As Winston explained in this thread, Eropets tournament is being discussed to give it a renewed and engaging format, but still keeping its core concepts.
Winston figured that it would be really helpful when making the penalty and punishment lists to gain some insight on why people like certain kinks. So let's start with something relatively simple and broad!
Why do you like femdom? Is there a particular aspect or sub-kink related to it that you especially enjoy?
Before answering this question and the next ones that will come in the next days, i ask you to take a look at these ground rules, in order to keep the discussion easy to manage for us tournament staff:
No joke answers.
Detailed answers preferable. "Because women are hot" isn't really useful to the discussion.
If you agree with a person's statement, you don't have to repeat it, just quote the message with a "👆" to their post so that I know that many people feel a particular way.
If you want to get into a discussion about someone's reply, please create a different thread, or join our Discord server. Otherwise, please submit your answer to the question and nothing else.