Hello, dear friend. And thanks for coming by to my mansion. Are you good? Would you like a glass of wine? No? Well, let's start.
I am Romantic. That's my name and that's my lifestyle. I am a kind and polite gentleman, whose goal is giving pleasure to my partners. I do it because I am kind and I do it because pleasure is power, and there is no more great sign of power then make someone to cum.
My preferences you ask? I usually play as a polite dom character, but I am open minded: as I said before, my goal is to give pleasure and, If my partner like to dominate or to be treated meany, why should I refuse her request?
I really love roleplay and I love create stories and situations for me and other players (irl I am a Dungeon Master and a writer for hobby) but I am always intrested in ideas and suggestions of other people.
I am heterosexual and i like women, but for games and roleplays I am open to face cross-gender characters and transexuals.
So, am I satisfied your curiosity? No? Do you want to know more about me? Well, I can talk you about my kinks.
- Sexfight;
- Competitions;
- bets;
- roleplay;
- almost anything the partner likes. At the moment I have only a few situations that I prefer do not use (non-consent, toilet play, pedophilia, necrofilia and similars)
I like being dom, but, I can be sub if you play it well. Until now, just two ladies were so skillful to make emerge my sub side. Their name is secret and I will not tell anyone.
I have loved many women in my life, but some of them are so special that I decided to share my life with them and unite together in the bond of marriage. We are happy together and we are building a family, with children and love. I bless God everyday for the love they have for me and for eachother.
Wild Rose
The night when the hunter met the prey none of them tought that their lives would have changed forever. Aria my beloved wife. I met her when all my hopes seemed lost. We were destined to kill eachother and keeping the hate that had poisoned both our species... still, something else happened and love found a way to unite what should have been separated. We made love. We swore to always protect eachother and we became husband and wife. Nine months after that beautiful night, my sweet Aria gave birth to our first children, the twins Dian and Dante.

The first time I saw Lady Oscar she seemed to me beautiful and far away like a star in the sky. Before I could realise it, I was burning of love for her, conquered by her cute body and powerful mind. A senseless love, since I thought she could have never loved someone like me. But I was wrong. I dunno why she loves me back, but I am happy. Her heart full of passion can give me the highest pleasure or make me sink in the deepest despair, but I can accept it. She accepted to unite her life with me and Aria and, until I will be able to make them happy, I will be so.

Bloody Rose
Lust... she was the first I met. For a lot of time, we were friends and rivals. we fought many battles both against eachother and side by side. Until she won he true battle. The one ofr my heart and the ones of Aria and Oscar. Lust became my third wife, the bloody rose. Power and love in her hands... as the true queen of Succubi she is.

The Malaspina Family

The Malaspina family is one of the most ancient noble families of Eroland, since legends say that the first Malaspina of Erofight City came as m the Condottiero of a mercenary unit back into XV century. I am the actual leader of the family, that now is a political and economic power, but there are many members of it.
- Christine is my sister, but we hate each others. I promised my parents to take care of her but it's not easy cause she is costantly trying to take away from me the people I love and she likes to give me pain. She is trying to destroy my life, but... but I think that I still feel something for her. She is my lil sister after all, and I hope that one day she will repent for her sins and we will become a family again;
- Lisbeth Rose is my protegee. I raised her after her parents died and she is like a daughter for me. She acts tougth and she faces many dangers in her work as detective, but for me, she will always be my little Dragon Rose...
- Drake the Dragon Half : Drake is my brother in law, cause his wife and my wife are sisters. What is he for me? Mmmm.... hard to tell. A rival... a friend... a silly lizard... maybe something like a brother. We fight all the time and do death duels all the time, but we respect eachothers. But dont' tell him anything, or he will become even more annoying....
- Anna: Anna is the sister of my wife. She is a succubus, while my wife is a Saber girl... a strange family indeed! She is the older sister and, sometimes, I think she is also the wisest of the two (she is a princess, after all). I respect her and I think that her smart mind is the perfect combiation with the wild nature of her sister.
You ask about my work? Well, a boring topic, my friend but maybe I have something intresting to tell you. My wife Aria and I have decided to join the Scarlet's House of Lust and now we are one of her couples of worker, reserved for threesome.
After the "coup d'etat" that Cherry, Scarlet's daughter organized against her mother, we decided to join her new brothel
Feel free to contact us to ask for our service!
*I am also the "Talent scout" of the brothel Cherry asked me to look for the best workers around. If you think you are worty, let me test you... *
And now... ah, about my roses: I knew that you would have asked it!!
Black roses:
Black roses are all women and transgender who have lost a match against me. I give them a black rose, not for mocking them , but as a sign of respect. Some of them will be forever my favourite.

- I defeated Lust after a very hard Hentai Match. EDIT: I was able to defeat her again when she was Hentai Champion. She were bothh way stronger than the first time ve had met but, in the end, I was able to win once again. Now Lust is a Yellow Rose, my loyal Enchantress ;
- I defeated Pidgeon in a Classic Match. She was good, but not good enought;
- Horny Slut fights and losts in classic mode. Now I am her master.
- Dixie Clemets, my favourite wrestler/cowgirl/sheriff, put up a great fight with her riding skills, but, in the end, she was the one who shot first ;-) ;
- when I said to Charly II that she could't handle me, she didn't belive it. Then, we fought and she belive me (you are still great, Charly dear!!)
- Katarina, the redhead bounty hunter, came to me to collect a bounty on my cock. I collect her and make her my student. Now I am training her in the way of sexfight.
- I and Jessica had a strange fight. She made me cum so quick that I almost looked llike a premature ejaculator, than I made she cum two times in just a few minutes. I think we will need a rematch to settle this...
- I caught the panda-girl Hsiako while she was trying to rob in my mansion. I challenged her to a sexfight for her freedom and she lost. Now she is my personal pet.
- Battle Sister Silvena and I had a long match that slowly turned in a sweet lovemaking session. I guess in the grim dark future there is only love... 😘
- Ashley Graham did an incredible match. So far that, even if she lost, I think she deserved better. I think I will challenge her again...
- Moira had basically won me. She had the match in her hands, but she decided to let me win cause she wanted to be submitted. Moira, I will wait for another match to see if tou are worty of the white rose. EDIT: she won our second match. Now we will do a best of three to see if she will become the first futa white rose.
- Chloe Catt, the cute rookie. She is a quick learner and a natural-born roleplayer. I think we should keep an eye on her: she will soon become a champion for sure!!
- Emile Roseberry, my favourite rookie, came to me asking for the white rose, saying that she was able to take it from me without problems. After a long session of wrestling, I make her cum without receiving a single orgasm. Despite this, I admired so much her courage that I accepted to become her trainer and wrestling manager.
- Regie was so shy and cute. I loved how she submitted so helplessy to me...
- Avery's body was already covered by black roses when we first met: how could she win?. Still in a night of Moonlight Shadows, we had a great match.
- Jessica Barton (make a bow to her) the Dark Queen fought a titanic match. Even if she lost, in the end, she deserved her crown. Of black roses, of course. EDIT: Jessica tried to have a revenge against me inciting a rebellion of my servants. After a very close fight, I was able to defeat her and to suppress the rebellion. Now the Queen is a yellow rose, the "Abra", the mistress of all my female servants. They will fear her whip...
- Tenten the sexy ninja was the Wrestling Champion. I challenged her and I toke her belt. It was a close match, so she has all my respect;
- Nekole and I fighted and fucked on the ring. She was good and it was a close match, but I had promised her the fuck of her life and I never fail to fufil a promise!
- Luisa Stone bet her freedom in a one side match. Despite her best effort, she lost and she received the black rose and the yellow one;
- Zee tried to defeat me and lost. Then she tried again and lost. If she will want to receive a third loss, I will be ready!
- Nicole and I fought for the sixth match of Day's Tournament Extravaganza. She wanted so much my cum and I gave it to her... after her total defeat. Now she is a yellow rose.
- Angel Maddie is a lovely and shy angel, new in this world. When we met, she was so sad and in need of protection: how could I refuse her my help. I toke her with me in my mansion, making her a yellow rose and strarting to give her the training she need to survive in this cruel world.
- The sweet kitsune Naotsume challenged me for the belt of Hentai Champion that I was defending. It was one of the toughtest sex battle of my life. Nao was full of skills and resources. Her mind the one of a master strategist. her body a gift from the heaven. I had to give all I had to be on par with her but, in the end, I was able to win. She swore me loyalty as a yellow rose and now she is the personal chambermaid of my wife Aria.
- Jane the Sexfighter challenged me for the Hentai Belt. She was tought and full of skills, but she was defensless against my romantic love. She surrendered to the pleasure and we spent the rest of the day cuddling toegheter. What a cute girl!! Edit: Jane challenged me again and lost again.
Now she is a yellow rose, my herald.
- Katrina challenged me for the belt too, but lost. Better luck next time!
- Prin'Sha was a T'au female fire warrior who was trying to infiltrate in the Imperial Palace of the Emperor of Mankind. As Capitan General of the Adeptus Custodes I toke her prisoner and toke her to the dungeons... but there something happened and... well, let's say that we are planning to see eachothers again. Valhalla is not so far away from Holy Terra...
- Sasha "Titan" Panther is for sure the phisically stronger woman I have ever met. A gigant with the strenght of ten men... at least!! She out up a great fight for taking my hentai belt, and, knowing that I was way less strong than her, I had to use all my skills and charm in order to fight her. After a close match, I was able to give her all the pleasure her massive body was able to handle, making her surrender. A great fight with a great... and big woman!!
- Katie is a cute little girl with an unexpected competitive side. She challenged me and fought a good battle, that ended with her cumming at my command, having the best orgasm of her life. I am happy to have meet her. She is really good at aftercare and cuddles^^!
- Lilith is a proud and strong mercenary. She accepted my challenge and face me in a fierce sexfight. In the end, I was able to overcome her with my love, strategy and charm and she accepted to become a yellow rose. I will give her the opportunity to get free... if she will be able to do it.
- AJ Lee is still a rookie, but a cute one. She fought, but in the end, she lost. I wish her to become a great fighter.
- Lily is a cute neko looking for a master. Despite this, she did a sweet and fierce fight, surrendering to me in the end. Now she has a gentle master and I have a new lovely yellow rose.
- Ropes&Cuddles and me had a quick game, that I won, but I still feel that she deserved better. I hope to meet her again and show her the true power of my love...
- Elena and me met at a really boring party. I was seduced by her cuteness and she agreed at coming to my mansion.We shared a beautiful night together in the pool and, after she cum, she agreed to become a yellow rose. Now she is my personal chambermaid.
- Jeanne, a cute and stubborn girl who approached me for Hentai training. She lost and lost and lost... but the more she lost, the more she learned, until she became a great gamer. I was so impressed by her skills that I decided to take her as a yellow rose, my Hentai sparring partner.
- Anaìs come to me in her "Ghost" form saying that she would have been the first diamond rose! We faced eachother in one of the cutest fight I have ever had. In the end she lost and, instead of a diamond rose, she collected a yellow one, becoming my bodyguard. Too bad, Ana: but you are free to try again when you want!!
- Jack the Ripper was the ruler Hentai champion. I challenged her and faced her in a hard fight. Maybe I would have losed if my wife Aria didn't show up to offer me her support. So I won and tamed the fearsom Ripper, making her a yellow rose. Will she worty of the role that was of my beloved Mia?
- Red Mistery Girl was the ruling GOTH champion and was about to break the record for the longest reign when me met. I knew it would have been a great game, but it turn out it was even better. A long, sensual and intense rp, where we really gave all ourselves. Red was an incredible opponent and even a better lover. I won, but even if I had lost, it would not mattered, cause I had already winned the moment I met her.
- Blair the witch challenged me for my hentai belt. She was stubborn, proud, sexy and she had many magic tricks (her clone was really
sexy powerful weapon). After a long battle, with the help of my living rose, I was able to defeat and submit her . Now she has swore hel loyalty to me and Lust, becoming a yellow rose and her Assistent Enchantress.
- Slut Alexia is a funny sissy in need of cuddles. We had a lovely game that ended with me winning, but also with the promise to meet again. She is cute and kind and I hreally hope to see her more.
- Alexiah had with me her first true game on Erofight. I did my best to be sweet and caring and she gave me such good moments that I will not forget. Who won? Is really that important?
- Miss Jenna is one of the greatest women I have met on Erofight. Our game was long in preparing, but she was worty every single istant of waiting. Lovely, passional, cute... what can I say: I feel lucky I have been able to face her and I look forward to our next moment together.
- Lina is a proud and cute fighter, always ready to put herself ina game, with the support of her wife Cammy. We met many times and I have been able to win them, but I feel she is getting better and better. Soon she will become a force to be reckong with in Erofight City.
- Diana Adams had been my partner in the Winter Tournament 2021 and we faced eachother again in the EroPets Tournament 2022. We had a passionate fight, worty of Diana, who is a wonderful but cute girl. She put all herself in a struggle that impressed me to the last, even if I ended victorius. But I know, Diana: she is destined to have her victory one day. And that day is not far away.
- Erofight is a great place, full of funny and great people. Neverthless, from time to time you meet someone special, someone who can take your breath away and give you something you didn't belive it could exist in the first place. Alissa is one of these people. We met the first time when we were team members in the EU Tournament 2021, but we faced for the first time at the EroPets Tournament 2022. "Face" is not the right verb, cause ours was not a fight, but a moment of passion like a few I had before. Alissa is special, a girl caring only to give her partner the pleasure they need, doing it with a kindness and a passion that can take the heart of every man and women. Thank you, Alissa. I will not forget the night you gave me.
- VanessaM is a strong fighter, proud of her muscular body and of how she is able to make men and women submit under it. Her gorgeus, strong appearence put me in a difficult position (yes, I love muscular woman) and her skills proves quite the challenge, but, in the end, I was able to prevail. This did not discourage her and, as the warrior she is, she just complimented for the good battle and told me that she would have got stronger for our next encounter. VanessaM is really the kind of opponent you hope to find in your path!
- Lily R is a subby, cute girl, who looked for someone worty of taking care of her. After some resistence, she melted and offered herself as yellow rose. She will take more happyness in the Mansion as personal Maid of my wife Lust
- Mel is a really cute girl who had already proved herself taking the hentai belt by storm. Admiring her spirit, I decided to challege her . We had a really close fight where she was on the lead, until I was able to strike a last attack and win. I was Still i mpressed and I asked her to become one of my Yellow Roses. She accepted and now she is my Nurse, the ones who takes care of my childrens.
- Tanya is a strong and super-sexy girl, one of the veterans of Erofight. We met eachother in the Halloween Tournament 2022, during a costume party that was turning into an orgy. We became the center of the orgy and started to have sex at the same pace with the music. It was a magic night full of passion, where all the skills of love and sex were showed to the eager crowd. In the end, Tanya cum twice for me, gifting me with her divine pleasure. I hope we can meet again soon and share the same passion.
- Scarlet Fire is a wild wrestler that has recently joined Erofight City gaining a great fame for her strong and passionate attitute. I was intrigued by her streak of victories and the things that I had heard about her I challenged her and faced her in a public fight. I was not disappointed: she honored her name with a hot and wild fight that pushed us both to our limits. She scored a first win by making me cum, but I was able to match the odds. In the end, I was able to win, but I am the first to recognize how close it was. Scarlet has all my esteem and I hope to meet her again in the future, knowing that she has all the skills needed to begome a great champion and lit Erofight on fire.
- Lysa was a surprise. I have looked at her from afar for a while, intrested, but maybe too shy for ask. Unusual for me, but she is the kind of beauty that makes you think before going too close, cause you feel you could burn like a candle. When I found the courage, she accepterd to spend the night with me. As I thought, she was the fire of s star, but one where be burnt together. Thank you, Lysa. I hope we can meet again.
- Red is a proud and skillful fighter, always ready to face the thoughtest opponents to prove her might. Me and her met in a couple of occasions, but it was the second time the one that truly tested my might. She was WILD and she was able to milk me again and again, putting my stamina at one of my hardest tests ever. In the end, my skills helped me survive the onslaught and to conquered the prize, her strong and amazing pussy. Yet, don't think that only cause I defeated her she will be a push up: she eats champions for breakfast! ;).
- Virgo is the princess of Dragonia, the sister od Prince Draco himself! Me and her met in my first travel in the Kingdom and shared a long night of love, that gave her some children of mine. Traditions of Dragonia, I suppose. Our lives belongs to others, yet, the memory of her will always be with me and I hope I will meet her again one day, as I hope that she will be happy when we will meet again.
- Gela is a new futa sexfighters who is new in town and who is making a name for herself. She asked me to teach her how to dominate other and I was happy to do it... with my body. It was a fun and sweet night and Gela showed me that she is a quick learner and a natural born talent. I am sure many people will feel her skills on their sking and will crave for her to give them more!
- Sassy Selena is one of the sexiest people I have ever met. Her body is gorgeus and tanned, with the best thigs in all Erofights City. But she is way more of this: a funny a smart woman, a natural born sexfighter and in general someone you cannot not fall in love with. We have been partners for a while and we first had a competition in sexfight during the Classic Tournament 2023. I won, but, who cares? Selena is more then a simple Sexfight opponent. More like she is made by the same stuff dreams are made of.
- Cora canvas is the mean girl of Erofights... well, she says it, but in truth she is a big softie! I met her in phase 3 of the Classic Tournament 2023 and I have been really impressed by her care for her partner and for all the people involved in the tournament itself. Our moment of passion was short, but I hope to meet her again: a brief glance of beauty is not enough to satisfy my desire...
- Horny Angel Susie came to me in the worst day possible, despite us facing eachother in the Eropets Tournament 2023, yet her kindness and innocent lust made my day. From a depressing period that I just wanted to end in a great day that I hoped to never end. Thank you, Susie. I hope I gave you even just the 10% if what you gave me and, if I didn't, I hope we can meet again so I can finally give you what you deserve,
- Muchin is one of the phisically strongest fighters of Erofights, yet she always shows great honor and kindness in her fights. She was a believer of the survival of the fittest in the ring and she thought that only pure strenght can win a sexfight. So, I made my mission to prove her that kindness and love are even more powerful that phisical strenght and I challenged her in a sexfight to the last. It was a close fight, one where I was really close to being dominated, but in the end, it was my cock the one who pinned hers to the ground in defeat. She accepted my belief and, as a sign of respect, I welcomed her among my Yellow Roses, as Syndacate Leader.
- Amelia is one of the cutest people of Erofights. Seriusly, she goes around, swinging her tail and swinging her cute girlcock like the happiest girl on Earth. How can one not love her at first sight? If you meet her, make sure to treat her with the kindness and respect someone like her deserve. And then be happy, cause she is truly an agent of happyness.
- Mika the Kitsune is well... a kitsune (what a twist, huh?). She is a happy girl movign around Erofights City, hunting like only kitsune can do. We met in occasion of the Halloween 2023 Tournament and I must admit she was just a blast. What our fight ended you ask? Well, ask her directly if you dare. Let see if the predator will let you go...
- Iona is the pupil of Silvena, the prodigy of the Order of the Sineless Soul. So much, that she was able to overthrone her Goddess, losing control of herself in the process. Before she could do too much damages, it accurred to me to walking in the temple and I had to face her to save the sitution. She was too strong, truly someone to be proud of if you are her trainer: the only reason I won was that my love for my loved one gave me the strenght to face her and teach the secret of true pleasure. Now she is free, with no more bindings taking her and only love as her purpose. And I wish her ti find what is she looking for...
- Lady Dusk is an incredibly talentuous and determined wrestler. Maybe she is still a little "green", but she has all the enthusiasm of the youth and a sponge-like mind able to learn immediately everything is taught her or she meets in combat, no matter if it's sexfight or wrestling. I have high hopes on her and, mark my words: she will make her name be cheered in glory by the crowd soon.
- Zenya is a jackal woman, who has arrived in Erofights City looking for preys. After having knocked out some low level opponents, she aimed for the big target and came to me. But, at least for now, I proved to be on a completely other level and made her cum into oblivion with ease. But she has potencial and she is a gorgeus and funny woman, so I decided to take her in the Mansion and train her into becoming a better fighter. Someone could say it is a bad idea... but I don't care. Having under your hands a flower that could blossom into something great and refusing to do it for fear would be a carnal sin. And I am not a sinner.... not that kind of sinner.
- Jenna is a sweet woman always ready for a laugh and a rumble. A true joy of nature, vibing of a sensual entusiasm that left me eager for more. A moment with her is tastier than any victory;
- Mia Li is a strong wrestler who is quicly raising the ranking of Erofights City and is doing he her best to become... well, THE BEST. This is why she asked me for a training, a thing that I was happy to give. She thought she was quite good in the fighting department, but she lacked the focus about the sex. And it was true, as our fight proved, since she was incredibly skilled in tossine me around, but her body could not handle my lovely lovemaking. Yet, she is training really hard to compensate for it and I am sure that the next time we will meet, she will be an opponent to be reckon with!
- Betina is a sweet young lady from a mysterious asian country. After we met, we teased eachother a lot until we accepted to face in a fight to decide if white cocks are better of asian cocks (it was a game, don't be offended, people!). In the end, I was victorious and made her cum ahegao so many times! She is truly a remarkable person: under the bratty appearcence, she is just so deliciusly needy. A pleasure for a fine connoisseur. If you meet her, don't let the chance of having fun with her slip away! She will be more than worthy your time!
White roses:
White roses are the one who were able to defeat me. All of them earned my respect. Some of them my servitude. I hope to challenge all of them again, to test my skills once more.

- MisKate gave me my first defeat, but she was so kind and cute that I enjoyed it like it was a victory. She subdued me and I think that, one day, she will reclaim her prize...;
- Lara Croft collected from me my treasures and my rose. I tryed my best, but she was too tough for me. This is what I deserved for having tryed to become a villain, istead of being a gentleman!!
- Jackey was sweet and sub for all the match, but, in the end toke out unexpected skills and make me cum twice first. Well done, dear. Well done.
- Fucktoy defeated me twice. The second time I cum twice in two turns. Her boobs are something of a legend!!! EDIT: I had a rematch with Fucktoy and I was able to defeat her after a very close match. She was so sure to win that she bet her freedom and now she is my second Yellow Rose.
- Musashi defeated me in a wrestling match. It seems that a real superhero never fails!!
- I challenged Masako for the Hentai Champion Belt. We both had two orgasms, but, in the end, her ass was too much to handle for me. Now I will serve her. Untill we will meet again...
- Lilith Rose (Goddess Lilith for me) defeated me so easily in our fight. Now I am her servant and she is my mistress. EDIT i defeated Lilith and was able to regain my freedom back. She is a strong and proud warrior, so I think that our little faude has just begun...
- Sweet Rey ... I got way too cocky thinking I could beat her but the audience prooved to be too much pressure for me and I lost to her amazing curves. EDIT: for our second meeting, it was the sweet Rey who got cocky and fall easily under my power. Now it's time for a third match to settle our little faud...
- I met Fit Anna twice. Both times she defeated me and I cum helpessy on her divine body while she broke my mind. She is for sure the strongest of all the white roses. For now...
- I contacted the lucky hunter Aìfe to make yellow rose ut of her. Unfortunaltely for me, she was too good and she made me cum with a cowgirl ride how I had't seen in a while. Unlycky for her, my defeat make me want to submit her even more...
- Charly, clever girl... we were at the same point, until she got me distracted with irl instructions. When I realized that it was a trap, it was too late... EDIT: another game, other irl istructions. But this time I have mastered them and I was able to turn the table and make Charly begging for letting her cum. I will wait for the next time, dear...
- Ciel. My beloved Ciel. I wait for her for a long time but she was worty every single istant of waiting. We faced eachother for the War of the Roses. She won the first match, so now she has a white rose, while I wear a necklage with a dark golden stem and blue jewel petals and dark demon horns which links the chain together,
- Ariana: she was incredible. She beated in the ring Lisbeth and, when I challenged her to free my protegee, she beated me too after a really close match. After the game we bargain and I was able to free Lisbeth from her slavery and Ariana also accepted to be her assistant as a yellow rose. I think that no one could helpe Lis better than her. EDIT: I was able to defeat Ariana in a training fight. We need another game to settle this.
- I challenged Alisa in order to take from her the belt of Hentai Champion. The match was really close, but she prevailed and I become her sixth successfil defence. After the match we had a very... intense aftercare, where we shared even more passion and our thoughts. In the end, we decided that this will not be our last fight. The feud between the two lovely rivals has just begun...
- I met Gina during the EU Tournament 2021 . I gave all myself in out fight but, in the end, she was simply too much to handle. Despise the defeat and my broken promises, I am glad to have met such a majestic woman and I hope to face her again one day, when I will be worty of it...
- Vadania challenged me for my second defence of the GOTH belt. It was a close fight and we both gave all we have, but her amazing ass and pussy proved too much for me to handle. She really deserved the title of champion and I know that she will prove herself again and again. I Hope to meet her again.
- Kayoko the gamer girl... under her hoodie there is the body of a cute kid... but her skills are the ones of a champion. I faced her for defend my hentai belt, but she was able to resist my charm and my abilities, making me cum in her tight and pretty pussy. I have no hard feelings for her: she deserved it and I just hope to face her again soon.
- Diane the Witch.... there are few ones like her... she is a cunning strategist, a gorgeus woman and a cute lover. We fought a close battle where our charm and stratedies were equal... until she won fair and square. I think she is the strongest Hentai fighter of Erofight and I can't wait to get better and mesure me against her again.
- Vivian is a cute futa with a kind and soft attitude. A mommy for some of her supporters. I tested her with pleasure and, despite she reaching an unexpected victory, I was really satisfied. She won, but she still decided to become one of my yellow roses, a new maid. I will love having her around...
- I met BDSM Stacy in the Winter Tournament 2021. We both gave our best in one of the closest matches I can remember. In the end, despite my best effort, she was able to win, earning her spot amongst the white roses and a victory ride that left me totally drained, but satisfied. I hope to meet her again soon and test my might against her.
- Me and the legendary Teacher Shirley teased eachother for months, until we were finally able to face eachother in a wild game. It was close, if was hard ad it was really exciting, but, in the end, Shirley teached me a lession with her amazing body. She earned my white rose and we left promising eachother that we will meet again. I think this is the beginning of a feud... the kind I love.
- AsianLove Akari and her band of sexy Korean idol challenged me for the Hentai belt. I was the champion, the nr. 1 in the rank and I was sure to easily defeat these squad of wild rookies. But I was wrong: supported by her passion and by n impressive teamwork (and by my kink for group sex) she was able to overcome me and take my precous belt. Well done, sexy idol. Will you sing another song for me in the future?
- Lilin was the Classic champion when I challenged her. We faced in a close fight on the beach, that ended underwater. There, despite all my best efforts, our confrontation cock vs cock ended with hers bein stronger than mine, that cummed helplessy first. Lin proved to deserve the title of champion, but next time I will show her I am a champion too!
- Beth Wagner was an expected opponent. She showed up at the end of EU Tournament 2022 both to fight the tiebreaker that would have decided everything and to settle an old grudge betwen the Malaspina family and hers. I mean, if all the grudges of the world were settled in a sexfight, would't this be a better world? We had a really close fight, but, in the end she was able to make me cum hard and took the tournament for herself and the judgment for her family. Good work girl, but you won't be so luck next time!
- Demon Goddess Eva took the soul of my beloved Silvena from me and kept her imprisoned in Hell. After months of preparation I went there and challenged her. It was a really close fight and I was about to win, but, in the end, her power was too much for me to handle. I would lost everything, my firnd, my honor, my pride, if hadn't been for a help from the fate. After that, me and Eva went into better terms and now we share Silvena between our realms for her own good.
- Ah, Lanay... I will let her to tell everyone our first, magic encounter: "After some time spent waiting and teasing Roma and Lanay finally had their match. Though what began as a need to show dominance turned into a beautiful night under the moon, making poetry on Roma’s private beach alongside the ocean waves. The passions were high and both artists sought to be each other’s muse. Back and forth went the tides of this match, the fiery passion of Lanay vs. the subtle teasing of Roma. In the end, passion won the day as Roma had no choice but to worship his Goddess. Lanay was the victor…this time."
An Ebony Goddess for her strenght and for her heart.
- Gwen the White Queen. I have admired her for so much time, since the beginning, when I was just a shy rookie, until one day she gave e the honor to face her in a night that I will always remember. She was simply... royal, taking all I was able to give her and more, making me touch peaks of pleasure that few times I had seen in my life. In the end, she owned me and drained me limp, but I can see that it was totally worthy. Not only for the pleasure, or the chance to see someone like her at work, but cause I gained her respect too. Thank you, Queen: I hope we will meet again.
- Despite being a rookie, Chlo proved to be quite a surprisingly good opponent, taking my third GOTH belt from me at my second defence. Good work, dear: I am sure we will hear about her more in the future!
- Hua is one of the most beautiful women I have ever seen, a fierce daghter of the Dragon that embodies all the virtues of her people. Me and her fought in a battle for the pride of our contries and, in the end and despite all my best efforts, herho asian pussy was superior to my white cock. Yet, defeat means nothing if it gives you some time with people are amazing as she is. I hope we can meet again, for love, competition or poetry... only time will tell.
Yellow roses
Yellow roses are black roses who are submitted into servitude. Some of them are black roses defeated more than once, others bet their freedom and lost. For all of them, "Sir Romantic" is a owner kind but severe

1) when we meet in a chat or we talk in dm you call me "Sir" or "Sir Romantic";
2) write in your bio that we fought and you lost and that now you are my yellow rose;
3) if I ask you to have a game with someone else to avenge or protect another rose, you have to do it. Obviusly, if you have other things to do irl o planned match, you can refuse;
4) do whatever you want, but don't humiliate or enslave people of my family or friends. If you have doubts, ask.
5) if someone enslave, humiliate or torment you, you can ask my help. I will take care of it mysef or I will send another yellow rose to protect you.
Mia was a wild hunter and breeder. I noticed her and challenged her in a competition to see who was the apex predator. It was a one side match as I broke her and force into servitude. She is the first yellow rose and she is my master executioner. My enemies will fear her scyte.
(In loving memory of Mia. Missing in Action)
Jessica Barton after been defeated a first time, she tried to get her revege with a servant rebellion and betting her own freedom on a new fight. After I defeated her, I made her my Abra, my mistress of female servants. Now she wear a yellow rose belt which can be used as a whip, so she can make sure that no other servant will ever dare to rebell against me again.
Fucktoy defeated me when we first met. This made her so cocky that, when I ask for a rematch, she bet herown freedom. She lost and now she is a yellow rose. She is the first maid and she takes care of the most important rooms of my mansion.
Luisa Stone give me a one side but funny match. She was so sweet and, after I defeated her, we couddle a little. When I propose her to become a yellow rose she was so happy!! Now she is my second maid, the one who takes care of my meals, expecially my breakfast.
Ariana she beated both me and my protegee Lisbeth, but she accepted to be a yellow rose. She is now the assistant of Lisbeth in her work as detective and I know that they are an unstoppable force toegheter.
Nicole met her destiny in the sixth match of Day's Tournament, where I fucked her into submission and servitude. Now she is a Whip-Girl, the one who is punished instead of Jessica Barton and the one who is punished by Jess to show other servants that rebellion is useless. I am almost sad for her. Almost.
Angel Maddie the shy and lovely angel came to to my mansion in need of protection and training. I accepted her as one of my servants and I give her all the love that such a beautiful person like her deserve. Being and angel, she is the Chaplain of the house. Since she has been with us, we have been able to feel the peace of the heaven in our hearts...
Lust was the first opponent I fought here on Erofight. A proud succubus, ready to make me submit. I won and for much time our paths didn't crossed. Then she become Hentai Champion and I challenged her. We fought a great battle: charm against superhuman strenght, lust against kindness, man against demon. And, in the end, I prevailed again. We were still rivals, but also friends and lovers. Since she betted her own freedom, now she is a yellow rose, my loyal Enchantress . Thanks to her, the secrets of magic will be no longer a mistery for me...
Where competition failed, loves won. After so many adventures together, Lust joined my marriage with Aria and Lady Oscar and now she is not a servant, but one of my wives. She is still my enchantress, but she is not a yellow rose: she is the Bloody Rose as she had always desired.
Naotsume, the sweet kitsune, challenged me for the Hentai belt and gave me one of the greatest fight of my life. I was barely able to overcome her and she earned all my rispect for her skills. After the fight, she swored loyalty to me and become my yellow rose, wearing it as a bracialet. Now she is the Personal Chambermaid of my wife Aria. I bet they will become friends soon.
Jane the Sexfighter challenged me twice and lost both times. Despite this, I appriciate her strong will and her determinations, so I decided to make a yellow rose out of her, giving her the role of my personal Herald. Now all the people who will be defeated by her will be defeated in my name.
My sweet rookie has grown strong enough to challenge and beat me, gaining her freedom back. Despite the sadness for having lose her presence, I am proud of how much of a champion she has become.
Lilith the rough mercenary was so sure that she could overcome me that she accepted to become a yellow rose. We had a close fight, but I defeated her. She respected her words and accepted to become my Gunsmith . I will keep wy words too and I will give her the opportunity to take her freedom back. She deserves it.
Despite all my efforts, Lilith was able to defeat me: I kept my words and now she is no more my gunsmit. This makes me sad, but at least we are still in a good relationship. I hope this will not be the end of our adventures...
Vivian is a cute subby who offered herself to me as yellow rose maid, despite she winning against me. She is lovely, cute and sweet. I am sure she will give something more to my mansion.
Elena is a girl so cute and polite, a sweet lovely angel, but don't let her appearence fool you about her great skills. There is a reason if I have decided to make her my personal chambermaid
Jeanne is a stubborn and skilled girl, who learned to play hentai by costantly fighting against me. Now she is (almost) at my level and, as yellow rose, she is my Hentai Sparring Partner
After some great games, me and Jeanne decided that she deserved more of the yellow rose. Now she is one of my closest friends.
Anaìs is a quite proud LITTLE girl, that faced me willing to become the first "diamond rose", since she lost, she become a yellow rose instead. She proposed herself as my bodyguard, since she said she is great at martial arts and fighting... well, at least I am sure I am safe now... at least from my belly goind down!
Jack the Ripper is a fersome warrior. When I met her, she has already conquered a little group of pets, but I was still able to defeat her and tame her pride. Since i recognize her combat skill, I have offered her the role that was of Mia: now she is my new Master Executioner
Battle Sister Silvena and me met a second time and fought a close and epic battle, that once more became a sweet lovemaking session, like just she is capable to do. In the end, I won and she become a yellow rose, the Confessor of my mansion. If you have sins to share, go to her. She will make your soul purer. Maybe.
Blair the witch was a stubborn witch who challenged me for the Hentai belt. She thought that her magic would have been enough to defeat me. She was wrong and she realized only when I made her and her magic clone cum together twice in just a couple of minutes. Since she bet her work and I still admire her abilities, I decided to make a yellow rose out of her, giving her to Lust as Assistent Enchantress.
Lily R was a cute subby looking for someone worty of taking care of her. In me she found a caring and kind master and she asked to join the Mansion in a way that could make her the closest possible to my family, so I gave her the role of Personal Maid of my wife Lust.
Mel is a cute and proud sexfighter who fought me for the hentai belt. She lost, but she proved to be so strong and skilled that I asked her to become a yellow rose. She accepted and she become my new Nurse, the one who takes care of my children.
Salira, the Dragon Princess is a travellere from a far away land that came into Eroland during her exploring. Having heard of her presence, I invited her in my Mansion for a dinner and, since we were so well together, we had a sweet night of love together. She liked it so much that she decided to stay at my place and accepted a work as Yellow Rose. Since her ability to fly and her free spirit, I chose her as my personal Messanger, so she can keep my personal messages to important people all over the world, while continuing her journey to see what our planet has to offer.
Muchin is the Syndacate Leader of the Yellow Roses. In a democracy, it is important for workers to have someone to represent them before their employer to make sure their rights are respected, even if the employer if someone so kind like I am. This is why my roses chose Muchin as their representative: her phisical prowess makes sure that she can hold any kind of hard work, while her experience and intelligence makes her a perfect negotiator. Also, if the negociations goes long, she knows we can always continue them in bed and find the perfect agreement with a swordfight. ;)
Shadow Rose
"Are you asking me to describe myself Roma? Well, I'm the untamed burning shadow of vengence, the black thorn in the Evil's hand, the scarlet fire of lust and passion, the elusive mist of freedom. That's what I think I am."
Aëlya, the shadow dragon
Aëlya... a beauty surrounded by mistery. We have known eachother for so much time, yet, I still don't know who she is. In her heart, a pain darker that a moonless night has taken roots, yet I can feel something in her, a hope that is fighting to stay alive, like the flame of a candle. This is why I became her friend and welcomed her as my guest.I will not let that hope to disappear: I know that it can lit a fire that will enlight the world like a new sun.

Lotus flower
"Sometimes, it takes a good man to put a girl on the right track, hm?"
Hsiako Jinghua
A lot of time ago, Hsiako was just a pandaren thief who tried to steal from my Mansion. Impressed by her skills and courage, I challenged her to a sexfight for her freedom. She lost and became a maid in the mansion. Not the best start, I have to admit, bu sometimes the best relationships may start from the less usual ways. The more time we spent together, the more something grew between us. She found a place to stay and the care I could give her. I found a lover and a friend. Maybe in another life we could have become even more, but I decided to give her her freedom back, so she went back to Pandaria. I thought I lost her forever... but she came back: not even the call of the adventure was enough to break the bond that unites us both. Now she stays in the mansion as my Head Maid and as one of the closest and most loved friends I have.

Golden Rose
"I am the Goddess, the cuddler of cuties"
The Goddess
One Golden Rose to rule them all... or to rule Romantic at least!
The Goddes, whose name I will not reveal, conquered me twice. One with her strenght: her divine body overcomed so many times my skills, conquering me like the warrior she is. The second time, she conquered me with her kindness. Her body can conquer a man, but it can also love him tenderly, giving him pleasures beyond immagination and a love that poets could sing about.
Now I belong to the Goddess mind, body and soul.

Purple Iris
"Few things in this life last forever, but one thing is for sure: our friendship and my respect for you run deep and eternally"
One day, many times ago, I met a girl named Jeanne. she was cocky and challenged me to a sexfight. I won, but the defeat did not scare her. She asked me to train her and I accepted. We did it for a long time: we faced again and again, me winning most of our fights, but Jeanne was proud, smart and stubborn. She learnt something from every fight, regardless for winning or losing. Until she was ready. We faced in a battle of ages and we overcome me. She was a prodigy pupil no more: she has became a master herself. We departed our ways as friends, as we still are. We respect eachother and our skills and we still test our skills when we can. As equals, as she deserves.

Asphodelus Flower
"There is no such thing as Innocence, only varying degrees of Guilt". Yet in Roma's case, the only sins I could ever find him accountable for were his unbound love and unfailling support towards all those he cared for.
My friend, never stop being who you are."
There are stories that looks like myth of the ancient times and people whose life looks more a legend than true story.
Silvena... who are you? A angel or a demon? A temptress or a saint? Frim the first moment I saw you, I knew that our life were bounded together. We have been rivals, friends, lovers and I gave you a place in my house and in my heart. I thought that would have lasted forever.
I was wrong.
One day, you just disappeared, taken away from me and from the ones who loved you and dragged to the deepest of hell. I tried to rescue you and I failed, crushed by the same evil that was cursing you. I did it again and I failed a second time, harder. Yet, in the moment when all seemed lost, the strenght of the bond that united us from the first day saved you from the damnation. And with that, it saved me from the deepest of desperation.
Now you are back again, more beautiful than ever. Ready for a new adventure and a new life. I dunno what this will lead us, Silvena, but I know that nothing wil be able to tear us apart.

Amethyst Flower
Mr man called Romantic, I stand here with you for a time of enjoyment that could be brought for both of us, I only ask that you suffer your soul and ears by listening to my rambles and occasionally randoming sounding but not all random chats about snakes."
Talking about Amathyst is almost like talking about the story of Erofight City itself. She was there when the City was built and she will still be there when it will long gone. A misteryus woman, an eldrich cultist, a necromancer always surrounded by shadows and dangerous skeletons...
Naaaaaaah! Don't let the appearences fool you: she is actually one of the best people I have ever met. She is sweet, kind and funny. You could stay with her for hours hearing her doing jokes or talking about literature and philosophy. She is also a passionate lover too, one that gives you so much care, in a way that should you push to do the same to her too. Two times I lost her, due to strange facts of life, yet both times she come back again. I dunno if this means something, is some strange, Lovecraftian god is pushing our crazy, lovely duo together for some fun beyond human comprehension, but I am happy with it.
Thank you for everything, Amethyst and may your path lead you to happiness.

Cactus flower"
"And after all
The rain will fall
On us too
But I'll keep moving on
Proud and strong
With you"
Sunny the Fennec Fox
The cactus flower, the flower that thrives in the hardest conditions and that is able to stand, beautiful, against all odds, where others would be crushed under the fury of the elements. Sunny, my sweet little fox, you are like this flower: small, fragile and beautiful, surrounded by all kinds of dangers and tribulations, yet you stand strong on your own two feet, spreading the perfume of your beauty and happyness for the ones around you. When I first saw you, you were closed in yourself, wounded and hurt, but I knew that there was something special in that little fragile fox, so I took you with me and gave you the love you needed. You didn't need a lot to start shining like the second sun you are, conquering my heart with your might and now. A sun that cannot be caged or controlled, but that must be free of shining on all the Earth, spreading happyness and warm joy.
I love you, Sunny and I will always will. May your light be always the brightest and may the strenght of the cactus flower always win on the darkness of this world, knowing that in any moment, you will have me at your side.

Saduharta Ramangini
Saduharta Ramangini... The Goddess... The Rakshasa... She has many names, but for me she is just LOVE. She came to me for work and soon we became close friends. As a person, she is kind, sweet and supportive, always ready to make you happy, but also to tease you if she is in "that" mood. As a sexfighter, few can be at her level, with her divine power fueling a gorgeous body, expecially her marvellous breast and the strongest and biggest girlcock of the entire EF (same level of Lilin... Who is her beloved coincidence? I do believe it). As a friend, she is the best I could have ever asked for. Thank you for being with me, with your happy hoots and your constant teasing. My Goddess, my owl, my love.

Ancient Oak
Not a flower, but I decided to follow the suggestion of Mercy and I planted an ancient oak, taken by the deep of the forest and I planted at the center of my garden. Here, the oak is a monument to all the ones who have been on Erofights and have left, where Mercy comes here everyday to leave her prayers. You have been part of our life and have left a sign, it doesn't matter if small or huge. You won't be forgotten and you will always be remember. Wherever you are, thank you.
Darkness, The Dark Lord is one of those I want to remember. Even if our time together was brief, you proved to be a caring and sweet person, who truly enjoyed our community and left a beautiful memory on everyone who was close to you. Thank you for having given us so much of yout brighting light and I wish all the best for you, Farewell? I hope it is just a goodbye.