encounters I met the strong and independent Jazmine who quickly showed me my place. After this it took me a few days before I took on some new contenders. They probably thought they would have an easy time with the new one, but I taught them better. Only to be devasted in the next match and put on public display afterwards by Jens.
It was at this time, a Gentleman called Ace appeared but I was no match for him, so he turned me into his kitten and took me in his caring arms giving me back some confidence.
Feeling rested I found the courage to further explore the city's nightlife, but stayed in the background and watched most of the time. This is how I found a interesting, to say the least, group of female wrestlers. The pheromone charged atmosphere, the cheering plus a few drinks carried me away and I somehow got involved in some aftermatch situation, that really got me into trouble! Two days later, minding my own business, not thinking about what had happened, the defeated wrestler got back to me. In a lengthy, steamy encounter in my apartment she tried to overpower me. I did my best to fight back but had to give in to her experienced skills after hours of raging lust, plenty of wrangling and the use of lots of toys. Jada had her revenge and it took me weeks to get back to a normal life, when she suddenly got back to me. This time, we had a more balanced encounter, although the outcome remained the same.
Feeling a little more confident after this, I opened up a little and dived into the challenging world of EF city only to be overwhelmed again. So much on the subject of learning from your mistakes. However, I was able to fight off another defeated wrestler that got overpowered in his match. But I'm afraid, he might get back to me someday... I have to stay vigilant.
This was when a gentle Sir entered the stage. Feeling confident again, we had a steamy match which ended with me being presented to his Lady as a present. When I was finally brought before her, my inner brat completely went havoc and I felt the urge to overpower her and end her 'reign' over her pets and lovers. We battled hard, and she lured me into thinking I could win, only to turn the tables within minutes and finishing me hard and fast. Not stopping there she continued after the encounter and ravaged me with her toy, nicknamed Destroyer, until I had passed out.
Being a few very eventful weeks in EF city, I start to get along and think I found my place.
(Update 12/22/2023)
After the overwhelming encounter with Lady Dusk, Jada took me into her loving arms and slowly freed me off my dark thougths and self-doubt. During that time we grew really close to each other spending hours, evenings, whole nights with talking, getting to know and love each other.
Whenever we went out, she introduced me to friends and I grew ever more so confident around strangers that I some day decided to go out on my own again.
I met a few random guys and old friends again like Jens, Liam and of course Ace. Always ending differently, but always enjoying steaming hot encounters as, I hope, they did too.
I also started to regularly go to wrestling matches. But soon found myself feeling uncomfortable at the Wrestling Ring, so I turned towards the Lesbian Wrestling Ring and bumped right into the stunning Jenna. After a little chit chat I quickly found myself in a wrestling ring with her. She, being a rookie like me, put up a good fight but in the end it was a close win for me.
Just one week later we already met again! At work! Who would have thought this little whirlwind would be one of my colleagues... I didn't dare talking to her and we built up quite a rivalry at work, that ended in a fullblown fight in her office. This time she came prepared and damn it was a fight going down in the office's history books! Feeling a little too confident myself, she lured me into thinking I could win this but in the end she had more stamina and finished me off to make me her office slut.
To this day I still don't know how Jada got wind of this, but one evening she called me to make me an offer. One of her contestants had to cancel a match and the promoter was asking for a replacement. Knowing Jada and her abilities, I was hesitant at first, but simply couldn't resist her pleas and agreed. Even, weeks after it, my memories of that night are still a little blurred. It went down so fast. Just two hours after her call, I left my locker room, bombarded by instructions by the promoter and Jada. My head was spinning when I entered the arena crowded with cheering people! I don't remember what exactly happened but once I entered the ring with her I transformed. The rush of adrenaline made me go wild and I managed to wrestle her down. With a little help from herself, to be honest, but we had sooo much fun that night!
Just days after that we received numerous calls by her promoter telling us people were so thrilled by that match, that he was planning a bigtime re-match. It took almost three months to prepare this event and we used the time to have a couple of sparring matches to prepare.
When the big evening came, I was so intimidated by the big crowd but Jada gave me the confidence to face them and herself.
Not holding back this time I was almost overwhelmed by her wrestling skills and I really had to put effort into the fight. With the audience on her side and her experience she let me wore out my energy before turning the tables after what felt like hours of tangling, rough words, use of fingers, tongues and toys. In a last desperate attempt I gathered all I had left and tried to take her down, but her experience allowed her to survive my attack and move on to the counterattack almost immediately. Her fingers knew exactly what to do to finish me and so they did. A bloodcurling orgasm later I was spread out on the mat, while the crowd cheered for the winner. With the help of the ref, she carried me out of the ring like a trophy.
But I just can't be mad at this gorgeous woman. I simply adore her too much! be continued (eventually)...
Casual day at the office:
Grabbing a drink or two at a bar:
Holiday snapshot...
When I am off work, I often go for a run to clear my mind...
I had the incredible honor to be challenged for a LWR match by the wonderful Green Velcro 💚.
Having met her a few times in public chats before, I almost fainted when this EF Goddess suggested a match. Although I can hardly keep up with her writing and playing skills, I couldn't resist.
I did everything I could and was rewarded with two incredible orgasms and this beautiful piece of jewelry:
To quote Green Velcro 💚: [...]This majestic spirit guide is a powerful symbol of rebirth, regeneration, and new beginnings. In almost every culture, the phoenix is associated with positive aspects such as strength, determination, passion, resilience, and compassion. You feature all of these things[...]
A special place for good friends, who moved on...
First there is this farewell gift by Jay, a close friend. We spend many hours chatting, teasing each other and flirting. Wish he could have stayed.
Hope you be alright always and everywhere. 💋
Second there is my very good friend Chloe... Cuteness and chaos combined and forged into this loveable doggo. Always making people smile wherever doggo showed up.
Her kindness will forever hold a place in my heart. I wish you all the best, save travels in the wide sea of life. 💋
I will leave these gummies for doggo to be a beacon for her whenever she needs it.
You can keep some notes on this character. You'll be the only one to be able to see this: