Roleplay Intense Sex Scenes
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Free Online Teasing Games

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First things first, you should set your settings, so you get to see what you want!

Seeking Game Maintainers!

Dear EroFights fans,

In the past months you have been enjoying the arrival of new modes and a steady increase in new actions and features in different game modes.
These do not come by themselves, but need constant work and help from those we call Maintainers.

If you care about a specific mode and have suggested new game actions or improvements to them in the past, please consider becoming a maintainer student so that you can manage the modes of EroFights in the future.
If you are interested please contact a moderator and join our Discord.


The social erotic teasing games

Meet people, roleplay some intense sex scenes with pics, receive and give instructions! The classic game’s premise is simple: Two players take turns teasing and fucking each other, getting closer and closer to orgasm with each action. The first person who makes the other player cum twice wins the game! This indie game is entirely free and financed through my Patreon and donations on or Ko-fi

New here?

If it's your first time around, you have to read and are considered in agreement with our “Code of Conduct”, and should definitely read the “FAQ”!

Any problems with the game? Something you don't understand? Want to share some ideas? Feel free to send me some feedback!