is there a way to do private matches with more than two people
Hm... one can set the guests... let me check
We could change visitors to starred people e.g.
Why? We are currently in public, btw.
hello there
I am not entirely sure how safe we are, considering our theme...
idk this guys messaging me i thought id invite him to the brothel lol
Oh! You by chance want him to join in?
yeah idk, ive seen some similar stuff in public before
Alright. I have to admit, the time i was tolda bout that rule is about 6 months ago...
So it mightve been changed
the whole idea of a sex fight and wrestling is lowkey noncon anyway
pretty big gray area for cnc
Anyway. Today's theme, without telling too much shall be pretty hot, quite literally, aswell as a treasure hunt! The X marks the spot...
Ehh... i dont agree. I think sexfighting is noncon - for both parties do know what it entails, and enter the match with said knowledge.
consensual noncon
i think its pretty silly to have rules about it when its just a text game
like i can just close the window lol
True. Although i still feel like having those rules is helpful - those are thing that not everyone enjoys. And its not really forbidden - for as long as it happens behind closed doors.
Basically to keep the general public safe. Which is a worthwhile goal in my book.
Now, we could continue arguing, something i do enjoy, hehe, or we could proceed to the rp. Im honestly fine with both.
im ready when you are
Alright. Ill set the scene, if you'd like
its what youre best at
After a long, somewhat restless night despite your exhaustion - for the constant moaning and shuffling around has kept you up - you awaken at the next morning still tired. However, someone is standing at the entrance of your cell. Glancing over you can see another woman, one of those you've seen in the big room already. Though its has generally grown more silent, the stench of sex and booze is still strong, something that doesnt seem to bother her atleast. In her hands she has both a mug aswell as a bowl, filled with something.
her voice is soft and careful, and comes off as very weak, despite her looking healthy overall "Your meal. Master said to eat up, for its going to be a long day."
i try to get up slowly, still sore from last nights ordeal, i move cautiously to the bars and take the mug and bowl, staring down into its milky contents confused who are you? why are you helping that vile man? cant you see what hes done to me?
she looks down "Master wouldnt like to hear you talk like that of him... I am cupcake."
She gives you a faint smile "One of the first to arrive here... I can see why you would wonder about that, working for him, but in the end it could be worse. Here we get fed, protection, a warm bed... Well, atleast to his trusted servants. We even get to walk the cities for small errands."
she sounds proud, despite the overal unfitting circumstances
"What about you? I think ive heard him call you Princess. Is that your title?"
She shoots you an interested look
"ugh such a feeble existance"
i take a moment and consider how much better off she is now that i was before i got here, lost and alone, looking over my shoulder for anyone sent after me, maybe laying low here for a while wont be such a bad thing. not like i have a choice. wait what am i thinking, after yesterday they all deserve the axe! "Yes, well it used to be, its a long story, i look down with remorse for how far ive fallen after a life of luxury*
she moves her hands in a gesture as if to say "eat up" before talking again "Go on. Id love to hear your story. We got some time left... after all they will still need some time to prepare."
(so you said the bowl was filled with "something" am i right to assume what that is?)
(Yes. However, you might be able to tell that it has the same sweet enticing smell as the pre from yesterday)
(ahh interesting)
(And it does have atleast one bread dunked inside)
(How is the correct term? I dont mean slice, but more...)
"Well, my younger sister framed me for my mothers death and stole the throne. I am a wanted woman in my own homeland, I run for now, but someday i will have my revenge."
i stare down into the bowl filled with milky liquid "wondering" what it could be. im getting really hungry though and have no other options, its not like i didnt swallow a few pints last night anyway. I pause for a moment, the reality of my current circumstance and how much ive changed the last day to even consider this, before tilting my head back and downing the entire bowl quickly. i notice a strange sweet taste and smell radiating from it. i feel slightly warmer and light headed after handing back the bowl to cupcake
(a biscuit maybe lol)
While you tell your short story, she draws some sharp breaths "Ohh, that sounds horrible! You are family! How could she?" - seeing you down the contents of the bowl she adds: "Oh - that was... will you need something more?"
She sound genuinly interested in your wellbeeing "There is like always too much, so i could get you another serving."
She takes the bowl, nodding to you "My story isnt that depressing. But the end is the same. No money, no place to go. I was picked up by him."
She looks into the now empty bowl, before looking back to you
"she was my younger sister, she always knew i would take the throne. shes been plotting this for a long time. i expected it, just not so soon. I think ill be getting more soon anyway, but thanks, i appreciate your concern. I hope your life here isnt too hard, he must treat you much better for you to be so cheerful"
"Hmmm. He does. And so do the patrons. Once you are marked as one of his chosen."
She twists her torso, moving her gown to the side - revealing a burn scar. A second look however reveals its true nature: Its a mark, basically a round circle with a scale in the middle, on one side what seems to be the silhoutten of a women, on the other a pile of gold, weighing equally
"You'll probably also get your mark today. The first. Which is why you need some strength."
"What?! that lunatic is going to brand me? and you just let him do that to you? oh no not me, you'll have to help me get out of here."
For a moment it seems as if she is pondering something, before a pained smile tells you everything you need to know "Sorry. I am not going to risk it, not now that ive made it. Im sure youll come to term with it sooner than later too."
Im liking what im seeing
Im sure one can find a way to end up here aswell... in due time.
my panic turns to anger as i grab the cell bars "You wretched whore! i knew you could help me out of here and you wont? youre just as bad as him!"
of course when time allows
She takes a few steps back, still looking pained "Sorry. You... you should rest up."
And she turns without saying another word, nor looking back, leaving you to your own in your cell
i slump down to my knees still slutching the bars softly, resting my forehead against them solemnly as my last chance of escape flitters away
And like this some minutes pass - she returns once more, just to deliver something to the cell opposite of yours, both clearly avoiding to look at you and no longer dilly dallying around, return to where she came from quickly.
i look up at her but she doesnt look back in my direction, i refrain from speaking anymore, nearly regretting my harsh words, knowing she is a kind soul simply fearing for herself, not willing to stick her neck out for me, an ill tempered stranger
And thus more time passes. Without any windows, just getting illuminated by levitating orbs of light in the hallway it is hard to figure out what time of day it is. After what seems to be an eternity there is a new rattiling on your door - you are not quite sure what to make of it. An about 7 foot tall, hairy gnoll, which has muscles everywhere the hair is not covering, is unlocking your cell. He reaches for your chain, undoing the lock at the back while holding onto the end. He does not look like hes able to speak, and him just slightly tugging on the chain, waving you with him enhances that feeling.
i look up at the horrid beast surprised, id never seen something so ghoulish up close, but i dare not speak out against it. I rise and follow im reluctantly as he pull the chain to my collar out of the cell
Following him proves to be an ordeal itself. He is smelling like a wild beast, tugging at inappropriate times, leaving you no thought. Guiding you back to the main room you can see that its mostly empty, par two maids swiping the tables, and the couch which has been occupying the center stage has been moved to the side, making way to 3 pillorys, eerily waiting for their inhabitants. That does not seem to be your goal though, for it goes further, back into the corridor. You can see the door at the end of the hallway... so close to freedom. But you also know what awaits at the other side - and you are not even sure its unlocked, seeing the main room empty before. Your captor turns to the door on the left, ducking to not hit his head, and pulls you with him. It reveals stairs, dug straight into the stone below, leading downwards towards heated air...
How are you doing!
(with a question mark instead)
(ooh i love pillorys)
(dark basements are good too though lol)
(ehehe, glad that little teaser had it intended effect)
Fine! Although i lost a bet which had me ruin today... thats in the past. Now im enjoying some RP, as one can see. What about you?
my neck already hurting from the hard jerks the beast has given me, i try to follow him closely but he has me on a short leash, im still naked and covered in dried cum from the night before. i sillently hope theres a bath down below waiting for me but i expect something much worse. i try to stay stable on the stone steps as my legs shake and my captor jerks me along unnecessarily
Doing well, no wagers on my side. Added a new action
He has you nearly slipping, but luckily for you its near the ground, so you can find proper footing. Getting already led through the next door, you finally realise where he has taken you: A big, hot smithy straight in the basement. There is a big hood above, letting most of the dark smoke escape, but its still unbearably hot. The walls are covered in chains, much as the one you are wearing, although some have padding, some are for the wrists... there are several tools of the trade scattered about, and a hammer rests on the anvil next to the actual fire. A grim looking dwarf is currently heating a forging blank and throws the gnoll a quick nod, ere continuing his work. In the far end of the room there is a small stool, with cuffs on the ground. And a familiar face waiting for you.
"There you are~ i was wondering if you wouldnt com"
My tone is mocking and spiteful, as i clap my hands together "Hope you got some nice rest, hehe. So we can finally begin."
Hmm... i wonder which one.
Hopefully something nice
Awww, some air blowing.
I guess that counts as nice, seeing other possible outcomes.
i look around at all the metal contraptions, some look a lot more comfortable than what i have on, i wonder if it would be better just to submit for better treatment, then curse myself for considering giving up my strong elven pride and giving you the satisfaction you so crave out of spite. "I could rest easier with an actual bed."
i say angrily followed by some hesitation
"Oh, that could totally be arranged. In due time, that is. After we have taken all that useless pride and resistance, and turned it into silent obedience."
I point at the floor, and the big hunk moves you forward, pushing you down onto your knees, over the stool, soon locking your wrists to the ground - all the while i gloat, never looking away from that face, oh that spiteful face~
i look up at you, bent over the stool on the cold ground, ass sticking out in the air. "hmph, like ill ever be obedient to a lowlife like you!"
"Say what you will. I actually quite love breaking confident ones... Xoril! The iron."
To your dislike the dwarf nods, pulling out a long, slim iron with what seems to be a sign at the end out of the fire, beaming red and radiating heat, and hands it to me
i look up at you with sheer panic as my eyes widen "wait wait wait, no you cant use that on me! Flesh markings are forbidden by the elves!"
you see me start to struggle against my iron bonds and i nearly fall off the stool causing my round ass to shake abruptly
I give the gnoll a demanding nod, and he grapples your waist with his hands, holding you steady as i walk up to your back, running my eyes over your naked shoulders "Alas, we are not elves. So your rules dont apply to us. Stay still - you wouldnt want us to do over. And neither would i. Draw breath!"
With that i push the iron onto your shoulderblade, its heat sending a sharp pain through your body, as flesh sears with a little hissing sound... the pain becomes unbearable, you feel like surely they are ripping your body apart... and it stops. With a throbbing, burning burn on your back, still hurting painfully but nowhere near as hard as before
i cry out in searing pain, made doubly worse by knowing ill never be able to retake the throne with marking like this, and knowing i'd been branded like a piece of meat to be used
I lay over the stool silently, still recoiling from the physical pain but surprised at how fast its starting to feel better
I rest one arm on my knee, bowing down to see my handywork "Very nice... now you truly are one of my girls. The lowest of the low, but still. There is no way back now."
The finality of my words weighs heavy. "And thus i name you... "
i ponder for a moment, as i undo your shackles "Blubberbutt. For that fat ass of yours, hehe. Just the right name."
I chuckle to myself "Get her up Taz. Have some fun - but make sure she stays in good shape. We will need her later."
The gnoll nods, pulling on your chain once again, beckoning you to follow
still shocked from my branding, my mind is clouded and im unable to retort as normal. i only move to follow the beast once he pulls harsh on my leash, nearly knocking me off balance but i manage to stay up to follow him, i look back at you spitefully as we go up the stairs, fat ass shaking with every step
i dont seem to notice, putting the iron into a bucket to cool, chatting friendly with the dwarf who seems not as happy to be held back from his work. You on the other hand get guided back to your room. Nothing has changed on the way, and once you are back in the cell, your chain fastened to the wall, you realise what i ment when i offered Taz to have fun, as the gnoll pushes you against said wall, using just a single hand to dominate you fully, restricting your movement as his other hand drops his rags, revealing whats below
"hey wait! just get out of here you ugly beast!"
i try to squirm away but my collar is on a tight leash to the wall and im already pressed up against it
i look up at him and wonder exactly how intelligent this thing could be to understand your more complicated commands
*If there is something more intelligent like a dog below that skull, he atleast doesnt show. What he gets over to you without a problem however is his need - just a few grinds against your ass is all he needet to get to full mast. And a mast it is. Hes hung like a bull, bigger than your underarm, thicker than your fist... hes a beast through and through. And the smell - now that his dominator faces upwards it wafts through your nose, and you can imagine your nosehair disintegrating from his manly musk - no, stench even, for so strong it is. And its so veiny... the biggest one seems to be larger than your finger even!"
i look back and my eyes shoot open when i see the behemoth "whoah what, what the hell is that? I dont know what you think youre doing with that thing, it'll never fit anywhere in me!"
i recoil and turn my head around at the smell as my eyes water slightly
He does not heed your protest, trying anyway at your pussy - but true to your word he doesnt fit. For a moment it seems like hes actually going to stop... that is until he sucks on his thumb, forcing it into your ass right after, churning around
(hey this guy wants to pop in for a turn i know were in the middle of something right now, what would you have me tell him?)
(Depends. Define "pop in"?)
(probably just to use whichever end isnt already being used)
(hmm... he could. Although it would fit better once we are at the pillorys.)
(true i just figured its getting late for you and this would be the climax for the night)
(Ehehe, if theres something ive fucked more than subs its my sleep rythm. But fine - ill take that offer. He can slip in as one of the guards looking for some relief)
(And while he does ill take a hop to the bathroom. brb)
i cry out as my sore ass recoils and clenches against the strange unusually large thumb suddenly thrust into it with no hesistation
quite the opposite lol
Do you know the overall situation?
But im a great guard
His goal becomes pretty clear pretty quickly - he is going to fuck you one way or another, and he has chosen your sorry pucker. Soon his index finger joins in, spreading you open, and something akin to a smile washes over his face...
Happens to be my territory
im not sure, can you read back from before you joined
Thatss going to take ages...
i know i just wasnt sure if you can only see stuff from after you join i dont join public matches ever lol
no he doesnt have to
You can see stuff even from before. To quickly sum it up - she is the hostage of a brothel owner who just got brandmarked and is about to be ravaged by a 7 foot musclewall of gnoll.
Ill watch you two have fun, see some masterful sub domination
I would call it masterful, rather forceful.
id call it both for sure lol
"wait wait, not there! not dry!"
i cry out trying in vain to squirm away as he grabs ahold of me tighter as he starts to stretch me more and more for that unhumanly large pillar of veinly meat
And soon you can feel his fuckrod once again, this time prodding against your ring... and once again he is unable to enter, grunting something unintelligible, clearly frustrated with the situation at hand. So he spits onto your ring, kneading it a second time, getting it nice and wet
Now with the spit you realise that his fingers are actually quite skillful, tracing along the walls of your pucker, calming it down and relaxing it, making it easier to slide.
"its not going to work you stupid animal!"
i yell out at him in anger as the flared blunt tip pushes forcefully in vain against my tight ring. The additional stretching and lubrication start to make a difference as it actually starts to find the right spot and push hard instead of just sliding up or down off of it like before with every attempted thrust
i reach back and try to push against his abdomen to relieve the insane pressure on my tight ass
Its like pushing against a building made out of flesh, and from this angle you couldve thrown cotton balls instead, not stopping him the slightest bit. That does give you a nice feeling for his muscles, his skin... unlike his wild and rugged fur its actually quite soft. Your thoughts get cut off by another attempt made on your ring - and finally you can feel your spincter submit to his knocking, opening up as inch after inch enters your depths, filling you with both his meat and warmth... and beeing this big, it pushes against your walls, and you can feel him pulse in rythm with his own heartbeat. Thud. Thud. Thud. Each one sending both pain on your beaten ring and pleasure on your walls. Pleasure? You are unable to finish that idea, for he is pushing further, forcing out your air from below like a punsh into the guts
i take my hand back off of him, giving up on stopping the rolling tide and grip the wall infont of me with both hands, clutching tight and trembling from the pain of the immense stretching "AAAAAHHHH OH GODDESS! PRESERVE ME!"
i cry out as the beast finally get his swollen flared tip past my tight hole, locking him inside and starts to thrust deeper and deeper precum from his grapefruit sized balls already helping lubricat the incredibly right fit. i can feel my heatbeat in my ears as my heart beats faster than ever before
Your shouting has earned you some tired groans from the cells around, but there are more pressing matters at hand - the cock you are currently skewered by is one of them. And he is getting what hes looking for, picking up the pace as his pre makes sliding easier and easier, and your ring burning like fire accomodates for his size, taking his form. Each time one of his bulging veins pops outside it feels a little better - but each time it comes back in the pain resumes. One looking from outside would not call this lovemaking, far from it. This is just like rutting a bitch, she has no say in it, while he dictates the pace.
Would you like to slide in around now? Or would you rather come once the gnoll is finished?
Ah i apologize, ive been watching. I believe my best course of action is after the gnoll has left so that i may keep both my heads where they belong
Oh, fret not. Hes very docile once he gets what he wants... and towards his owner, hehe.
i look back through teary eyes from the immense stretching "he must be almost all the way in, but i cant feel his balls hitting me?" i think looking back, i see that hes only in me up to the medial ring in the center, and i have much more thicker veinier cock left to squeeze in. i let out another shrill yell, followed by gasping in moaning to the rhythm of the huge cock as its pulled out to the flared tip threatening to pop out before thrusting harshly inward with complete disregard for the pain its causing
(I get the feeling you want it even harder... alright.)
One hand reaching for your neck he pulls you backwards onto his cock, while the other reaches around your waist like a fleshlight, pumping you up and down on his cock. Pulled away from the wall you have nothing to rest against, and gravity itself works against you, forcing his ring against yours again... and again.. and again. You fear yourself ripping apart, just before he gives you another pull downwards, and slowly and extremely painfully his ring passes yours... further and further... making you feel nauseous. That gets even worse as he pulls out far, thrusting back in again in one single motion, and finally you could feel his weighty balls slap against your pussy, however everthing below your waist feels like its on fire, sore, exhausted... and he seems to be going strong, now using his entire length to make himself feel good. Its not a very rythmical fucking, instead its thrust, pullout.... thrust pullout... slamming inside. His breathing does begin to roughen up though.
as his grip tightens on my neck i reach up and grab his huge hand with both of mine, but i doubt he even felt my attempts to release his iron grip. im helpless in his grab, no longer holding up most of my weight as he rocks me back and forth in his tight grab, i cry out with ever rough thrust, only to gasp in sharply every time he pulls out giving me room to breath. a noticable bulge can be seen rising up my stomach every time he hilts that behemoth inside me, his huge full balls sending tingles of pleasure through my ass and legths with every slap against my ignored pussy. sweat quickly covers my skin as it starts to turn red from the most unbelievable fucking of my lifetime
Realising you clenching every time he chokes you he continues to do just that, his knuckles turning white as his grip shuts tight, giving him that tightness around his member that he oh so craves. The words of the Merchant seem to be clearly forgotten now, only his bestial need to breed and his fuckflesh are all that matter. Your vision fades... that is when his grip releases, giving you desperatly needed air. But for a single breath, his hand fist again. The other one on your waste fondles the bulge every time it pops up, rubbing himself inside of you. Just like that you can feel hid thrusts get more erratically, and finally after what seems to be an hours of fucking his cock throbbs hard, shooting his bounty like a gun into your guts, making you feel like throwing up - shot after shot after shot. And the grunting - as if someone had slaughtered a cow, echoing through the room, earning another few annoyed groans from the other cells
i begin to shake hard unable to cry out due to the tight hand twice the size of mine clamping on my neck, but i feel a rush of pain mixed with... pleasure? as his medial ring is squeezes in and out of my ass with every thrust and his balls slap hard against my pussy it clenches hard on nothing before i cum hard with the beast as he unleashes a torrent of cum deep in my ass. what feels like a gallon is pumped into me and quickly spills out around the massive member dripping town my thighs and onto the floor forming a huge puddle. my body shakes and rocks from my first orgasm from penetration, and it wasnt even my pussy. i go completely limp in his hands as he holds me before him still hilted
Just like that he keeps holding you, shaking in his embrace, and he bows down, claiming your lips, his thick cowlike tongue forcing its way inside wrestling yours around. He gives you another thrust here and there to get it all out, each time forcing a lot of cum out around his shaft. Unbeknownst to you he is already softing, having bred his bitch, but your innards have stopped giving you any helpful information, having been pounded to mush. Once soft enough he just slides out, cum splattering the floor staining it for days to come, and he lets you just drop to the ground as he picks up his rags - and is gone already, door closed behind, giving his fucktoy not a thought in the world.
Don't mind me taking notes in the back, I need creative inspiration lol.
i dont blame you im in awe
So am i. I do love your follow ups~
i slump forward into the puddle on the floor, half conscious, still twitching with my quivering ass still left up in the air, slowly dripping out the remaining cum to join the growing puddle on the floor. my mind is completely blank and i barely notice the beast leave so quickly.
How about now, silver?
aw thanks but they pale in comparison
I dont think so. While i have many nice words, your descriptions are very vivid and craete a strong image in ones mind.
oh thank you! yours are just so much more creative
some of that stuff i was mad i didnt think of first lol
Thank you just as much~
i think silver fell asleep
Ye, feels like it.
Do we want to cut here for today?
Id be very thankful. Its getting hard to think.
that was a good read guys! thanks for the show
of course! sleep well and rest up after that impressive performance
Gladly~ dont be a stranger sarah, hehe. Your prof looks interesting.
i'll be waiting!
Alright. Also, Soliana
We could try allowing our logs to show from the first game
Since this didnt make anyone cry out too.
(though im not 100% certain)
yeah a lot of people passed through and no one complained
it made me cry out when touching myself imagining the rp lol
Thats the good kind - not the one i was thinking about.
he has such a way with words doesnt he
😂yes he does ❤️❤️❤️
I cant deal with compliments
Takes a good partner to bloom too.
you deserve it though!
fr im spoiled now like who else am i gonna play with
the sketchy merchant has a soft side too 😊😏
Cant talk for the males, but i told you some of the mtf and females that i found good.
There is this dragon guy
Who looked very promising
Just cant remember the full name
very helpful without a name lol
was dragon in his username or was it the picture?
just a second...
He had lots of deep rp with Anna, another good rpler id say.
you can tell just by his profile length 😂
Might want to give him a shot. Also, i have set our last game to readable and listed for public. However, itll need your consent too Soliana.
no pressure Soliana but I'll never forgive you if you don't
the kinda guy that would say geez louise?
Ah, i guess you dont know how? Click my face, scroll down to the bottom, "Read logs" of our game, and there are 3 options - you want to check the first 2
We just had some friendly banter between us
I came in and out - but I am SO IMPRESSED with both of you
it was immersive
Please, im turning red over here...
Grinning like an idiot
alright ill take a look, i talked about some irl stuff but i guess it doesnt matter if everyone knows what a slut i am irl too lol
its like having my own personal writer
Nothing of that was anything to be ashamed off.
(I play dnd and my dm is a professional horror writer. This is ABSOLUTELY on par with his stuff - although minus the horror!)
(Ohh, color me interested! That does sound like hes writing his own campaigns?)
what a coincidence
(except for the gnoll who literally didn't fit and tried anyway - what a nightmare)
(I assume a mixture of lovecraft and dnd?)
(you are not wrong)
(It's horror for the janitor who has to clean 20 metric tons of cum on the floor)
(eyyy,,, good taste.)
(There is no janitor. >:) )
(Its fine, its high fantasy. Diseases are not a thing! ... hopefully.)
(yeah that was rough lol, i have spent a lot of time in the ai dungeon thats my only other expericence with this type of writing)
(What ai dungeon?)
In all seriousness I was really impressed - the rp was fantastic.
(its like a text based game but its ai generated so you can do anything including adult stuff obvi)
(that does sound like fun. Text based games are so wide in variety... though the ai generated part is what worries me)
thanks ruckus! stop by the brothel any time and maybe you can join in at the right moment
Hi everyone
We actually wanted someone to come in as a guard, but he bolted from what it seems.
He feared the gnoll... as if he would go for his pucker.
(I guess i missed 4 hours of fun lol)
Although.... thinking
silver, never to be trusted...
(no, I don't know, riffing)
the whole time it kept getting more and more graphic and i kept looking over here at your old message saying hes "mostly docile"
(alright. I got a mate who was bolted on by either silver or sam or something.)
Soliana, I will give that some thought...
Its not like he would go for guards.
He got some bit of intelligence
takes a glance at four hours of rp I'm not sure how in debt I want to get to the merchant
Just dont piss him off.
I do need some bounty hunters
dont be an attractive little elf i suppose
he had me for almost 6 hours last night lol
Something you might be able to read if Soliana decides to share~
beautifully done
I wish you all a good night.
rest up please! you earned it twice over
alright sarah ruckus and alex i presume, not sure what you could all still be doing in here lol. ill probably end up making this public in a couple minutes if anyones interested
it's a great story, you should
yeah it continues over from our even longer one last night you guys will probably really like too if you liked this one
alright, bye you two! dont worry sarah its going public!
thanks for the praise, eventhough i know it was mostly directed at our talented apparently amateur writer friend here